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Generally, all components in an Android application will run in the same process. Android services are a notable exception to this in that they can be configured to run in their own processes and shared with other applications, including those from other Android developers. This guide will discuss how to create and use an Android remote service using Xamarin.

Out of Process Services Overview

When an application starts up, Android creates a process in which to run the application. Typically, all the components the application will run in this one process. Android services are a notable exception to this in that they can be configured to run in their own processes and shared with other applications, including those from other Android developers. These types of services are referred to as remote services or out-of-process services . The code for these services will be contained in the same APK as the main application; however, when the service is started Android will create a new process for just that service. In contrast, a service that runs in the same process as the rest of the application is sometimes referred to as a local service .

In general, it is not necessary for an application to implement a remote service. A local service is sufficient (and desirable) for an app's requirements in many cases. An out-of-process has it's own memory space which must be managed by Android. Although this does introduce more overhead to the overall application, there are some scenarios where it can be advantageous to run a service in its own process:

  • Sharing Functionality – Some application developers may have multiple apps and functionality that is shared between all the applications. Packaging that functionality in an Android service which runs in its own process may simplify application maintenance. It is also possible to package the service in its own stand-alone APK and deploy it separately from the rest of the application.

  • Improving the User Experience – There are two possible ways that an out-of-process service can improve the user experience of the application. The first way deals with memory management. When a garbage collection (GC) cycle occurs, Android will pause all activity in the process until the GC is complete. The user might perceive this pause as a "stutter" or "jank". When a service is running in it's own process, it is the service process that is paused, not the application process. This pause will be much less noticeable to the user as the application process (and therefore the user interface) is not paused.

    Secondly, if the memory requirements of a process becomes too large, Android may kill that process to free up resources for the device. If a service does have a large memory footprint and it is running in the same process as the UI, then when Android forcibly reclaims those resources the UI will be shut down, forcing the user to start the app. However, if a service, running in its own process is shut down by Android, the UI process remains unaffected. The UI can bind (and restart) the service, transparent to the user, and resume normal functioning.

  • Improving Application Performance – The UI process may be terminated or shut down independent of the service process. By moving lengthy startup tasks to an out-of-process service, it is possible that the startup time of the UI maybe improved (assuming that the service process is kept alive in between the times that UI is launched).

    In many ways, binding to a service running in another process is the same as binding to a local service . The client will invoke BindService to bind (and start, if necessary) the service. An Android.OS.IServiceConnection object will be created to manage the connection between the client and the service. If the client successfully binds to the service, then Android will return an object via the IServiceConnection that can be used to invoke methods on the service. The client then interacts with the service using this object. To review, here are the steps to bind to a service:

  • Create an Intent – An explicit intent must be used to binding to the service.
  • Implement and Instantiate an IServiceConnection object – The IServiceConnection object acts as an intermediary between the client and the service. It is responsible for monitoring the connection between client and server.
  • Invoke the BindService method – Calling BindService will dispatch the intent and the service connection created in the previous steps to Android, which will take care of starting the service and establishing communication between client and service.
  • The need to cross process boundaries does introduce extra complexity: the communication is one-way (client to server) and the client can't directly invoke methods on the service class. Recall that when a service is running the same process as the client, Android provides an IBinder object which may allow for two-way communication. This is not the case with service running in its own process. A client communicates with a remote service with the help of the Android.OS.Messenger class.

    When a client requests to bind with the remote service, Android will invoke the Service.OnBind lifecycle method, which will return the internal IBinder object that is encapsulated by the Messenger . The Messenger is a thin wrapper over a special IBinder implementation that is provided by the Android SDK. The Messenger takes care of the communication between the two different processes. The developer is unconcerned with the details of serializing a message, marshalling the message across the process boundary, and then deserializing it on the client. This work is handled by the Messenger object. This diagram shows the client-side Android components that are involved when a client initiates binding to an out-of-process service:

    The Service class in the remote process will go through the same lifecycle callbacks that a bound service in a local process will go through, and many of the APIs involved are the same. Service.OnCreate is used to initialize a Handler and inject that into Messenger object. Likewise, OnBind is overridden, but instead of returning an IBinder object, the service will return the Messenger . This diagram illustrates what happens in the service when a client is binding to it:

    When a Message is received by a service, it is processed by in instance of Android.OS.Handler . The service will implement its own Handler subclass that must override the HandleMessage method. This method is invoked by the Messenger and receives the Message as a parameter. The Handler will inspect the Message meta-data and use that information to invoke methods on the service.

