Tensor transposition is a basic operation used for many high performance tensor calculations, such as tensor contractions.
However, most existing methods for tensor transposition are out-of-place, which means they require additional space of the same size of the input tensor to accomplish the transposition. The low space utilization is a serious problem for most accelerators, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), because their memory size is relatively limited. To improve the memory usage, we propose in-place transposition algorithms for third-order tensors, called IT3. To utilize existing optimized in-place matrix transposition kernels, IT3 first decomposes third-order tensors into smaller units, such as matrices, rows, or columns, based on different transposition configurations. After that, IT3 combines different matrix transposition methods to achieve the final result. The theoretical analysis shows IT3 uses at most 50\% of the memory of the input size. We also presented efficient GPU implementations of IT3 that optimize the performance for modern GPUs. Experiments that exhaust all possible permutations of third-order tensor transposition are conducted. The GPU implementations of IT3 were compared with the state-of-the-art tensor transposition library for GPUs, CUDA Tensor Transpose (cuTT). The results show IT3 outperformed cuTT not only in terms of memory usage for all benchmarks, but also in terms of speed for most cases.
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1 Introduction 1
2 Background and Related Works 4
2.1 Tensor Transposition 4
2.2 In-place Matrix Transposition 5
2.3 Catanzaro’s Algorithm 6
2.4 Scatter and Gather Function 9
3 Algorithm of IT3 10
3.1 Algorithms 10
3.1.1 231 Transpose 12
3.1.2 312 Transpose 12
3.1.3 213 Transpose 13
3.1.4 132 Transpose 14
3.1.5 321 Transpose 14
3.2 Implementations of Catanzaro’s Algorithm 15
3.2.1 Data Layout 16
3.2.2 Column Operation 16
3.2.3 Row Operation 19
3.3 GPU Implementations of IT3 21
3.3.1 231 Transpose and 312 Transpose 21
3.3.2 213 Transpose 21
3.3.3 132 Transpose 22
3.3.4 321 Transpose 23
4 Performance Evaluation 24
4.1 231 and 312 Transpose 25
4.2 213 Transpose 28
4.3 132 Transpose 33
4.4 321 Transpose 36
5 Conclusion and Future Works 38
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