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The next problem to arise was that the setup script did not recognize the version of oracle that was being used. To fix this I needed to do a slight hack on the setup script. I created the following patch that should work a treat. (Any suggestions on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated. I could add more filesToCheck for other versions of oracle, maybe adding (“11g”, “libclntsh.dylib.11.1”), to filesToCheck for Oracle 11g for example.)

--- setup.py.bak	2008-08-25 14:13:13.000000000 +0100
+++ setup.py	2008-08-25 14:16:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@
                     ("9i", "oraclient9.dll"),
                     ("8i", "oraclient8.dll")
+        elif sys.platform in ("darwin"):
+            subDir = ""
+            filesToCheck = [
+                    ("10g", "libclntsh.dylib.10.1")
+            ]
             subDir = "lib"
             filesToCheck = [

To patch your version of setup.py save the above code into a file in the same directory as setup.py , with the name leopard_cx_oracle.patch . Now, execute the following to apply it:

patch < leopard_cx_oracle.patch 

This should allow the setup script recognise oracle instant client for leopard and behave correctly.

1.去官网下载最新的源码,自行编译安装sudo python setup-py buildsudo python setup.py install2.  Oracle home does not refer to an 8i, 9i, 10g or 11g installation.The next problem to arise was that th SQL> select * from v$v er sion; BANN ER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Ent er pri 最近安装python 的 Oracle 包,网上搜了一大堆,好多都没用,只好自己总结下整个安装过程吧 首先给大家推荐一个ubuntu官网上安装 cx_Oracle 网址:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ Oracle %20Instant%20Client 如果你...
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