DoSomeThing namedarg3 := 4, namedarg2 := 5, namedarg1 := 20
A value indicating that a variable contains no valid data. Null is the result of an explicit assignment of Null to a variable or any operation between expressions that contain Null.
numeric 数据类型
任何内部数值数据类型(Byte、Boolean、Integer、Long、Currency、Single、Double 或 Date)。 请参阅数据类型摘要。
可评估为数字的任何表达式。 表达式的元素可包括关键字、变量、常量和产生数字的运算符的任意组合。
任何内部数值数据类型(Byte、Boolean、Integer、Long、Currency、Single、Double 或 Date)或任何 Variant 数值子类型(Empty、Integer、Long、Single、Double、Currency、Decimal、Date、Error、Boolean 或 Byte)。 请参阅数据类型摘要。
可视为一个单元(如控件、窗体或应用程序组件)的代码和数据的组合。 每个对象均由类定义。
“代码”窗口左上角的列表框列出代码所附加到的窗体中的窗体和控件,或位于 “属性” 窗口顶部的列表框,该列表框列出了窗体及其控件。
Object 数据类型
A data type that represents any Object reference. Object variables are stored as 32-bit (4-byte) addresses that refer to objects. 请参阅数据类型摘要。
An expression that specifies a particular object and can include any of the object's containers. For example, an application can have an Application object that contains a Document object that contains a Text object.
A file with the .olb extension that provides information to Automation controllers (like Visual Basic) about available objects. 可以使用 Object Browser,以在其中检查对象库的内容以获取有关所提供对象的信息。
包含特定于对象的代码的模块,如类模块、窗体模块和文档模块。 对象模块包含其关联的对象后的代码。 适用于对象模块的规则不同于适用于标准模块的规则。
A type of object exposed by an application through Automation, for example, Application, File, Range, and Sheet. Use the Object Browser or refer to the application's documentation for a complete listing of available objects.
知道过程内传递到过程的参数所依据的变量名称。 此变量接收传递到过程中的参数。 其范围在过程结束时结束。
指定目录或文件夹位置的字符串表达式。 该位置可包括驱动器规格。
一个数学常数,约等于 3.1415926535897932。
磅的大小为 1/72 英寸。 字号通常用磅衡量。
每 14 列开始一个打印区域。 每列的宽度为选定字体磅值的所有字符的平均宽度。
A named sequence of statements executed as a unit. For example, Function, Property, and Sub are types of procedures. A procedure name is always defined at module level. All executable code must be contained in a procedure. Procedures can't be nested within other procedures.
“代码”窗口右上角的列表框和 “调试 ”窗口,显示“ 对象 ”框中显示的对象识别的过程。
代码中的语句,告诉 Visual Basic 执行某个过程。
Describes statements located within a Function, Property, or Sub procedure. Declarations are usually listed first, followed by assignments and other executable code.
A window that displays a list of the form, class, and standard modules; the resource file; and references in your project. Files with .ocx and .vbx file name extensions aren't displayed in the Project window.
A window used to display or change properties of a selected form or control at design time. Some custom controls have customized Properties windows.
对象的命名属性。 属性定义大小、颜色和屏幕位置,或对象的状态(如启用或禁用)等对象特征。
Property 过程
A procedure that creates and manipulates properties for a class module. A Property procedure begins with a Property Let, Property Get, or Property Set statement and ends with an End Property statement.
Variables declared using the Public statement are visible to all procedures in all modules in all applications unless Option Private Module is in effect. In that case, the variables are public only within the project in which they reside.
The project you directly create a link to from the current project you are working on. A project referenced by one of the current project's directly referenced projects is called an indirectly referenced project. Its Public variables are not accessible to the current project except through qualification with its project name. 只要项目之间的直接引用和间接引用不会导致整个周期,它们之间的任何组合都是有效的。
The current project. How you create a link to a project depends on the host application. For example, to directly reference a project in Microsoft Excel, select the project from the References dialog box of the Tools menu. Public variables in a directly referenced project are visible to the directly referencing project, but Public variables in a directly referencing project are not visible to a directly referenced project.
在 Microsoft Windows 版本 3.1 中,OLE 注册信息和文件关联存储在注册数据库中,而程序设置存储在 Windows 系统初始化 (.ini) 文件中。 在 Microsoft Windows 95 中,Windows 注册表充当用户、应用程序和计算机特定信息(包括以前的 Windows 版本 3.1 注册数据库和 .ini 文件中包含的信息)的中央配置数据库。
Visual Basic 项目中文件扩展名为 .res 的文件,可包含位图、文本字符串或其他数据。 通过将此数据存储在单独的文件中,可在无需编辑代码的情况下 更改信息。 仅可有一个资源文件与项目关联。
在代码正在运行时发生的错误。 运行时错误在语句尝试无效操作时发生。
运行代码的时间。 在运行时期间,不可编辑代码。
Defines the visibility of a variable, procedure, or object. For example, a variable declared as Public is visible to all procedures in all modules in a directly referencing project unless Option Private Module is in effect. When Option Private Module is in effect, the module itself is private and therefore not visible to referencing projects. Variables declared in a procedure are visible only within the procedure and lose their value between calls unless they are declared Static.
