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我在写一个用Python解决二阶微分方程的程序时遇到了一些麻烦。我的问题似乎是试图在 t 中包含 p(t) 函数的返回值,它输出一个数组。如果我把 dU_dx 函数中的'p'替换为 p(t) 函数本身的输出(本例中为 -2*t ),似乎可以正常工作。否则,我得到的错误是



这个函数解决了微分方程 x'' + px' + qx = 0 。这里, q p t 的函数。

它是在区间 [lp, rp] 上解决的。


  • p is a function of t relating to (in front of) x'
  • q is a function of t relating to (in front of) x
  • lp is the lower time boundary
  • rp is the upper time boundary
  • x0 is an initial x value
  • x0p is an initial x' value
  • h is a step size
  • Outputs:

  • T is the vector of times
  • X the approximate solution evaluated at the elements of T
  • def my_sode(p, q, lp, rp, x0, x0p, h):
        #You may not modify any code above this line
        T = arange(lp, rp + h, h)
        p = p(T)
        q = q(T)
        t = T
        def dU_dx(U, t):
            return [U[1], -(p) * U[1] - (q)*U[0]]
        U0 = [x0, x0p]
        Us = odeint(dU_dx, U0, T)
        X = Us[:,0]
        #You cannot modify anything below this line!
        return T, X

    Using this block of code works fine.

    def p(t): 
        return 0 
    def q(t): 
        return 1 
    # this is the actual solution
    def sol(t):
        return sin(t) 
    x0 = 0 
    x0p = 1
    lp = 0 
    rp = pi 
    Tt = linspace(lp, rp, 10)
    T1, X1 = my_sode(p,q, lp, rp, x0, x0p, .2)
    T2, X2 = my_sode(p,q, lp, rp, x0, x0p, .1)
    plt.plot(Tt, sol(Tt), 'r*', T1, X1, 'b:', T2, X2,'g')

    This block of code produces the error.

    def p(t): 
        return  -2 * t 
    def q(t): 
        return  2 
    # this is the actual solution
    def sol(t):
        return t 
    x0 = 0 
    x0p = 1
    lp = 0 
    rp = 1 
    Tt = linspace(lp, rp, 10)