Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select \* from (select rownum r,e.\* from emp e where rownum <=5) t where r>0;| select \* from emp limit 5 offset 0; ####(2)Oracle中rownum=1,PostgreSQL中使用limit 1 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select \* from emp where rownum = 1;| select \* from emp limit 1; #### (3)Oracle中序号列rownum,PostgreSQL使用窗口函数 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select rownum,t.\* from emp t;| select row_number() over(), t.* from emp t; ### 2.系统日期 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- SYSDATE| current_timestamp, current_date ### 3.delete语句 Oracle delete语句可以没有from,pg必须要有from Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- delete from emp where empno = xxx;
delete emp where empno = xxx| delete from emp where empno = xxx ### 4.类型自动转换 Oracle支持类型自动转换,例如数字自动换换为字符串等;PG中需要显示转换,或者添加CAST ### 5.子查询别名 PostgreSQL在from关键字后的子查询必须要有别名,Oralce可以没有。 ### 6. group by having PG having语句必须在group by之后,oracle可以在group by之前 ### 7.递归查询 Oracle中使用start with ... connect by..., PG中使用with recusive Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select \*
from larearrelation
where rearedgens = 1
and rearflag = 1
and rearlevel = '01'
connect by prior agentcode = rearagentcode
start with rearagentcode = '10032226';
| with recursive rs as (
select \* from larearrelation where rearagentcode = '10032226'
union all
select a.* from larearrelation a, rs where a.rearagentcode = rs.agentcode
select \** from rs where rearedgens = 1 and rearflag = '1' and rearlevel = '01' ###8.update语句别名 postgresql中update语句时,set的字段不能有别名 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- update emp t set = 'xxx' where t.empno = 2| update emp set name = 'xxx' where empno = 2 ### 9. 日期相减 oracle日期相减自动转换为数字,结果为相差的天数。 pg日期相减为interval类型,得到相差天数需要进行类型转换 ### 10.递归查询中的level oracle的递归查询中level表示查询深度(或者递归层次),在PG中没有此含义的关键字,需要自行在with recursive实现 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select max(level) from larearrelation
where rearedgens = 1
and rearflag = 1
and rearlevel = '01'
connect by prior agentcode = rearagentcode
start with rearagentcode = '10032226';
| with recursive rs as (
select larearrelation.*, 1 depth from larearrelation where rearagentcode = '10032226'
union all
select a./**, rs.depth + 1 depth from larearrelation a, rs where a.rearagentcode = rs.agentcode
select max(rs.depth) from rs where rearedgens = 1 and rearflag = '1' and rearlevel = '01' ### 11.序列的调用 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- select seqname.nextval from dual;| select nextval('seqname') ### 12.外连接 Oralce外连接支持使用 (+), PostgreSQL需使用left jion或者right join标准sql语法 ### 13.distinct去重复 oracle支持unique关键字去重复,pg中只能使用distinct ### 14.字符串分割 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- listagg| string_agg ### 15.集合相减 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- Minus | except ### 16.null与" null和’’在oracle中是一致的,最终都会存储为null,在PG中会进行区分 ### 17.不等于 Oracle中 ! =,< >操作符中间允许有空格,PG中不可以 ### 18.别名 PG中无效的别名,可以尝试加as关键字,例如name ### 19.正则表达式 Oracle | PostgreSQL -|-|- SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('17,20,23','[^,]+',1,1,'i') FROM DUAL;| select (regexp_matches('17,20,23', '[^,]+'))[1] ### 20.字段大小写 oracle字段名大写,PG字段名小写 来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。

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