I created a stored procedure in sql server to get json data with API.
This sp runs successfully manually at once. But I created sql agent job which constantly calls this sp. This job always works, it works successfully for about 3 hours, but then it returns null from the api. Why could such a thing happen? There is no problem with the api because when I call the same api with the c# windows service, I do not encounter such a problem.
Store Procedure(Get_Raw_Data)
DECLARE @ResponseText as nvarchar (max), @Token VARCHAR ( 100 ), @URL VARCHAR ( 100 ) SET @Token= ' mytoken' SET @URL = ' myURL' DECLARE @responseTextTable table (responseText varchar (max)); Declare @Object as Int ; -- Declare @ResponseText as Varchar(max); Declare @Body as varchar (max); Exec sp_OACreate ' MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP' , @Object OUT; EXEC sp_OAMethod @Object , ' open' , NULL , ' get' , @URL , ' false' Exec sp_OAMethod @Object , ' setRequestHeader' , null , ' Content-Type' , ' application/json' Exec sp_OAMethod @Object , ' setRequestHeader' , null , ' Authorization' , @Token Exec sp_OAMethod @Object , ' send' , null , @body insert into @responseTextTable (responseText) Exec sp_OAMethod @Object , ' responseText' select @ResponseText = responseText from @responseTextTable IF ISJSON( @ResponseText )=1 BEGIN SELECT device_id, company_id, master_name, last_at,status, date , timestamp ,tag.[ key ],tag.[value],tag.[ type ],JSON_VALUE(tag.[value], ' $.name' ) tagName,JSON_VALUE(tag.[value], ' $.value' ) AS tagValue FROM OPENJSON( @ResponseText ) WITH ( device_id NVARCHAR (max) ' $.device_id' , company_id NVARCHAR (max), master_name NVARCHAR ( 50 ) ' $.name' , last_at DATETIME2 ' $.last_at' , status NVARCHAR (max), date DATETIME2 ' $.date' , timestamp NVARCHAR (max), tags NVARCHAR (MAX) ' $.tags' AS JSON OUTER APPLY OPENJSON(tags) tag SQL Agent Job Step
SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647 WHILE 1=1 BEGIN Exec Get_Raw_Data WAITFOR DELAY ' 00:00:45' ; Please help me,why is this happening?
What I have tried:
changed varchar(max) to varchar(800).
  • Read the question carefully.
  • Understand that English isn't everyone's first language so be lenient of bad spelling and grammar.
  • If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, or edit the question and fix the problem. Insults are not welcome.
  • Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid.