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我是因为执行了yum update长时间更新未结束ctrl + z停止后yum的update和install都不可用了 解决方案如下标红处

yum clean all
yum check
yum erase apf

[root@test01 ~]# yum update

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: centos-hcm.viettelidc.com.vn
* extras: centos-hcm.viettelidc.com.vn
* updates: centos-hcm.viettelidc.com.vn
http://centos-hcm.viettelidc.com.vn/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
Trying other mirror.
http://centos-hn.viettelidc.com.vn/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
Trying other mirror.
http://mirror.digistar.vn/centos/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
Trying other mirror.
http://mirror.ehost.vn/centos/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
Trying other mirror.
http://mirror.pregi.net/centos/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer"
Trying other mirror.
http://mirror.rise.ph/centos/6.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/9006a815c20fdae23d6061654221364e3e6fc97ec9d7ecb7adb4253a8b7241c7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 56 - "Failure when receiving data from the peer" 系统不能够使用yum有几种情况第一dns是否配置正常请检查cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver第二种检查下载代理是否开启/etc/yum.conf的proxy打开了,关闭即可#proxy=我是因为执行了yum update长时间更新未      对于初学 Linux 的人来说,太多的 Linux 内核版本会让人不知所措,并且刚开始需要我们 下载 各种编译器、软件包去调试我们的环境。这个 候肯定就需要我们 使用 到安装 下载 的工具。所以这里就来一起学习 Linux yum 、wget、apt-get的用法和区别吧。 一、常见 Linux 发行版本
最近在工作中发现一个问题, yum 无法 使用 报错 如下: /usr/lib64/ py thon2.7/site-packages/ py curl .so: undefined symbol: CRYPTO_num_locks ldd /usr/lib64/ py thon2.7/site-packages/ py curl .so 查看一下动态库连接 注意:lib curl 的位置 查看一下lib curl 是否有什么异常的配置 ldconfig -v | grep lib curl 发现两个lib curl 检查ld.so.conf的配置 对比正常的测试机 根据前面的ldd来看,去掉local lib
========================================== Install 28 Package(s) Upgrade 7 Package(s) Total size: 1.4 G Downloadin...
在执行 yum 命令 ,出现如下错误: py curl : lib curl link-time version is older than compile-time version 错误的原因就是 py curl 的版本太旧了,解决方案就是重装下 py curl 。 重装命令较为简单,先卸载(最好执行两次) pip uninstall py curl pip install py curl ...
cargo build 下载 失败(Mac 10.13.4),提示: error : failed to download from https://crates-io.proxy.ustclug.org/api/v1/crates/actix-codec/0.3.0/download Caused by: [ 56 ] Failu re when re ceiving data from the peer (Received HTTP code 500 from [Errno 14] PY CURL ERROR 56 - " Failu re when re ceiving data from the peer " Trying other mir... Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: epel. Please verify its path and tr 小小张391: 根本没这个文件 mongodb常用数据查询筛选命令行操作 安之ccy: 感谢分享,问题已解决 maven模块化项目总共模块相互引用打包失败问题 tanghuluweide_zhaji: 太对了,我的出来了,哈哈哈真开心 maven模块化项目总共模块相互引用打包失败问题 Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: epel. Please verify its path and tr birdfly12138: 那个请问一下,我的epel文件打开是空白是什么原因呢