广东省政府基于“粤省事”移动政府服务平台上线了 “粤康码”服务,也称“广东健康码(GHC)”,通过采集包括新冠肺炎筛查结果、入粤登记记录、健康情况申报记录和体温检测历史记录等信息,能避免健康信息重复采集和隔离结果跨区不互认。

针对外籍人士无法在小程序“粤省事”上通过身份核验这一问题,“粤康码”网页上线了一个特殊版本——“广东健康码(GHC)”。请注意,网页版“粤康码”,即 “广东健康码(GHC)”与小程序“粤省事”上的“粤康码”不同,本指引只适用于外籍人士。

Guide for foreign nationals in Zhanjiang to apply for a Yuekang code

The Yuekang code ( 粤康码 ), also called Guangdong health code (GHC)-issued through an online platform called Yueshengshi ( 粤省事 ) operated by the provincial government-has been used to avoid the repeated collection of health information and inconsistent recognition of isolation between regions by pooling information including COVID-19 screening results, registration record of entering Guangdong, health declaration records, and temperature check records.

A special version of the Yuekang code on a mobile page 'GHC' has been launched for foreign nationals who have failed their ID authentication on the Yuekang code on the mini program 'Yueshengshi'. Please notice that the mobile page Yuekang code 'GHC' is different from the Yuekang code on the mini program 'Yueshengshi'. This guide is only for foreign nationals.
