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Ryota HIYANE,出生于日本冲绳,中文名:比屋根  亮太。现任南京大学国际关系学院助理研究员。曾担任台湾大学政治系兼任讲师(2019)、台湾大学政治学系中国大陆暨两岸关系教学研究中心博士后研究员(2020)。主要研究方向为琉球/冲绳研究、东亚国际政治(史)、比较政治、美军基地、台湾研究,近期研究聚焦于日本政治思想史、中南美洲殖民史、社会科学研究方法。2005年就读于日本的国际教养大学全球研究(Global Studies)专业项目并于2010年获得文学学士学位,2010年至2020年就读于台湾大学社会科学院,学习比较政治和国际政治专业,先后于2013年和2020年获得法学硕士学位和政治学博士学位。在校期间曾赴中国大陆、日本、西班牙、葡萄牙、德国、美国、韩国等国家和地区参加十多场国际学术会议。

I am currently an Assistant Professor at School of International Studies, Nanjing University. My research interests include Comparative Politics and International Relations, with a focus on Ryukyu/Okinawa Studies,Taiwan Studies, East Asian Studies and oversease U.S. Military Bases. I received my MA and PhD degree in political science from Taiwan University in July 2013 and January 2020, respectively. Before that I studied in Japan's Akita International University, where I received my BA in Global Studies in July 2010. I was once working as an Adjunct Instructor at  Department of Political Science, Taiwan University and teaching there two courses, i.e., Political Culture and Economic Development in East Asia (in English) and International Relations on Ryukyu and East Asia (in Chinese) from February 2019 to February 2020. I also conducted postdoc research at the Research and Educational Center for China Studies and Cross Strait Relations on Department of Political Science, Taiwan University. An Okinawan Japanese who has studied in the U.S., Japan, Chinese mainland, and Taiwan, I have been believing my unlimited human potential with my harmonious characteristic. I keep continuing my research on how identities in the world have been transformed from the colonial to post-colonial world, particularly after the resurgence of China in the increasingly globalized world facing significant challenges. I look forward to leading campus and professional service activities of peacebuilding and Human Development across the planet.


教育部人文社科基金青年项目“‘ 宗主权’概念史视角下中日关于琉球地位的认知与交涉研究( 1871-1895 ”( 21YJCZH001 ),主持,2021-2024年。



1. Ryota Hiyane , Long Piao . (2023). How Japan Stabilizes for Anti-U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa: Development of Compensation Policies during the Futenma Relocation Process, Armed Forces & Society, online first (2023). 1-20. (SSCI)

2. Ryota Hiyane , Long Piao . (2023). Essential Factors in the Stabilization of U.S. Military Base Politics in Okinawa: An Application of Q-Sort Methodology, Pacific Focus , 38(1), 5-25. (SSCI)

3. Ryota Hiyane , Long Piao . (2022). Political stability and relocation of U.S. military bases in Okinawa: A case study based on in-depth interviews, Korean Journal of Defense Analysis , 34(3), 475-492. (SSCI)

4. Ryota Hiyane. 2019. Formation of the Okinawan Identity: Analysis of Social "Internal" and "External" Factors ( 沖繩認同的形成-社會「內部」及「外部」因素的分析 )”, Journal of Prospect Quarterly( 遠景基金會季刊 ) 20(4) (October 2019) 107-152. TSSCI

5. Ryota Hiyane. 2019. Intertwined History, A Fremdheit Perspective : F rom an Interview with Indigenous Taiwanese Writer Patai ( 「絡まりあう歴史、異他なる視座 台湾原住民作家パタイ氏インタビューから」 ), Journal of Cross Border Square (越境広場) No. 6 (September 2019):20-29.


1. Ryota Hiyane. 2015. Destiny of the Ryukyu Kingdom : Perspective of the "Mudan Incident" ( 琉球亡國之命運 以牡丹社事件為觀點 ) a chapter in 1874 Mudan Incident: Battle between Real Barbarians and Fake Civilized People edited by Meng Che Yang, ( 五南 Wu-nan, 2015), 46-68.


