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Veins的好处很多,一旦掌握可以节省大量的开发时间,得到更加准确的仿真实验结果,为自己的理论提供更加权威可靠的支持。但是Veins的相关教程却寥寥无几,除了官网上的一份运行其 内置示例的教程 外很难再寻找到其他相关教程,因此很多人打开Veins后面对密密麻麻的 C++ 代码难以下手,望而却步。博主因为学业所需对其进行过一段时间的研究,真是万分痛苦!在此将自己的研究经验经过整理得到一份入门级教程奉献给大家,愿大家都能早日脱离苦海。

看教程之前先确定自己已经把官网上的 内置示例的教程 运行成功了。


首先在OMNeT++的IDE左侧有如下图所示的窗口,打开veins的项目(博主拿二次开发过的程序在讲解,可能会比纯净版多出一些文件,大家不要在意),veins内置的示例就在文件夹 examples 内:

  • antenna.xml: 对车辆天线做出配置,不用管;
  • config.xml: 配置物理层无线电传播相关参数,如示例中将信号路径衰落的模型配置为“SmiplePathlossModel”,障碍物引起的信号衰落模型设置为“SimpleObstacleShadowing”,一般使用默认的即可;
  • 3 < AnalogueModels > 4 < AnalogueModel type ="SimplePathlossModel" > 5 < parameter name ="alpha" type ="double" value ="2.0" /> 6 < parameter name ="carrierFrequency" type ="double" value ="5.890e+9" /> 7 </ AnalogueModel > 8 < AnalogueModel type ="SimpleObstacleShadowing" > 9 < parameter name ="carrierFrequency" type ="double" value ="5.890e+9" /> 10 < obstacles > 11 < type id ="building" db-per-cut ="9" db-per-meter ="0.4" /> 12 </ obstacles > 13 </ AnalogueModel > 14 </ AnalogueModels > 15 < Decider type ="Decider80211p" > 16 <!-- The center frequency on which the phy listens --> 17 < parameter name ="centerFrequency" type ="double" value ="5.890e9" /> 18 </ Decider > 19 </ root >
  • debug: 调试信息,不用管;
  • erlangen.launchd.xml: 建立与SUMO的通信,不能更改;
  • erlangen.net.xml: SUMO路网文件,跑自己的仿真时需要替换,至于如何生成请参考 SUMO官网文档
  • erlangen.poly.xml: 如果SUMO路网文件是由地图转化而来的,如从OpenStreetMap导入的,则路网文件中还将包含所选地区的建筑物的信息,通过SUMO提供的OpenStreetMap Web接口便可生成记录这些建筑物形状、大小和位置信息的配置文件,作为 config.xml 内信号衰落模型的输入;如果不考虑建筑物对于信号传播的影响则无需此文件,当然 config.xml 内的信号衰落模型的配置也要删去;
  •  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <root>
     3     <AnalogueModels>
     4         <AnalogueModel type="SimplePathlossModel">
     5             <parameter name="alpha" type="double" value="2.0"/>
     6             <parameter name="carrierFrequency" type="double" value="5.890e+9"/>
     7         </AnalogueModel>
     8     </AnalogueModels>
     9     <Decider type="Decider80211p">
    10         <!-- The center frequency on which the phy listens-->
    11         <parameter name="centerFrequency" type="double" value="5.890e9"/>
    12     </Decider>
    13 </root>
  • erlangen.rou.xml: 交通流文件,如何生成也请查阅 SUMO官网文档 ,不再赘述;
  • erlangen.sumo.cfg: SUMO运行文件,可对运行时长等运行参数进行配置;
  • omnetpp.ini: OMNeT++运行文件,后文重点讲解;
  • RSUExampleScnario.ned: OMNeT++类似于积木,一个工程项目是由多个ned文件互相嵌套组合而成的。veins作为一个基于OMNeT++的框架,其便是由层次分明的ned文件组合而成的,如果学过面向对象编程的话可能会容易理解一些,这些ned文件就类似一个个 。但是OMNeT++中更为特殊,因为ned文件只是定义了组件的结构,比如定义一辆车,ned只是描述了它包含几个对外通信的接口,这些接口的参数之类的,具体的功能还需要与ned文件同名的C++文件进行定义,比如用这些接口选择与谁进行通信,专业点就叫路由。对于OMNet++独特的ned网络语言大家还是踏踏实实看 OMNeT++官方手册 学习吧。一开始可能找不到头绪,所以建议大家去听听 这个OMNeT++基础讲解的视频课程 (要学的东西是不是很多?是不是很烦?)。这里的 RSUExampleScnario.ned 定义了OMNeT++中最大的结构——网络(network),可以看到在 omnetpp.ini 中的[General]部分对于本次仿真所运行的网络定义为RSUExampleScenario;
  •  1 [General]
     2 cmdenv-express-mode = true
     3 cmdenv-autoflush = true
     4 cmdenv-status-frequency = 1s
     5 **.cmdenv-log-level = info
     7 ned-path = .
     8 image-path = ../../images
    10 network = RSUExampleScenario


