
题目:Human Capital, Industrial Dynamics and Skill Premium时间:2019年4月17日 星期三12:00 – 13:30地点:明德主楼610报告人:王勇摘要:Motivated by several stylized facts about skill premium and industrial dynamics, we develop an endogenous growth model with infinite industries that are heterogeneous in both capital intensities and skill intensities. Closed-form solutions are obtained to fully ...


Too Busy to Be Cured? 时间:2019年3月29日 星期五 12:00 – 13:30地点:明德主楼610报告人:黄炜主持人:张静摘要:Monetary cost is emphasized in health economics literature but time cost is largely ignored. This paper investigates how time cost affects the healthcare usage in both China and the US. Using the retirement age policy in both countries, I employ a Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) ...