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Get Up and Running With OCaml

This page will walk you through the installation of everything you need for a comfortable development environment to write projects in OCaml code. Of course, this includes installing the compiler itself, but it also installs a build system, a package manager, an LSP server to support your editor, and a few other tools that we describe later , setting up editor support , and bootstrapping a new project .

We provide installation instructions for Linux, macOS, and *BSD for all OCaml versions. For Windows, we provide instructions on this page for installing OCaml 4.14.0 via the Diskuv OCaml Installer. Note that, if you use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), the Unix instructions can be used on Windows.

Alternatively, for Linux, macOS and *BSD, there is also the OCaml Platform Installer which installs both OCaml and the OCaml Platform tools. However, please note that it is still experimental and in active development.

If you are setting up OCaml on Windows and are unsure which installation method to use, you might be interested in reading OCaml on Windows first.

Guidelines for Following Instructions on this Page

A shell is a program that will let you enter commands in a text window using only your keyboard. It's also known as a command line interface (CLI). When this page asks you to enter commands in your shell, use the following instructions for your system:

  • On macOS you will run the Terminal app to start a shell
  • On Windows, you can start PowerShell by pressing the Windows key ( ), typing "PowerShell," and then clicking Open Windows PowerShell . There is an older shell called "Command Prompt" you can use as well
  • On Linux, you are already familiar with a shell (typically bash or zsh)

    The code blocks (in black) on this page show the required commands (the text after # gives more information on the following commands). Type each command after the prompt $ , although it's often represented by a % , > , or another symbol as well. Ensure you use the exact case and spacing shown, then hit return/enter at the end of every line. For more information on using the CLI, please visit the Command Line Crash Course video to learn some basics.

    Installing OCaml

    OCaml has an official package manager, opam , which allows you to conveniently switch between OCaml versions and much more. For example, opam makes it practical to deal with different projects which require different versions of OCaml.

    opam introduces the concept of a "switch," which is an isolated environment that contains an OCaml compiler together with a set of OCaml packages. Switches allow us to install independent sets of dependencies for different projects.

    Find all the installation instructions for both Unix-like systems and Windows in the sections below:

  • Linux or macOS: Installation on Unix, including Linux and macOS
  • Windows: Installation on Windows

    Installation on Unix

    Note: OCaml is available as a package in most Linux distributions; however, it is often outdated. The best way to install OCaml is with opam , OCaml's package manager.

    The following steps require to have these packages or tools installed: gcc , build-essential , curl , bubblewrap , and unzip .

    1. Install opam

    To install opam, you can use your system package manager or download the binary distribution . The details are available in the above links, but for convenience, we copy a few of them here:

    For macOS

    If you're installing with Homebrew :

    # With Homebrew:
    $ brew install opam

    Or if you're using MacPorts :

    # With MacPort:
    $ port install opam

    For Linux

    It's easy to install opam with your system's package manager on Linux (e.g., apt-get install opam or similar). On the opam site, find details of all installation methods . All supported Linux distributions package at least version 2.0.0 (you can check by running opam --version ). If you are using an unsupported Linux distribution, please either download a precompiled binary or build opam from sources.

    # Ubuntu and Debian:
    $ apt install opam
    # Archlinux
    $ pacman -S opam

    Binary Distribution

    Depending on your package manager, you won't get the latest release of opam. If you want the latest release, consider installing it through the binary distribution, as shown below:

    $ bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh)"

    2. Initialise opam

    On Unix, it's essential to initialise opam:

    $ opam init          # Can take some time
    $ eval $(opam env)

    The first command ( opam init ) initialises the opam state (stored in a hidden folder .opam in your home directory). It also creates a first switch, usually called default , although this is just a convention. A switch is an independent OCaml environment with its own OCaml compiler, as well as a set of libraries and binaries. If you have installed OCaml through your system package manager, the first switch will be set up to use this compiler (it is called a "system switch"). Otherwise, it will build one from source, usually taking the most recent version of OCaml.

    The second command ( eval $(opam env) ) modifies a few environment variables to make the shell aware of the switch you are using. For instance, it will add what is needed to the PATH variable so that typing ocaml in the shell runs the OCaml binary of the current switch.

    Please note: At the end of the opam init , you are asked if you want to add a hook to your shell to best integrate with your system. Indeed, in order for the shell to be aware of the tools available in the current opam switch, a few environment variables need to be modified. For instance, the PATH variable has to be expanded so that typing ocaml in the shell runs the OCaml binary of the current switch . Answering y will provide a better user experience.

    Now check the installation by running opam --version . You can compare it with the current version on opam.ocaml.org .

    Please note: In case you are running opam init inside a Docker container, you will be asked whether you want to disable sandboxing. This is necessary, unless you run a privileged Docker container.

    3. Create an opam Switch

    This step is necessary only if you need to install a specific version of OCaml, or if you want to create a new independent environment. ( opam init already sets up a default opam switch for you to work in.)

    You can create a new opam switch with the opam switch create command. Specify which version as shown below (i.e., opam switch create 4.14.0 ). All available versions of the OCaml base compiler can be found with opam switch list-available ocaml-base-compiler . The most current version can also be found at opam.ocaml.org .

    $ opam switch create 4.14.0
    $ eval $(opam env)

    Check that the installation was successful by running which ocaml and ocaml -version . The line beneath the $ command shows the desired output for both the OCaml version and the toplevel version (installed specifically with the above switch command):

    $ which ocaml
    $ ocaml -version
    The OCaml toplevel, version 4.14.0

    We will learn about the OCaml toplevel and other installed tools in the next section.

    In case you are not satisfied with the OCaml version of your system switch, you can change the version with opam switch create <version_here> . More information can be found on the official website .

    Installation on Windows

    In this section, we'll describe using the Diskuv OCaml ("DKML") Windows installer. Expect to see another officially-supported Windows installation provided directly by opam in the coming months; it will be compatible with your DKML installation.

    Note that only OCaml version 4.14.0 is available via Diskuv OCaml.

    Advanced Users: If you are familiar with Cygwin or WSL2, there are other installation methods described on the OCaml on Windows page.

    1. Use the DKML Installer

    Before using the DKML installer, briefly review the following:

    Do not use the installer if you have a space in your username (ex. C:\Users\Jane Smith ).

    You need to stay at your computer and press "Yes" for any Windows security popups. After the DKML installer finishes installing two programs ( Visual Studio Installer and Git for Windows ), you can leave your computer for the remaining one and a half (1.5) hours.

    First time installations may get a notification printed in red. If you see it, reboot your computer and then restart your installation so that Visual Studio Installer can complete. The notification looks like:

    - FATAL [118acf2a]. The machine needs rebooting.
    - ...
    - >>  The machine needs rebooting. <<<
    -         ...
    -         FATAL [5f927a8b].
    -         A transient failure occurred.
    -         ...
    -         >>  A transient failure occurred. <<<

    You may be asked to accept a certificate from Open Source Developer, Gerardo Grignoli for the gsudo executable that was issued by Certum Code Signing CA SHA2.

    Now, download and run:

  • OCaml 4.14.0 with Git and Visual Studio compiler: setup-diskuv-ocaml-windows_x86_64-1.2.0.exe

    2. Create an opam Switch

    This step is necessary only if you want to create a new independent environment. dkml init already set up a default opam switch for you to work in.

    You can create a new switch with the dkml init command. The only compiler version available is 4.14.0. Use PowerShell or a Command Prompt to create a directory anywhere and then create a switch:

    C:\Users\frank> mkdir someproject
    C:\Users\frank> cd someproject
    C:\Users\frank\someproject> dkml init
    # PowerShell only
    C:\Users\frank\someproject> (& opam env) -split '\r?\n' | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression $_ }
    # Command Prompt only
    C:\Users\frank\someproject> for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('opam env') do @%i

    Check that OCaml is installed properly with the following commands in your shell (PowerShell or Command Prompt). The line beneath the $ command shows the desired output for both the OCaml version and the toplevel version:

    $ where.exe ocaml
    $ ocaml -version
    The OCaml toplevel, version 4.14.0

    To learn more about Diskuv OCaml, see the official Diskuv OCaml documentation.

    The OCaml Base Tools are Now Installed

    After following the instructions in the respective previous section for your operating system, OCaml is now installed in an opam switch. Among others, this provides the following programs:

    A "toplevel," which can be called with the ocaml command. It consists of a read-eval-print loop (REPL), similar to the python or node command, and can be handy to quickly try the language. The user interface of the OCaml toplevel is quite basic, but when we install the UTop package in the following section, we'll have an improved and easier-to-use REPL.

    A compiler to native code, called ocamlopt. It creates executables that can be executed directly on your system.

    A compiler to bytecode, called ocamlc. It creates executables that can be interpreted by a variety of runtime environments, making these executables portable between different operating systems (at the cost of runtime performance).

    What we installed so far (theoretically) suffices to write, compile, and execute OCaml code. However, this basic installation is neither complete nor comfortable as a development environment.

    Installing the OCaml Platform Tools

    The OCaml Platform Tools include:

  • Dune, a fast and full-featured build system for OCaml
  • Merlin and ocaml-lsp-server (OCaml's Language Server Protocol), which together enhance editors (like Visual Studio Code, Vim, or Emacs) by providing many useful features such as "jump to definition"
  • odoc to generate documentation from OCaml code
  • OCamlFormat to automatically format OCaml code
  • UTop, an improved REPL
  • dune-release to release code to opam-repository, the central package directory of opam.

    OCaml Platform Tools on Unix

    All these tools can be installed in your current switch (remember that opam groups installed packages in independent switches) using the following command:

    $ opam install dune merlin ocaml-lsp-server odoc ocamlformat utop dune-release

    Now that the tools are installed, it remains to understand how to use them. Most of them will be driven either by the editor or by Dune, but UTop is handy to try OCaml or a specific library.

    OCaml Platform Tools on Windows

    The DKML installer already installed all of the OCaml Platform tools, except for Merlin.

    If you need to use Merlin, you can install it in an opam switch that you created using dkml init:

    $ opam install merlin

    One-Step Installation on Unix: The Platform Installer

    The OCaml Platform Installer is an alternative way to install both the OCaml base tools (ocaml, ocamlopt, and ocamlc) and the OCaml Platform Tools. If you decide to use the OCaml Platform Installer, you should use neither the installation instructions from "Installing OCaml", nor the instructions from "Installing the OCaml Platform Tools".

    As of 2023, the OCaml Platform Installer is still experimental and in active development. If you run into any trouble using it, please don't hesitate to file an issue. If it doesn't work at all on your system, follow the instructions in the section "Installing OCaml".

    The ocaml-platform binary automates the set up of a complete OCaml development environment. However, you need first to install the few system dependencies of the OCaml environment, such as a C compiler (e.g. gcc) and other system tools: bzip2, make, bubblewrap, patch, curl and unzip. In most architecture, you can install them using your package manager, for example on Ubuntu or Debian:

    $ sudo apt install build-essential bubblewrap unzip

    In macOS, having installed Xcode is the only requirement.

    You can now download and run the installer script (which will call sudo at some point) and then call ocaml-platform:

    $ bash < <(curl -sL https://ocaml.org/install-platform.sh)
    $ ocaml-platform

    This will initialise opam and install the development tools, which might take some time. Hopefully, in the future, the ocaml-platform will be distributed as a system package and it will no longer be required to download installer.sh manually.

    The tools are not installed exactly the same way as with opam install. They are built in a sandbox so that each tool's dependencies are not installed in the same space as your project's dependencies, see Under the for more information.

    ocaml-platform can be run again at any time to install the tools in another opam switch for example.

    First Steps With OCaml

    Now that OCaml and the OCaml Platform Tools are installed on your system, we'll look into what you can do with them.

    Using the UTop REPL to Run OCaml Code

    UTop is an extended and improved toplevel (REPL) for OCaml. Unlike the standard toplevel with the ocaml command, UTop features history, tab completion, interactive line editing, and the ability to load any package installed in your switch.

    If you have never used a toplevel (REPL) before, think of it as an interactive terminal/shell that evaluates expressions. Type an OCaml expression, then press the Enter or Return key. The toplevel responds with the value of the evaluated expression.

    OCaml comes with two additional compilers: one compiles to native code (sometimes called machine code or executable binary), directly read by the CPU, and the other compiles to bytecode, creating an executable that can be interpreted by a variety of runtime environments, making it more flexible.

    For now, let's first use the recommended toplevel, UTop, which we installed above:

    $ utop
                                    │ Welcome to utop version 2.8.0 (using OCaml version 4.11.1!          │
    Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
      #require "package";;      to load a package
      #list;;                   to list the available packages
      #camlp4o;;                to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
      #camlp4r;;                to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
      #predicates "p,q,...";;   to set these predicates
      Topfind.reset();;         to force that packages will be reloaded
      #thread;;                 to enable threads
    Type #utop_help for help about using `utop`.
    ─( 12:12:45 )─< command 0 >──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─
    utop # 1 + 2 * 3;;
    - : int = 7

    In this example, we typed the expression 1 + 2 * 3 followed by ;; (which is mandatory and tells OCaml that the expression ends here) and then pressed the Enter key. OCaml replied with the resulting value 7 and its type int.