    One-way communication occurs when a client creates a Message object and dispatches it to the service using the Messenger.Send method. Messenger.Send will serialize the Message and hand that serialized data off to Android, which will route the message across the process boundary and to the service. The Messenger that is hosted by the service will create a Message object from the incoming data. This Message is placed into a queue, where messages are submitted one at a time to the Handler . The Handler will inspect the meta-data contained in the Message and invoke the appropriate methods on the Service . The following diagram illustrates these various concepts in action:

    This guide will discuss the details of implementing an out-of-process service. It will discuss how to implement a service that is meant to run in its own process and how a client may communicate with that service using the Messenger framework. It will also briefly discuss two-way communication: the client sending a message to a service and the service sending a message back to the client. Because services can be shared between different applications, this guide will also discuss one technique for limiting client access to the service by using Android permissions.


    Bugzilla 51940/GitHub 1950 - Services with isolated processes and custom Application class fail to resolve overloads properly reports that a Xamarin.Android service will not start up properly when the IsolatedProcess is set to true . This guide is provided for a reference. A Xamarin.Android application should still be able to communicate with an out-of-process service that is written in Java.


    This guide assumes familiarity with creating services.

    Although it is possible to use implicit intents with apps that target older Android APIs, this guide will focus exclusively on the use of explicit intents. Apps targeting Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher must use an explicit intent to bind with a service; this is the technique that will be demonstrated in this guide..

    Create a Service that Runs in a Separate Process

    As described above, the fact that a service is running in its own process means that some different APIs are involved. As a quick overview, here are the steps to bind with and consume a remote service:

  • Create the Service subclass – Subclass the Service type and implement the lifecycle methods for a bound service. It is also necessary to set meta-data that will inform Android that the service is to run in its own process.
  • Implement a Handler – The Handler is responsible for analyzing the client requests, extracting any parameters that were passed from the client, and invoking the appropriate methods on the service.
  • Instantiate a Messenger – As described above, each Service must maintain an instance of the Messenger class that will route client requests to the Handler that was created in the previous step.
  • A service that is meant to run in its own process is, fundamentally, still a bound service. The service class will extend the base Service class and is decorated with the ServiceAttribute containing the meta-data that Android needs to bundle in the Android manifest. To begin with, the following properties of the ServiceAttribute that are important to an out-of-process service:

  • Exported – This property must be set to true to allow other applications to interact with the service. The default value of this property is false .
  • Process – This property must be set. It is used to specify the name of the process that the service will run in.
  • IsolatedProcess – This property will enable extra security, telling Android to run the service in an isolated sandbox with minimal permission to interact with the rest of the system. See Bugzilla 51940 - Services with isolated processes and custom Application class fail to resolve overloads properly .
  • Permission – It is possible to control client access to the service by specifying a permission that clients must request (and be granted).
  • To run a service its own process, the Process property on the ServiceAttribute must be set to the name of the service. To interact with outside applications, the Exported property should be set to true . If Exported is false , then only clients in the same APK (i.e. the same application) and running in the same process will be able to interact with the service.

    What kind of process the service will run in depends on the value of the Process property. Android identifies three different types of processes:

  • Private Process – A private process is one that is only available to the application that started it. To identify a process as private, its name must start with a : (semi-colon). The service depicted in the previous code snippet and screenshot is a private process. The following code snippet is an example of the ServiceAttribute :

    [Service(Name = "com.xamarin.TimestampService",
  • Global Process – A service that is run in a global process is accessible to all applications running on the device. A global process must be a fully qualified class name that starts with a lower case character. (Unless steps are taken to secure the service, other applications may bind and interact with it. Securing the service against unauthorized use will be discussed later in this guide.)

