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You can securely connect to the Blob Storage endpoint of an Azure Storage account by using an SFTP client, and then upload and download files. This article shows you how to enable SFTP, and then connect to Blob Storage by using an SFTP client.

To learn more about SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage, see SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) in Azure Blob Storage .


  • A standard general-purpose v2 or premium block blob storage account. You can also enable SFTP as you create the account. For more information on these types of storage accounts, see Storage account overview .

  • The hierarchical namespace feature of the account must be enabled. To enable the hierarchical namespace feature, see Upgrade Azure Blob Storage with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 capabilities .

  • If you're connecting from an on-premises network, make sure that your client allows outgoing communication through port 22 used by SFTP.

    Enable SFTP support

    This section shows you how to enable SFTP support for an existing storage account. To view an Azure Resource Manager template that enables SFTP support as part of creating the account, see Create an Azure Storage Account and Blob Container accessible using SFTP protocol on Azure . To view the Local User REST APIs and .NET references, see Local Users and LocalUser Class .

    Portal PowerShell Azure CLI

    This option appears only if the hierarchical namespace feature of the account has been enabled. To enable the hierarchical namespace feature, see Upgrade Azure Blob Storage with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 capabilities .

  • Select Enable SFTP .

    To enable SFTP support, call the Set-AzStorageAccount command and set the -EnableSftp parameter to true. Remember to replace the values in angle brackets with your own values:

    $resourceGroupName = "<resource-group>"
    $storageAccountName = "<storage-account>"
    Set-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName -EnableSftp $true 

    To enable SFTP support, call the az storage account update command and set the --enable-sftp parameter to true. Remember to replace the values in angle brackets with your own values:

    az storage account update -g <resource-group> -n <storage-account> --enable-sftp=true

    Disable SFTP support

    This section shows you how to disable SFTP support for an existing storage account. Because SFTP support incurs an hourly cost, consider disabling SFTP support when clients are not actively using SFTP to transfer data.

    Portal PowerShell Azure CLI

    To disable SFTP support, call the Set-AzStorageAccount command and set the -EnableSftp parameter to false. Remember to replace the values in angle brackets with your own values:

    $resourceGroupName = "<resource-group>"
    $storageAccountName = "<storage-account>"
    Set-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName -EnableSftp $false 

    To disable SFTP support, call the az storage account update command and set the --enable-sftp parameter to false. Remember to replace the values in angle brackets with your own values:

    az storage account update -g <resource-group> -n <storage-account> --enable-sftp=false

    Configure permissions

    Azure Storage doesn't support shared access signature (SAS), or Azure Active directory (Azure AD) authentication for accessing the SFTP endpoint. Instead, you must use an identity called local user that can be secured with an Azure generated password or a secure shell (SSH) key pair. To grant access to a connecting client, the storage account must have an identity associated with the password or key pair. That identity is called a local user.

    In this section, you'll learn how to create a local user, choose an authentication method, and assign permissions for that local user.

    To learn more about the SFTP permissions model, see SFTP Permissions model.

    This section shows you how to configure local users for an existing storage account. To view an Azure Resource Manager template that configures a local user as part of creating an account, see Create an Azure Storage Account and Blob Container accessible using SFTP protocol on Azure.

  • In the Add local user configuration pane, add the name of a user, and then select which methods of authentication you'd like associate with this local user. You can associate a password and / or an SSH key.


    While you can enable both forms of authentication, SFTP clients can connect by using only one of them. Multifactor authentication, whereby both a valid password and a valid public and private key pair are required for successful authentication is not supported.

    If you select SSH Password, then your password will appear when you've completed all of the steps in the Add local user configuration pane. SSH passwords are generated by Azure and are minimum 32 characters in length.

    If you select SSH Key pair, then select Public key source to specify a key source.

    The following table describes each key source option:

    Option Guidance Generate a new key pair Use this option to create a new public / private key pair. The public key is stored in Azure with the key name that you provide. The private key can be downloaded after the local user has been successfully added. Use existing key stored in Azure Use this option if you want to use a public key that is already stored in Azure. To find existing keys in Azure, see List keys. When SFTP clients connect to Azure Blob Storage, those clients need to provide the private key associated with this public key. Use existing public key Use this option if you want to upload a public key that is stored outside of Azure. If you don't have a public key, but would like to generate one outside of Azure, see Generate keys with ssh-keygen.

    The existing public key option currently only supports OpenSSH formatted public keys. The provided key must follow this format: <key type> <key data>. For example, RSA keys would look similar to this: ssh-rsa AAAAB3N.... If your key is in another format then a tool such as ssh-keygen can be used to convert it to OpenSSH format.

  • Select Next to open the Container permissions tab of the configuration pane.

  • In the Container permissions tab, select the containers that you want to make available to this local user. Then, select which types of operations you want to enable this local user to perform.


    The local user must have at least one container permission for the container it is connecting to otherwise the connection attempt will fail.

  • In the Home directory edit box, type the name of the container or the directory path (including the container name) that will be the default location associated with this local user.

    To learn more about the home directory, see Home directory.

  • Select the Add button to add the local user.

    If you enabled password authentication, then the Azure generated password appears in a dialog box after the local user has been added.


    You can't retrieve this password later, so make sure to copy the password, and then store it in a place where you can find it.

    If you chose to generate a new key pair, then you'll be prompted to download the private key of that key pair after the local user has been added.

    Local users have a sharedKey property that is used for SMB authentication only.

  • Decide which containers you want to make available to the local user and the types of operations that you want to enable this local user to perform. Create a permission scope object by using the New-AzStorageLocalUserPermissionScope command, and setting the -Permission parameter of that command to one or more letters that correspond to access permission levels. Possible values are Read(r), Write (w), Delete (d), List (l), and Create (c).

    The following example set creates a permission scope object that gives read and write permission to the mycontainer container.

    $permissionScope = New-AzStorageLocalUserPermissionScope -Permission rw -Service blob -ResourceName mycontainer 


    The local user must have at least one container permission for the container it is connecting to otherwise the connection attempt will fail.

  • Decide which methods of authentication you'd like associate with this local user. You can associate a password and / or an SSH key.


    While you can enable both forms of authentication, SFTP clients can connect by using only one of them. Multifactor authentication, whereby both a valid password and a valid public and private key pair are required for successful authentication is not supported.

    If you want to use an SSH key, you'll need to public key of the public / private key pair. You can use existing public keys stored in Azure or use any existing public keys outside of Azure.

    To find existing keys in Azure, see List keys. When SFTP clients connect to Azure Blob Storage, those clients need to provide the private key associated with this public key.

    If you want to use a public key outside of Azure, but you don't yet have one, then see Generate keys with ssh-keygen for guidance about how to create one.

    If you want to use a password to authenticate the local user, you can generate one after the local user is created.

  • If you want to use an SSH key, create a public key object by using the New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPublicKey command. Set the -Key parameter to a string that contains the key type and public key. In the following example, the key type is ssh-rsa and the key is ssh-rsa a2V5....

    $sshkey = "ssh-rsa a2V5..."
    $sshkey = New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPublicKey -Key $sshkey -Description "description for ssh public key"
  • Create a local user by using the Set-AzStorageLocalUser command. Set the -PermissionScope parameter to the permission scope object that you created earlier. If you're using an SSH key, then set the SshAuthorization parameter to the public key object that you created in the previous step. If you want to use a password to authenticate this local user, then set the -HasSshPassword parameter to $true.

    The following example creates a local user and then prints the key and permission scopes to the console.

    $UserName = "mylocalusername"
    $localuser = Set-AzStorageLocalUser -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -UserName $UserName -HomeDirectory "mycontainer" -SshAuthorizedKey $sshkey -PermissionScope $permissionScope -HasSharedKey $true -HasSshKey $true -HasSshPassword $true
     $localuser.SshAuthorizedKeys | ft
     $localuser.PermissionScopes | ft

    Local users also have a sharedKey property that is used for SMB authentication only.

  • If you want to use a password to authenticate the user, you can create a password by using the New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPassword command. Set the -UserName parameter to the user name.

    The following example generates a password for the user.

