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This module describes how you can terminate sessions and clean up session-related operating system processes.

This module discusses the following:

Overview Terminating Sessions Using SQL*Plus Terminating Sessions Using Enterprise Manager Terminating Session-related Operating System Processes on UNIX Terminating Session-related Operating System Processes on Windows Move your mouse over this icon to show all screenshots. You can also move your mouse over each individual icon to see only the screenshot associated with it.

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In this module you will learn how to terminate sessions using SQL*Plus and Enterprise Manager.

You should always terminate user sessions using Oracle tools. However, if the operating system process related to a terminated Oracle user session remains active, you can kill the session-related operating system process by following the appropriate steps for your operating system:

Terminating Session-related Operating System Processes on UNIX Terminating Session-related Operating System Processes on Windows

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You can terminate sessions with the ALTER SYSTEM KILL command. When you issue the ALTER SYSTEM KILL session command, you must specify the session's index number and serial number. To identify the session index number (sid) and serial number of a session, query the V$SESSION dynamic performance view as shown below. The value of the STATUS column will be ACTIVE when the session is making a SQL call to Oracle. It will be INACTIVE if it is not making a SQL call to Oracle.

Identify the correct session and terminate the session by performing the steps below:

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Identify the correct session and terminate the session by performing the steps below.

Note: Oracle Enterprise Manager 9.2 was used in the examples.

Select START > Programs > Oracle > OraHome92 > Enterprise Manager Console . Select Launch Standalone and click OK .

Expand Databases . Expand your database. Expand Instance and select Sessions . Identify the session you want to terminate.

Processes on UNIX

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The PMON background process will clean up after any user session you terminate with the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command. You can kill the session-related operating system process by performing the steps outlined below:

Issue the following query to determine the operating system process identifier (spid):

FROM v$process
WHERE paddr = addr);

If you are unable to identify the operating system process identifier (spid) from the query in step 2, you can issue the following query to help identify the correct session:

SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid
FROM v$process p, v$session s
WHERE p.addr = s.paddr
AND s.username = '<username>';

At the operating system prompt, issue the kill command and supply the operating system process identifier (spid):

kill <spid>
Processes on Windows

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The PMON background process will clean up after any user session you terminate with the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command. You can kill the session-related operating system process by performing the steps outlined below:

Issue the following query to determine the operating system process identifier (spid) or thread:

SELECT spid, s.osuser, s.program
FROM v$process p, v$session s
WHERE p.addr = s.paddr;

At the operating system prompt, issue the orakill command. Supply the SID and the thread which you obtained from the SPID column in step 2:

orakill <sid> <thread>