    [Service(Name = "com.xamarin.TimestampService",
  • Isolated Process – An isolated process is a process that runs in its own sandbox, isolated from the rest of the system and with no special permissions of its own. To run a service in an isolated process, the IsolatedProcess property of the ServiceAttribute is set to true as shown in this code snippet:

    [Service(Name = "com.xamarin.TimestampService",
             IsolatedProcess= true,


    See Bugzilla 51940 - Services with isolated processes and custom Application class fail to resolve overloads properly

    An isolated service is a simple way to secure an application and the device against untrusted code. For example, an app may download and execute a script from a website. In this case, performing this in an isolated process provides an additional layer of security against untrusted code compromising the Android device.


    Once a service has been exported, the name of the service should not change. Changing the name of the service may break other applications that are using the service.

    To see the effect that the Process property has, the following screenshot shows a service running in its own private process:

    This next screenshot shows Process="com.xamarin.xample.messengerservice.timestampservice_process" and the service running in a global process:

    Once the ServiceAttribute has been set, the service needs to implement a Handler.

    Implementing a Handler

    To process client requests, the service must implement a Handler and override the HandleMessage method. This is the method takes a Message instance which encapsulates the method call from the client and translates that call into some action or task that the service will perform. The Message object exposes a property called What which is an integer value, the meaning of which is shared between the client and the service and relates to some task that the service is to perform for the client.

    The following code snippet from the sample application shows one example of HandleMessage. In this example, there are two actions that a client can request of the service:

  • The first action is a Hello, World message, the client has sent a simple message to the service.
  • The second action will invoke a method on the service and retrieve a string, in this case the string is a message that returns what time the service started and how long it has been running:
  • public class TimestampRequestHandler : Android.OS.Handler
        // other code omitted for clarity
        public override void HandleMessage(Message msg)
            int messageType = msg.What;
            Log.Debug(TAG, $"Message type: {messageType}.");
            switch (messageType)
                case Constants.SAY_HELLO_TO_TIMESTAMP_SERVICE:
                    // The client has sent a simple Hello, say in the Android Log.
                case Constants.GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP:
                    // Call methods on the service to retrieve a timestamp message.
                    Log.Warn(TAG, $"Unknown messageType, ignoring the value {messageType}.");

    It is also possible to package parameters for the service in the Message. This will be discussed later in this guide. The next topic to consider is creating the Messenger object to process the incoming Messages.

    Instantiating the Messenger

    As previously discussed, deserializing the Message object and invoking Handler.HandleMessage is the responsibility of the Messenger object. The Messenger class also provides an IBinder object that the client will use to send messages to the service.

    When the service starts, it will instantiate the Messenger and inject the Handler. A good place to perform this initialization is on the OnCreate method of the service. This code snippet is one example of a service that initializes its own Handler and Messenger:

    private Messenger messenger; // Instance variable for the Messenger
    public override void OnCreate()
        messenger = new Messenger(new TimestampRequestHandler(this));
        Log.Info(TAG, $"TimestampService is running in process id {Android.OS.Process.MyPid()}.");

    At this point, the final step is for the Service to override OnBind.

    Implementing Service.OnBind

    All bound services, whether they run in their own process or not, must implement the OnBind method. The return value of this method is some object that the client can use to interact with the service. Exactly what that object is depends whether the service is a local service or a remote service. While a local service will return a custom IBinder implementation, a remote service will return the IBinder that is encapsulated but the Messenger that was created in the previous section:

    public override IBinder OnBind(Intent intent)
        Log.Debug(TAG, "OnBind");
        return messenger.Binder;

    Once these three steps are accomplished, the remote service can be considered complete.

    Consuming the Service

    All clients must implement some code to be able to bind and consume the remote service. Conceptually, from the client's viewpoint, there are very few differences between binding to local service or a remote service. The client invokes the BindService method, passing an explicit intent to identify the service and an IServiceConnection that helps manage the connection between the client and the service.

