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人味蕾中味觉细胞接受刺激后产生味觉信号,传导至中枢神经系统产生味觉,有助于机体鉴别营养物质和有毒有害物质,对人和其他哺乳动物的生存具有重要意义。多项临床研究及荟萃分析表明味觉障碍是新型冠状病毒感染的重要并发症之一,严重危害患者营养摄入与生活质量。根据味觉感知的生理学过程,味觉障碍的直接病因包括味觉感受器功能受损以及味觉神经系统损伤,间接病因包括遗传因素、增龄性变化、细菌与病毒感染、肿瘤放化疗等。味觉障碍致病因素错综复杂,且部分机制尚不明确,一些发现与结论有待考证,对临床病因诊断与针对性治疗产生极大挑战。本文就味觉感知生理过程、新型冠状病毒诱发味觉障碍的可能机制及防治策略进行综述,为建立并完善新型冠状病毒感染并发味觉障碍的综合管理提供理论帮助。 Abstract: The taste buds in the human tongue contain specialized cells that generate taste signals when they are stimulated. These signals are then transmitted to the central nervous system, allowing the human body to distinguish nutritious substances from toxic or harmful ones. This process is critical to the survival of humans and other mammals. A number of studies have shown that dysgeusia, or taste disorder, is a common complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, which can severely affect patients' nutritional intake and quality of life. Based on the physiological process of taste perception, the direct causes of dysgeusia include dysfunction of taste receptors and damage to the taste nervous system, while indirect causes include genetic factors, aging-related changes, bacterial and viral infections, and cancer treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The pathogenic factors of dysgeusia are complicated, further research is needed to fully understand the underlying mechanisms, and some of the reported findings and conclusions still need further validation. All these form a great challenge for clinical diagnosis of the cause and targeted treatment of dysgeusia. Herein, we reviewed published research on the physiological process of taste perception, the potential mechanisms of taste disorders related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and strategies for prevention and treatment, providing theoretical support for establishing and improving the comprehensive management of COVID-19 complicated by taste disorders.