An initial value used to generate pseudorandom numbers. For example, the Randomize statement creates a seed number used by the Rnd function to create unique pseudorandom number sequences.
Single 数据类型
A data type that stores single-precision floating-point variables as 32-bit (4-byte) floating-point numbers, ranging in value from -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values, and 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values. 感叹号 (!) 类型声明字符在 Visual Basic 中表示 Single。 请参阅数据类型摘要。
Visual Basic 用于在过程调用期间保留局部变量和参数的固定内存量。
A module containing only procedure, type, and data declarations and definitions. Module-level declarations and definitions in a standard module are Public by default. A standard module is referred to as a code module in earlier versions of Visual Basic.
语法完整的单元,表示一种操作、声明或定义。 语句通常占用一行,但可以使用冒号 (:) 在一行中包含多个语句。 还可以使用行继续符 (_) 将单个逻辑行继续到第二个物理行。
A comparison of two sequences of characters. Use Option Compare to specify binary or text comparison. In English-U.S., binary comparisons are case sensitive; text comparisons are not.
Any constant (defined using the Const keyword) consisting of a sequence of contiguous characters interpreted as the characters themselves rather than as a numeric value.
String 数据类型
A data type consisting of a sequence of contiguous characters that represent the characters themselves rather than their numeric values. A String can include letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation. The String data type can store fixed-length strings ranging in length from 0 to approximately 63K characters and dynamic strings ranging in length from 0 to approximately 2 billion characters. 美元符号 ($) 类型声明字符在 Visual Basic 中表示 String。 请参阅数据类型摘要。
计算结果为一系列相邻字符的任何表达式。 字符串表达式的元素可以包括返回字符串、字符串文本、字符串常量、字符串变量、字符串 Variant 的函数,或返回字符串 Variant (VarType 8) 的函数。
Sub 过程
A procedure that performs a specific task within a program, but returns no explicit value. A Sub procedure begins with a Sub statement and ends with an End Sub statement.
检查代码是否采用正确的语法的功能。 如果启用了代码检查功能,则在输入包含语法错误的代码时显示消息,并突出显示可疑代码。
输入 Visual Basic 未识别的代码行时发生的错误。
请注意,单个关键字的语法规则在关联的帮助主题中的"语法"部分定义。 若要从开发环境内获取有关关键字的帮助,请选择关键字并按 F1。
Tab 键顺序
按 TAB 或 SHIFT+TAB 时焦点从一个字段移动到下一个字段的顺序。
可理解为时间的任何表达式。 这包括时间文字、看起来像时间的数字、看起来像时间的字符串和函数返回的时间的任何组合。
时间存储为实数的一部分。 小数右边的值表示时间。 例如,正午 (12:00 P.M.) 由 0.5 表示。
等于 1/20 磅的屏幕测量单位。 缇是独立于屏幕的单位,用于确保屏幕应用程序中屏幕元素的放置和比例在所有显示系统上均相同。 每逻辑英寸有约 1440 缇,或每逻辑厘米(打印是测量一英寸或一厘米的屏幕项的长度)有约 567 缇。
附加到变量名称的字符,表示变量的数据类型。 默认情况下,变量的类型为 Variant,除非模块中存在相应的 Deftype 语句。
另一个文件内包含可用于自动化的公开对象、属性和方法的文件或组件。 对象库文件 (.olb) 包含类型库。
国际标准化组织 (ISO) 字符标准。 Unicode 使用允许 65,536 和不同字符空格的 16 位(2 字节)编码方案。 Unicode 包括标点符号、数学符号、丁贝符的表示,并由大量的控件可用于将来的扩展 。
通用日期格式为 #yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss#
。 但日期组件 ( #yyyy-mm-dd#
) 和时间组件 ( #hh:mm:ss#
) 均可单独表示。
Any data type defined using the Type statement. User-defined data types can contain one or more elements of any data type. Arrays of user-defined and other data types are created using the Dim statement. Arrays of any type can be included within user-defined types. 请参阅数据类型摘要。
可包含可在程序执行期间修改的数据的命名存储位置。 每个变量都具有在其范围内唯一标识该变量的名称。 可指定数据类型,也可不指定。
变量名称必须以字母字符开始;在相同的范围内必须是唯一的;不可超过 255 个字符,并且不可包含嵌入期间或类型声明字符。
Variant 数据类型
A special data type that can contain numeric, string, or date data as well as user-defined types and the special values Empty and Null. The Variant data type has a numeric storage size of 16 bytes and can contain data up to the range of a Decimal, or a character storage size of 22 bytes (plus string length), and can store any character text. The VarType function defines how the data in a Variant is treated. All variables become Variant data types if not explicitly declared as some other data type. 请参阅数据类型摘要。
计算结果可以是数字、字符串或日期数据的任何表达式,以及特殊值 Empty 和 Null。
A user-defined expression that enables you to observe the behavior of a variable or expression. Watch expressions appear in the Watch window of the Visual Basic Editor and are automatically updated when you enter break mode. The Watch window displays the value of an expression within a given context. Watch expressions are not saved with your code.
窗体上的控件沿窗体的 z 轴(深度)的视觉分层 。 z 顺序确定哪个控件位于其他控件的前面。
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 术语
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