    This code snippet is an example of how to create an explicit intent for binding to a remote service. The intent must identify the package that contains the service and the name of the service. One way to set this information is to use an Android.Content.ComponentName object and to provide that to the intent. This code snippet is one example:

    // This is the package name of the APK, set in the Android manifest
    const string REMOTE_SERVICE_COMPONENT_NAME = "com.xamarin.TimestampService";
    // This is the name of the service, according the value of ServiceAttribute.Name
    const string REMOTE_SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME   = "com.xamarin.xample.messengerservice";
    // Provide the package name and the name of the service with a ComponentName object.
    Intent serviceToStart = new Intent();

    When the service is bound, the IServiceConnection.OnServiceConnected method is invoked and provides an IBinder to a client. However, the client will not directly use the IBinder. Instead, it will instantiate a Messenger object from that IBinder. This is the Messenger that the client will use to interact with the remote service.

    The following is an example of a very basic IServiceConnection implementation that demonstrates how a client would handle connecting to and disconnecting from a service. Notice that the OnServiceConnected method receives and IBinder, and the client creates a Messenger from that IBinder:

    public class TimestampServiceConnection : Java.Lang.Object, IServiceConnection
        static readonly string TAG = typeof(TimestampServiceConnection).FullName;
        MainActivity mainActivity;
        Messenger messenger;
        public TimestampServiceConnection(MainActivity activity)
            IsConnected = false;
            mainActivity = activity;
        public bool IsConnected { get; private set; }
        public Messenger Messenger { get; private set; }
        public void OnServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service)
            Log.Debug(TAG, $"OnServiceConnected {name.ClassName}");
            IsConnected = service != null;
            Messenger = new Messenger(service);
            if (IsConnected)
                // things to do when the connection is successful. perhaps notify the client? enable UI features?
                // things to do when the connection isn't successful.
        public void OnServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name)
            Log.Debug(TAG, $"OnServiceDisconnected {name.ClassName}");
            IsConnected = false;
            Messenger = null;
            // Things to do when the service disconnects. perhaps notify the client? disable UI features?

    Once the service connection and the intent are created, it is possible for the client to call BindService and initiate the binding process:

    var serviceConnection = new TimestampServiceConnection(this);
    BindService(serviceToStart, serviceConnection, Bind.AutoCreate);

    After the client has successfully bound to the service and the Messenger is available, it is possible for the client to send Messages to the service.

    Sending Messages to the Service

    Once the client is connected and has a Messenger object, it is possible to communicate with the service by dispatching Message objects via the Messenger. This communication is one-way, the client sends the message but there is no return message from the service to the client. In this regard, the Message is a fire-and-forget mechanism.

    The preferred way to create a Message object is to use the Message.Obtain factory method. This method will pull a Message object from a global pool that is maintained by Android. Message.Obtain also has some overloaded methods that allow the Message object to be initialized with the values and parameters required by the service. Once the Message is instantiated, it dispatched to the service by calling Messenger.Send. This snippet is one example of creating and dispatching a Message to the service process:

    Message msg = Message.Obtain(null, Constants.SAY_HELLO_TO_TIMESTAMP_SERVICE);
    catch (RemoteException ex)
        Log.Error(TAG, ex, "There was a error trying to send the message.");

    There are several different forms of the Message.Obtain method. The previous example uses the Message.Obtain(Handler h, Int32 what). Because this is an asynchronous request to an out-of-process service; there will be no response from the service, so the Handler is set to null. The second parameter, Int32 what, will be stored in the .What property of the Message object. The .What property is used by code in the service process to invoke methods on the service.

    The Message class also exposes two additional properties that may be of use to the recipient: Arg1 and Arg2. These two properties are integer values that may have some special agreed upon values that have meaning between the client and the service. For example, Arg1 may hold a customer ID and Arg2 may hold a purchase order number for that customer. The Method.Obtain(Handler h, Int32 what, Int32 arg1, Int32 arg2) can be used to set the two properties when the Message is created. Another way to populate these two values is to set the .Arg and .Arg2 properties directly on the Message object after it has been created.

