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Zhou, Y., Wushouer, H., Vuillermin, D. et al. Does the Universal Medical Insurance System Reduce Catastrophic Health Expenditure among Middle-Aged and Elderly Households in China? A Longitudinal Analysis. The European Journal of Health Economics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10198-021-01267-3

Zhou, Y., Wushouer, H., Vuillermin, D. et al. Medical Insurance and Healthcare Utilization among the Middle-Aged and Elderly in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study 2011, 2013 and 2015. BMC Health Service Research 20, 654 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05522-w

Xiaodong Guan, Zhuangfei Wang, Ye Tian, Yue Zhou, Dawei Zhu, Daniel Vuillermin and Luwen Shi. The Impact of Physicians Knowledge on Outpatient Antibacterial Use: Evidence from China s County Hospitals” in Medicine, 2020 Jan;99(3):e18852. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018852.

Daniel Vuillermin, Cinemeducation, Disability, and Identity: An Undergraduate Special Study Module for Medical Students in China” in Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities, edited by Vivienne Lo. London: Routledge, 2019.

Xiaodong Guan, Mengyuan Fu, Fanghui Lin, Dawei Zhu, Daniel Vuillermin and Luwen Shi. Burden of Visual Impairment Associated with Eye Diseases: An Exploratory Survey of 298 Chinese Patients” in BMJ Open, 2019;9:e030561. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030561.

Richard de Grijs and Daniel Vuillermin. Christopher Wren and Blood Circulation” in Hektoen International: A Journal of the Medical Humanities, Fall (2019). https://hekint.org/2019/12/03/christopher-wren-and-blood-circulation/ (Finalist and Honorable Mention, Hektoen International s Blood Essay Writing Contest)

Richard de Grijs and Daniel Vuillermin, Longitudinal Lunacy: Science and Madness in the Eighteenth Century” in Hektoen International: A Journal of the Medical Humanities. Spring (2019). https://hekint.org/2019/05/02/longitudinal-lunacy-science-and-madness-in-the-eighteenth-century/

Daniel Vuillermin, Using Art to Cultivate Medical Humanities Care in Chinese Medical Education” in Using Art as Research in Learning and Teaching: Multidisciplinary Approaches Across the Arts, edited by Ross Prior. Bristol: Intellect Ltd, 2018.

Daniel Vuillermin and Li Zhuoya, “‘ She looked so normal ’ – Embodied Narratives and Promoting Awareness about Rare Disease in China.” Dósis: Medical Humanities + Social Justice, Issue 1.2: Health, Gender and Embodiment, 2018. https://medhumdosis.com/2018/07/18/feature-she-looked-so-normal-embodied-narratives-and-promoting-awareness-about-rare-disease-in-china/

Daniel Vuillermin, Helpe Others Out of a Fellow-Feeling”: The Romantic Science of the Pathography.” Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies, May, 2019. http://www.sclw.sjtu.edu.cn/En/Show/608

Daniel Vuillermin and Richard de Grijs, “‘ Marvailous Cures : Sympathetic Medicine Connecting Europe and China” in Hektoen International: A Journal of the Medical Humanities. Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2018). http://hekint.org/2018/03/20/marvailous-cures-sympathetic-medicine-connecting-europe-china/

Richard de Grijs and Daniel Vuillermin, Measure of the Heart: Santorio Santorio and the Pulsilogium” in Hektoen International: A Journal of the Medical Humanities. Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2017). http://hekint.org/index.php?id=2264

Humanising the Pathological Other: Documentary Photography and Biography in Zhang Lijie s The Rare” in Journal of Modern Life Writing Studies. Shanghai Jiaotong University Biographical Centre, (1), 2016: 217-231.

A Nest of Subversive Propaganda: Progressive Children s Arts Education from the New Deal to the McCarthy Era” in American Communist History. Volume 12, Issue 2, 2013: 91-115.

“‘ Mr Johnson is a man of a most dreadful appearance : Boswellian Manipulations of Time and the Portraiture of Sir Joshua Reynolds”, Proceedings of the Time, Transcendence, Performance Conference, 2009.

“From Canberra to Beijing: What Do I Want Medical Students to Realize” 《世界渐冻人日① 从堪培拉到北京:我想让医学生体会什么》in The Paper 《澎湃》,  21 June 2019.


“Transformative Learning Through Creative Life Writing” by Celia Hunt in Life Writing. 27 July 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14484528.2017.1357106

“Illness Narratives in 2017” in Auto/Biography Bulletin. The Biography Society, The World Auto/Biography Center, Peking University, 2018.

Observation and asylum: Yuan Dongping’s ‘Mental patients in China’ in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society China, Vol. 77 (1), 2017: 269–281.

“One Child: The Story of China's Most Radical Experiment” by Mei Fong in Chinese Medical Humanities Review (2016), Peking University Medical Press, 2016.

“Auguries and Ambiguities” in Caixin, 31 October 2015.


“Life According to Luoluo” in Caixin, 12 September 2015.


“Strange Tales: Illness Narratives in 2015” in Auto/Biography Bulletin. The Biography Society, The World Auto/Biography Center, Peking University, 2015.

转折:英语国家传记文学的新发展-兼论中国传记, 东平历史名人传记文学国际学术研讨会, 2015.

“The Yellow Pearls of China: Women with a PhD” in Caixin, 18 October 2014.


“Commercial Life Writing in 2014” in Auto/Biography Bulletin: Beijing Conference Issue. The Biography Society, The World Auto/Biography Center, Peking University, 2014.

“Writing the Lives of Painters: Biography and Artistic Identity in Britain 1760-1810” by Karen Junod in a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, Volume 28.2, Fall (2013): 177-20.

“Biography in 2013: A Survey” in Auto/Biography Bulletin: Qufu Conference Issue, The Biography Society, The World Auto/Biography Center, Peking University, 2013.

“The Power of Biography: Why Steve Jobs’s Legend Will Live On” in The Conversation, 2 November 2011.


“Possessing the Dead: The Artful Science of Anatomy” by Helen MacDonald in the Australian Book Review (July 2010)

“Robert Hughes: The Australian Years” by Patricia Anderson in the Australian Book Review (April 2010)

“Split Lives: Australian Croatian Stories” by Val Colic-Peisker in Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian Literature (June 2010)

“The Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature”, edited by Nicholas Jose in Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian and New Zealand Literature (December 2009)

Blindness, Friendship and the Last Years: Reynolds’s Later Portraits of Dr Johnson. Melbourne: Johnson Society of Australia, 2008.

After Sir Joshua Reynolds: Biographical Paintings of Dr Johnson in the 19th Century. Melbourne: Johnson Society of Australia, 2006.

Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Portraits of Dr Johnson. Melbourne: Johnson Society of Australia, 2004.