    You can exit UTop by running the built-in exit function with exit code 0:

    ─( 12:12:45 )─< command 1 >──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────{ counter: 0 }─
    utop # exit 0;;

    Configuring Your Editor

    While the toplevel is great for interactively trying out the language, we will shortly need to write OCaml files in an editor. We already installed the tools required to enhance our editor of choice with OCaml support: Merlin, providing all features such as "jump to definition" or "show type", and ocaml-lsp-server, a server exposing those features to the editor through the LSP server.

    OCaml has plugins for many editors, but the most actively maintained are for Visual Studio Code, Emacs, and Vim.

    For Visual Studio Code, install the OCaml Platform Visual Studio Code extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

    Upon first loading an OCaml source file, you may be prompted to select the toolchain in use. Pick the version of OCaml you are using, e.g., 4.14.0 from the list. Additional information is available by hovering over symbols in your program:

    For Windows

  • If you used the Diskuv OCaml (DKML) installer you will need to:
  • Go to File > Preferences > Settings view (or press Ctrl ,)
  • Select User > Extensions > OCaml Platform
  • Uncheck OCaml: Use OCaml Env. That's it!

    For Vim and Emacs, we won't use the LSP server but rather directly talk to Merlin.

    When we installed Merlin above, instructions were printed on how to link Merlin with your editor. If you do not have them visible, just run this command:

    $ opam user-setup install

    Starting a New Project

    We will set up a "Hello World" project using the build system Dune. Navigate into a practice directory, as we'll be creating new projects below.

    First, we initialise a new project using dune and then change into the created directory. As usual, the line beneath the shell command is the expected output:

    $ dune init project helloworld
    Success: initialized project component named helloworld
    $ cd helloworld

    All the metadata of your project is available in the file dune-project. Edit it to match your specific project.

    We can build our program with dune build, which creates an executable file:

    $ dune build

    When we change our program, we can type dune build again to make a new executable. To run the program, we can use:

    $ dune exec ./bin/main.exe
    Hello, World!

    Or, alternatively,

    $ dune exec helloworld
    Hello, World!

    Let's look at the contents of our new directory.

    On macOS and Linux, use the directory listing command (ls):

    bin _build dune-project helloworld.opam lib test

    On Windows, use the directory listing command (dir):

    $ dir
        Directory: C:\source\helloworld
    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    d-----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM                bin
    d-----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM                lib
    d-----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM                test
    d-----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM                _build
    -a----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM             36 dune-project
    -a----          8/8/2022  12:18 PM              0 helloworld.opam

    All the build outputs generated by Dune go in the _build directory. The main.exe executable is generated inside the _build/default/bin/ subdirectory.

    The source code for the program is found in ./bin/main.ml. Any supporting library code should go in lib.

    To learn more about Dune, see the official documentation.

    Configure OCamlFormat to Format Your Code

    Automatic formatting with OCamlFormat is usually already supported by the editor plugin, but it requires a configuration file at the root of the project. Moreover, since different versions of OCamlFormat will vary in formatting, it is good practice to enforce the one you are using. Doing:

    $ echo "version = `ocamlformat --version`" > .ocamlformat

    This will enforce that only the OCamlFormat version you have installed can format the files of the project. Note that a .ocamlformat file is needed, but an empty file is accepted.

    In addition to the editor, Dune is also able to drive OCamlFormat. Running this command will automatically format all files from your codebase:

    $ dune fmt

    Generate Documentation with odoc

    odoc is a tool that is not meant to be used by hand, just as compilers are not meant to be run manually in complex projects. Dune can drive odoc to generate documentation in the form of HTML, LaTeX, or man pages, from the docstrings and interface of the project's modules.

    The following command will generate the documentation as HTML:

    $ dune build @doc
    # Unix or macOS
    $ open _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html
    # Windows
    $ explorer _build\default\_doc\_html\index.html

    Help Improve Our Documentation

    All OCaml docs are open source. See something that's wrong or unclear? Submit a pull request.

    sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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