    Passing Additional Values to the Service

    It is possible to pass more complex data to the service by using a Bundle. In this case, extra values can be placed in a Bundle and sent along with the Message by setting the .Data property property before sending.

    Bundle serviceParameters = new Bundle();
    var msg = Message.Obtain(null, Constants.SERVICE_TASK_TO_PERFORM);
    msg.Data = serviceParameters;

    In general, a Message should not have a payload larger than 1MB. The size limit may vary according the version of Android and on any proprietary changes the vendor might have made to their implementation of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) that is bundled with the device.

    Returning Values from the Service

    The messaging architecture that has been discussed to this point is one-way, the client sends a message to the service. If it is necessary for the service to return a value to a client then everything that has been discussed to this point is reversed. The service must create a Message, packaged any return values, and dispatch the Message via a Messenger to the client. However, the service does not create its own Messenger; instead, it relies on the client instantiating and package a Messenger as part of the initial request. The service will Send the message using this client-provided Messenger.

    The sequence of events for two-way communication is this:

  • The client binds to the service. When the service and the client connect, the IServiceConnection that is maintained by the client will have a reference to a Messenger object that is used to transmit Messages to the service. To avoid confusion, this will be referred to as the Service Messenger.
  • Client instantiates a Handler (referred to as the Client Handler) and uses that to initialize its own Messenger (the Client Messenger). Note that the Service Messenger and the Client Messenger are two different objects that handle traffic in two different directions. The Service Messenger handles messages from the client to the service, while the Client Messenger will handle messages from the service to the client.
  • The client creates a Message object, and sets the ReplyTo property with the Client Messenger. The message is then sent to the service using the Service Messenger.
  • The service receives the message from the client, and performs the requested work.
  • When it is time for the service to send the response to the client, it will use Message.Obtain to create a new Message object.
  • To send this message to the client, the service will extract the Client Messenger from the .ReplyTo property of the client message and use that to .Send the Message back to the client.
  • When the response is received by the client, it has its own Handler that will process the Message by inspecting the .What property (and if necessary, extracting any parameters contained by the Message).
  • This sample code demonstrates how the client will instantiate the Message and package a Messenger that the service should use for its response:

    Handler clientHandler = new ActivityHandler();
    Messenger clientMessenger = new Messenger(activityHandler);
    Message msg = Message.Obtain(null, Constants.GET_UTC_TIMESTAMP);
    msg.ReplyTo = clientMessenger;
    catch (RemoteException ex)
        Log.Error(TAG, ex, "There was a problem sending the message.");

    The service must make some changes to its own Handler to extract the Messenger and use that to send replies to the client. This code snippet is an example of how the service's Handler would create a Message and send it back to the client:

    // This is the message that the service will send to the client.
    Message responseMessage = Message.Obtain(null, Constants.RESPONSE_TO_SERVICE);
    Bundle dataToReturn = new Bundle();
    dataToReturn.PutString(Constants.RESPONSE_MESSAGE_KEY, "This is the result from the service.");
    responseMessage.Data = dataToReturn;
    // The msg object here is the message that was received by the service. The service will not instantiate a client,
    // It will use the client that is encapsulated by the message from the client.
    Messenger clientMessenger = msg.ReplyTo;
    if (clientMessenger!= null)
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error(TAG, ex, "There was a problem sending the message.");

    Note that in the code samples above, the Messenger instance that is created by the client is not the same object that is received by the service. These are two different Messenger objects running in two separate processes that represent the communication channel.

    Securing the Service with Android Permissions

    A service that runs in a global process is accessible by all applications running on that Android device. In some situations, this openness and availability is undesirable, and it is necessary to secure the service against access from unauthorized clients. One way to limit access to the remote service is to use Android Permissions.

    Permissions can be identified by the Permission property of the ServiceAttribute that decorates the Service sub-class. This will name a permission that the client must be granted when binding to the service. If the client does not have the appropriate permissions, then Android will throw a Java.Lang.SecurityException when the client tries to bind to the service.