  • network: 非常关键的参数,需要替换成自己的network级ned文件;
  • sim-time-limit: 网络仿真时间限制,注意与SUMO生成的交通流运行时长对应;
  • RSU SETTINGS: RSUExampleScnario.ned 中的路侧单元ned中的参数做出设置。其中最重要的就是 applType ,它指定了RSU的应用层,也就是RSU会做什么。其实RSU也是一个ned文件,比network级低,它是由另外几个更低级的ned组成的,包括作为应用层的ned(appl),作为MAC层的ned(nic),作为移动驱动的ned(mobility)。 applType 指定的就是应用层的ned,而应用层ned的功能又由其同名且在同一个文件夹的C++文件定义,这样RSU的功能也就确定了, 做应用层研究的要改变的就是这个应用层的ned与对应的C++文件 。至于后面那些参数都是对于应用层ned中的一些参数做出设置,比如 .rsu[*].appl.beaconUserPriority = 7 就是令所有RSU应用层的信标优先级为7,这个就不要再问了,做车联网的这个还不懂就别玩了。
  •  1 ##########################################################
     2 #                       RSU SETTINGS                     #
     3 #                                                        #
     4 #                                                        #
     5 ##########################################################
     6 *.rsu[0].mobility.x = 2000
     7 *.rsu[0].mobility.y = 2000
     8 *.rsu[0].mobility.z = 3
    10 *.rsu[*].applType = "TraCIDemoRSU11p"
    11 *.rsu[*].appl.headerLength = 80 bit
    12 *.rsu[*].appl.sendBeacons = true
    13 *.rsu[*].appl.dataOnSch = false
    14 *.rsu[*].appl.beaconInterval = 1s
    15 *.rsu[*].appl.beaconUserPriority = 7
    16 *.rsu[*].appl.dataUserPriority = 5
  • 11p specific parameters NIC-Settings: 对MAC层ned(nic)相关参数做出设置,nic包含两个子ned(mac1609_4和phy80211p)。至于 connectionManager 基本保持不变,如果要研究信号传播范围的影响的话,需要改变 maxInterfDist
  •  1 ##########################################################
     2 #            11p specific parameters                     #
     3 #                                                        #
     4 #                    NIC-Settings                        #
     5 ##########################################################
     6 *.connectionManager.sendDirect = true
     7 *.connectionManager.maxInterfDist = 2600m
     8 *.connectionManager.drawMaxIntfDist = false
    10 *.**.nic.mac1609_4.useServiceChannel = false
    12 *.**.nic.mac1609_4.txPower = 20mW
    13 *.**.nic.mac1609_4.bitrate = 6Mbps
    14 *.**.nic.phy80211p.sensitivity = -89dBm
    16 *.**.nic.phy80211p.useThermalNoise = true
    17 *.**.nic.phy80211p.thermalNoise = -110dBm
    19 *.**.nic.phy80211p.decider = xmldoc("config.xml")
    20 *.**.nic.phy80211p.analogueModels = xmldoc("config.xml")
    21 *.**.nic.phy80211p.usePropagationDelay = true
    23 *.**.nic.phy80211p.antenna = xmldoc("antenna.xml", "/root/Antenna[@id='monopole']")
    1 ##########################################################
    2 #                    WaveAppLayer                        #
    3 ##########################################################
    4 *.node[*].applType = "TraCIDemo11p"
    5 *.node[*].appl.headerLength = 80 bit
    6 *.node[*].appl.sendBeacons = true
    7 *.node[*].appl.dataOnSch = false
    8 *.node[*].appl.beaconInterval = 1s
  • Mobility: 对移动节点的移动模块做出设置。其中 accidentCount、accidentStart、accidentDuration 这三个参数是对移动节点发生事故的事件做出设置,这是veins的examples演示的功能(事故预警消息的传播),我们用不到直接令 accidentCount=0 即可。
  •  1 ##########################################################
     2 #                      Mobility                          #
     3 ##########################################################
     4 *.node[*].veinsmobilityType.debug = true
     5 *.node[*].veinsmobility.x = 0
     6 *.node[*].veinsmobility.y = 0
     7 *.node[*].veinsmobility.z = 1.895
     8 *.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentCount = 1
     9 *.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentStart = 75s
    10 *.node[*0].veinsmobility.accidentDuration = 50s