1. Ryota Hiyane. 2016. Okinawa's Reversion to Japan and Anti-Reversion: Formation of Okinawa Nationalism After the War ( 小松寛『日本復帰と反復帰 戦後沖縄ナショナリズムの展開』 ) (2015) by Komatsu Hiroshi. Journal of Next Generation Forum ( 次世代論集 ) No. 1 (March 2016):64-71.

(四) 学术会议

1.2022. Creating the World Peace: Acknowledge Coexistence of “Pre-Modern” and “Modern” Ideology, the Sixth WISC Global International Studies Conference , virtually, June 29- July 1.

2. 2021. From Ryukyu to Okinawa: Exploring A Hidden Cost of Modernization ,” the International Political Science Association 2021 Annual Conference, virtually, July 10-15 .

3. 2020. The Context of Contemporary International Relations-Religion, Colonialism, Tribute and Cold War ( 當代國際關係的前置脈絡 - 宗教、殖民、朝貢、冷戰 ),   the Winter school of Post-Western International Relations Theory , National     Taiwan University , Taipei, Taiwan, 18-19 January.

4. 2019. “Ryukyu/Okinawa Modernity in Translation: Discussing a ‘mode rn identity’,” t he Association of Asian Studies 2019 Annual Conference , Denver, USA, March 21-23.

5. 2019. “Development history of Ryukyu/Okinawa Historical View ( 琉球 沖縄史観の発展沿革 ),” the Association of Ryukyu/Okinawa History March Meeting , Okinawa Prefectural University of Art, Okinawa, Japan, 10 March.

6. 2019. “Okinawa Identity in Post-Western International Relations: Self-Image and Self-Identity ( 後西方國際關係下的沖繩身分問題 - 自我觀感輿自我認同 ),” the Winter school of Post-Western International Relations Theory , National Taiwan University , Taipei, Taiwan, 26-27 January.

7. 2018. “Vision on the China studies in Japan,” Meeting on Chinese Studies in Portugal Oral History Project , Lis bon: Observation for Chi na , Portugal, December 06-07.

78. 2018. Ryota Hiyane, Chih-yu Shih, Yen-ting Liu, Harryanto Aryodiguno. “Comparative Intellectual Histories of China and China Studies”. Transnational Research Project: Comparative Intellectual Histories of China and China Studies. Oral History of China Scholars in Spain Workshop , Madrid: Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain, December 03 -04.

9. 2018. “Modern Japan and Ryukyu/Taiwan: The case of the Mudan Incident seen from Ryukyu Kingdom ( 近代日本と琉球 台湾 - 琉球国から見る牡丹社事件 ),” the 3rd East Asia Consortium of Japanese Studies, International Research Center for Japanese Studies and Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, 26-28 October.

10. 2018. “A Study of U.S. Overseas Military Bases and Its Strategy in East Asia: Comparison between the Philippines and Okinawa U.S. Military Bases” . Philippine Studies Association 2018 National Conference, Manila: National Museum of the Philippines, Philippines, September 26 -28.

11. 2017. BIGS-OAS SUMMER SCHOOL Northeast Asia in History, Politics, Culture and Economics: Bonn International Graduate School–Oriental and Asian Studies,  Germany, July 23-29.

12. 2017. “Influence of Domestic and External Factors on ROC Policy and Position toward the Ryukyu Islands: The Dispute over Ryukyu Sovereignty(1943-1972)” . Fifth “Young Scholars Workshop” at the CCKF-ERCCT Summer 2017 , Tübingen: A CCK Foundation Overseas Center at Eberhard Karls University, Germany, July 02-07.

13. 2016. “‘Compensation Politics’ as a Vehicle for Dispute Resolution in Base Politics: A Case Study of U.S Futenma Military Base Relocation ( 基地政治の「補償型」政治分析 - 沖縄普天間米軍基地移設問題を例に ),” East Asia Consortium of Japanese Studies , I ncheon, South Korea, 30 November-02 December.