    There are four different permission levels that Android provides:

  • normal – This is the default permission level. It is used to identify low-risk permissions that can be automatically granted by Android to clients that request it. The user does not have to explicitly grant these permissions, but the permissions can be viewed in the app settings.
  • signature – This is a special category of permission that will be granted automatically by Android to applications that are all signed with the same certificate. This permission is designed to make it easily for an application developer to share components or data between their apps without bothering the user for constant approvals.
  • signatureOrSystem – This is very similar to the signature permissions described above. In addition to being automatically granted to apps that are signed by the same certificate, this permission will also be granted to apps that are signed the same certificate that was used to sign the apps installed with the Android system image. This permission is typically only used by Android ROM developers to allow their applications to work with third party apps. It is not commonly used by apps that are meant general distribution for the public at large.
  • dangerous – Dangerous permissions are those that could cause problems for the user. For this reason, dangerous permissions must be explicitly approved by the user.
  • Because signature and normal permissions are automatically granted at installed time by Android, it is crucial that APK hosting the service be installed before the APK containing the client. If the client is installed first, Android will not grant the permissions. In this case, it will be necessary to uninstall the client APK, install the service APK, and then re-install the client APK.

    There are two common ways to secure a service with Android permissions:

  • Implement signature level security – Signature level security means that permission is automatically granted to those applications that are signed with the same key that was used to sign the APK holding the service. This is a simple way for developers to secure their service yet keep them accessible from their own applications. Signature level permissions are declared by setting the Permission property of the ServiceAttribute to signature:

    [Service(Name = "com.xamarin.TimestampService",
    public class TimestampService : Service
  • Create a custom permission – It is possible for the developer of the service to create a custom permission for the service. This is best for when a developer wants to share their service with applications from other developers. A custom permission requires a bit more effort to implement and will be covered below.

    A simplified example of creating a custom normal permission will be described in the next section. For more information about Android permissions, please consult Google's documentation for Best Practices & Security. For more information about Android permissions, see the Permissions section of the Android documentation for the application manifest for more information about Android permissions.

    In general, Google discourages the use of custom permissions as they may prove confusing to users.

    Creating a Custom Permission

    To use a custom permission, it is declared by the service while the client explicitly requests that permission.

    To create a permission in the service APK, a permission element is added to the manifest element in AndroidManifest.xml. This permission must have the name, protectionLevel, and label attributes set. The name attribute must be set to a string that uniquely identifies the permission. The name will be displayed in the App Info view of the Android Settings (as shown in the next section).

    The protectionLevel attribute must be set to one of the four string values that were described above. The label and description must refer to string resources and are used to provide a user-friendly name and description to the user.

    This snippet is an example of declaring a custom permission attribute in AndroidManifest.xml of the APK that contains the service:

    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" />
        <permission android:name="com.xamarin.xample.messengerservice.REQUEST_TIMESTAMP"
        <application android:allowBackup="true"

    Then, the AndroidManifest.xml of the client APK must explicitly request this new permission. This is done by adding the users-permission attribute to the AndroidManifest.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" />
        <uses-permission android:name="com.xamarin.xample.messengerservice.REQUEST_TIMESTAMP" />

    View the Permissions Granted to an App

    To view the permissions that an application has been granted, open the Android Settings app, and select Apps. Find and select the application in the list. From the App Info screen, tap Permissions which will bring up a view that shows all the permissions granted to the app:


    This guide was an advanced discussion about how to run an Android service in a remote process. The differences between a local and a remote service was explained, along with some reasons why a remote service can be helpful to stability and performance of an Android app. After explaining how to implement a remote service and how a client can communicate with the service, the guide went on to provide one way to limit access to the service from only authorized clients.

  • Handler
  • Message
  • Messenger
  • ServiceAttribute
  • The Exported attribute
  • Services with isolated processes and custom Application class fail to resolve overloads properly
  • Processes and Threads
  • Android Manifest - Permissions
  • Security Tips
  • MessengerServiceDemo (sample)