
function copyToClipboard(element) {

var $temp = $("");


$temp.val($(element).html()).select(); //Note the use of html() rather than text()





function copyToClipboard(element) { //Note, element should be a node rather than a jQuery instance.

var selection = window.getSelection(), //Get the window selection

selectData = document.createRange(); //Create a range

selection.removeAllRanges(); //Clear any currently selected text.

selectData.selectNodeContents(element); //Add the desired element to the range you want to select.

selection.addRange(selectData); //Highlight the element (this is the same as dragging your cursor over an element)

var copyResult = document.execCommand("copy"); //Execute the copy.

if(copyResult) //was the copy successful?

selection.removeAllRanges(); //Clear the highlight.

alert("Your browser does not support clipboard commands, press ctrl+c");

假设您的所有样式都是内联的,您需要获取元素的html而不是文本.就像是:function copyToClipboard(element) {var $temp = $("");$("body").append($temp);$temp.val($(element).html()).select(); //Note the use of html() rather than text()docum...