    $password = New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPassword -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -UserName $UserName


    You can't retrieve this password later, so make sure to copy the password, and then store it in a place where you can find it. If you lose this password, you'll have to generate a new one. Note that SSH passwords are generated by Azure and are minimum 32 characters in length.

  • First, decide which methods of authentication you'd like associate with this local user. You can associate a password and / or an SSH key.


    While you can enable both forms of authentication, SFTP clients can connect by using only one of them. Multifactor authentication, whereby both a valid password and a valid public and private key pair are required for successful authentication is not supported.

    If you want to use an SSH key, you'll need to public key of the public / private key pair. You can use existing public keys stored in Azure or use any existing public keys outside of Azure.

    To find existing keys in Azure, see List keys. When SFTP clients connect to Azure Blob Storage, those clients need to provide the private key associated with this public key.

    If you want to use a public key outside of Azure, but you don't yet have one, then see Generate keys with ssh-keygen for guidance about how to create one.

    If you want to use a password to authenticate the local user, you can generate one after the local user is created.

  • Create a local user by using the az storage account local-user create command. Use the parameters of this command to specify the container and permission level. If you want to use an SSH key, then set the --has-ssh-key parameter to a string that contains the key type and public key. If you want to use a password to authenticate this local user, then set the --has-ssh-password parameter to true.

    The following example gives a local user name contosouser read and write access to a container named contosocontainer. An ssh-rsa key with a key value of ssh-rsa a2V5... is used for authentication.

    az storage account local-user create --account-name contosoaccount -g contoso-resource-group -n contosouser --home-directory contosocontainer --permission-scope permissions=rw service=blob resource-name=contosocontainer --ssh-authorized-key key="ssh-rsa a2V5..." --has-ssh-key true --has-ssh-password true

    Local users also have a sharedKey property that is used for SMB authentication only.

  • If you want to use a password to authenticate the user, you can create a password by using the az storage account local-user regenerate-password command. Set the -n parameter to the local user name.

    The following example generates a password for the user.

    az storage account local-user regenerate-password --account-name contosoaccount -g contoso-resource-group -n contosouser  


    You can't retrieve this password later, so make sure to copy the password, and then store it in a place where you can find it. If you lose this password, you'll have to generate a new one. Note that SSH passwords are generated by Azure and are minimum 32 characters in length.

    The SFTP username is storage_account_name.username. In the example above the storage_account_name is "contoso4" and the username is "contosouser." The combined username becomes contoso4.contosouser for the SFTP command.

    You might be prompted to trust a host key. Valid host keys are published here.

    After the transfer is complete, you can view and manage the file in the Azure portal.

    The Azure portal uses the Blob REST API and Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API. Being able to interact with an uploaded file in the Azure portal demonstrates the interoperability between SFTP and REST.

    See the documentation of your SFTP client for guidance about how to connect and transfer files.

    Connect using a custom domain

    When using custom domains the connection string is If home directory hasn't been specified for the user, it's


    Ensure your DNS provider does not proxy requests. Proxying may cause the connection attempt to time out.

    Connect using a private endpoint

    When using a private endpoint the connection string is If home directory hasn't been specified for the user, it's

    Ensure you change networking configuration to "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses" and select your private endpoint, otherwise the regular SFTP endpoint will still be publicly accessible.

    Networking considerations

    SFTP is a platform level service, so port 22 will be open even if the account option is disabled. If SFTP access is not configured, then all requests will receive a disconnect from the service. When using SFTP, you may want to limit public access through configuration of a firewall, virtual network, or private endpoint. These settings are enforced at the application layer, which means they aren't specific to SFTP and will impact connectivity to all Azure Storage Endpoints. For more information on firewalls and network configuration, see Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks.

    Audit tools that attempt to determine TLS support at the protocol layer may return TLS versions in addition to the minimum required version when run directly against the storage account endpoint. For more information, see Enforce a minimum required version of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for requests to a storage account.

    See also

  • SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage
  • Limitations and known issues with SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage
  • Host keys for SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support for Azure Blob Storage
  • SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) performance considerations in Azure Blob storage