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摘要: 19世纪上半叶,为应对食盐专卖制度出现的种种弊病,清政府推动了一系列盐制自由化改革,其中以河东的课归地丁和淮北的废引改票最具有代表性。河东与淮北的改革均改善了当地盐业的财政收入和经济绩效,但在治理效果上的差异导致其制度命运出现分叉:河东改革引发了蒙古贩私盐集团问题,因而被废止,而淮北改革化解了民间集团贩私盐的隐患,获得了更稳定的制度生命。河东、淮北的盐制改革在治理效果上的不同,主要源于两地在私盐利润和游离人口上的差别。清嘉庆时期以后,地方游民的增加凸显了自由化政策的治理意义,使自由化改革具备了更坚实的现实基础。本文试图通过分析两场改革中食盐制度与社会群体的互动,重新审视传统国家、经济制度与社会治理之间的关系。

Abstract: In the first half of the 19th century, in order to deal with the problems of the salt monopoly system, the Qing government promoted a series of salt liberalization reforms, of which the Ke Gui Di Ding in Hedong salt district and the Fei Yin Gai Piao in Huaibei salt district were the most representative. The reforms of these two districts eased the inherent contradictions of the salt monopoly system and brought improved revenue of the salt industry and better local economic performance. However, the difference between the two districts in the governance effectiveness led to divergent outcomes in the system:the reform of Hedong caused the floods of Mongolian smuggling groups, and was thus aborted eventually; while the reform of Huaibei helped eliminating the potential danger of smuggling, and therefore achieved a more stable institutional life. This difference was mainly due to the differences of the smuggling profit and the vagrant population between the two places. Because of the price difference prior to the reform, the liberalization gave a big boost to the profit margin of salt smuggling in Hedong, while the opposite was true in Huaibei. This had led to a significant increase of smuggling groups in one place and a decrease in another. After the reign of Jiaqing, due to the intensified population pressure and social unrest, homeless population gradually increased in Huaibei and so did the problem of salt smuggling. Nevertheless, Huaibei's liberalization policy was able to transform smugglers into legitimate salt merchants, helped absorbing the unemployed, and achieved good governance results, therefore not only did it last longer, but also realized the systems diffusion. This paper examines the course of reform, analyzes the timing of the key steps, and demonstrates the close interaction between the economic system and the social governance in traditional society. The grave issues of social governance in the first half of the 19th century profoundly influenced the reform direction of the salt system in the Qing Dynasty.

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