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public: System::UInt32 MaxValue = 4294967295;
public const uint MaxValue = 4294967295;
val mutable MaxValue : uint32
Public Const MaxValue As UInteger  = 4294967295

Valeur de champ

Value = 4294967295 UInt32


L’exemple suivant utilise les MinValue champs et MaxValue pour vérifier qu’une Int64 valeur se trouve dans la plage du UInt32 type avant d’effectuer une conversion de type. Cette vérification empêche un au moment de l’exécution OverflowException .

long longValue = long.MaxValue / 2;
uint integerValue; 
if (longValue <= uint.MaxValue && 
    longValue >= uint.MinValue)
   integerValue = (uint) longValue;
   Console.WriteLine("Converted long integer value to {0:n0}.", 
   uint rangeLimit;
   string relationship;
   if (longValue > uint.MaxValue)
      rangeLimit = uint.MaxValue;
      relationship = "greater";
      rangeLimit = uint.MinValue;
      relationship = "less";
   Console.WriteLine("Conversion failure: {0:n0} is {1} than {2:n0}",  
let longValue = Int64.MaxValue / 2L
if longValue <= int64 UInt32.MaxValue && longValue >= int64 UInt32.MinValue then
    let integerValue = uint longValue 
    printfn $"Converted long integer value to {integerValue:n0}." 
    let rangeLimit, relationship = 
        if longValue > int64 UInt32.MaxValue then
            UInt32.MaxValue, "greater" 
            UInt32.MinValue, "less" 
    printfn $"Conversion failure: {longValue:n0} is {relationship} than {rangeLimit:n0}"
Dim longValue As Long = Long.MaxValue \ 2
Dim integerValue As UInteger 
If longValue <= UInteger.MaxValue AndAlso _
   longValue >= UInteger.MinValue Then
   integerValue = CUInt(longValue)
   Console.WriteLine("Converted long integer value to {0:n0}.", _
   Dim rangeLimit As UInteger
   Dim relationship As String
   If longValue > UInteger.MaxValue Then
      rangeLimit = UInteger.MaxValue
      relationship = "greater"
      rangeLimit = UInteger.MinValue
      relationship = "less"
   End If       
   Console.WriteLine("Conversion failure: {0:n0} is {1} than {2:n0}.", _ 
                     longValue, _
                     relationship, _
End If


La valeur de cette constante est 4 294 967 295 ; c’est-à-dire, 0xFFFFFFFF hexadécimaux.