I am facing a weird issue with the Time-out in the Vb.Net Application. The application is to be built for the Mass Upload data on the screen and processing of the same.
All the things are working fine, but I am facing problem with 20K data processing. I have tested with 15K data and its working perfect.
I had to call a oracle Stored proc for the final steps to create the parameters and the steps are as below,
1. Copy the data from a staging table to the main tables
2. Return the ID to the page.
the 1st step is happening but every time I am getting Time-out message on the screen, Checking on the DB tables, can find out that all the data processing is done, not sure why the data is not returning to the screen. Though this is happening for 15000 records.
I am using .Net 4.0 version and web services for the database connectivity.
Please advice.
Thanks and Regards,
Aniket Read this : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12692832/commandtimeout-for-oraclecommand [ ^ ]
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12660636/oraclecommand-timeout [ ^ ]
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/win.111/b28375/OracleCommandClass.htm#DAFBGECA [ ^ ] I have increased the timeout of the web service and resolved the issue. It was not working earlier but later worked.
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