     1 import org.car2x.veins.nodes.RSU;
     2 import org.car2x.veins.nodes.Scenario;
     4 network RSUExampleScenario extends Scenario
     6     submodules:
     7         rsu[1]: RSU {
     8             @display("p=150,140;i=veins/sign/yellowdiamond;is=vs");



     1 package org.car2x.veins.modules.mobility.traci;
     3 //
     4 // Extends the TraCIScenarioManager for use with sumo-launchd.py and SUMO.
     5 //
     6 // Connects to a running instance of the sumo-launchd.py script
     7 // to automatically launch/kill SUMO when the simulation starts/ends.
     8 //
     9 // All other functionality is provided by the TraCIScenarioManager.
    11 simple TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd
    12 {
    13     parameters:
    14         @display("i=block/network2");
    15         @class(Veins::TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd);
    16         bool debug = default(false);  // emit debug messages?
    17         double connectAt @unit("s") = default(0s);  // when to connect to TraCI server (must be the initial timestep of the server)
    18         double firstStepAt @unit("s") = default(-1s);  // when to start synchronizing with the TraCI server (-1: immediately after connecting)
    19         double updateInterval @unit("s") = default(1s);  // time interval of hosts' position updates
    20         string moduleType = default("org.car2x.veins.nodes.Car");  // module type to be used in the simulation for each managed vehicle
    21         string moduleName = default("node");  // module name to be used in the simulation for each managed vehicle
    22         // module displayString to be used in the simulation for each managed vehicle
    23         // display strings key-value pairs needs to be protected with single quotes, as they use an = sign as the type mappings. For example
    24         // <pre>
    25         // *.manager.moduleDisplayString = "'i=block/process'"
    26         // *.manager.moduleDisplayString = "a='i=block/process' b='i=misc/sun'"
    27         // </pre>
    28         //
    29         // moduleDisplayString can also be left empty:
    30         // <pre>
    31         // *.manager.moduleDisplayString = ""
    32         // </pre>
    33         string moduleDisplayString = default("*='i=veins/node/car;is=vs'");
    34         string host = default("localhost");  // sumo-launchd.py server hostname
    35         int port = default(9999);  // sumo-launchd.py server port
    36         xml launchConfig; // launch configuration to send to sumo-launchd.py
    37         int seed = default(-1); // seed value to set in launch configuration, if missing (-1: current run number)
    38         bool autoShutdown = default(true);  // Shutdown module as soon as no more vehicles are in the simulation
    39         int margin = default(25);  // margin to add to all received vehicle positions
    40         string roiRoads = default("");  // which roads (e.g. "hwy1 hwy2") are considered to consitute the region of interest, if not empty
    41         string roiRects = default("");  // which rectangles (e.g. "0,0-10,10 20,20-30,30) are considered to consitute the region of interest, if not empty. Note that these rectangles have to use TraCI (SUMO) coordinates and not OMNeT++. They can be easily read from sumo-gui.
    42         double penetrationRate = default(1); //the probability of a vehicle being equipped with Car2X technology
    43         int numVehicles = default(0);
    44         bool useRouteDistributions = default(false);
    45         int vehicleRngIndex = default(0); // index of the RNG stream to be used, all random numbers concerning the managed vehicles


    1 string moduleType = default("org.car2x.veins.nodes.Car");
