开贴记录一下学习与应用scan context的经验。(由于苦于寻找segmatch的odom,然后用loam做odom重定位效果并不是很理想,遂转战sacn context。)



      SCManager scManager;//初始化
      auto 结果 = scManager.detectLoopClosureID();//返回两个值
      scManager.makeAndSaveScancontextAndKeys(*点云);//其中点云为pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> & cloud_name
      SCclosestHistoryFrameID = 结果.first;//第一个值是帧ID
      yawDiffRad = 结果.second; //第二个值是航向偏差 由序号得出将360度分为60份


float rad2deg(float radians) float deg2rad(float degrees) float xy2theta( const float & _x, const float & _y )// xy2theta MatrixXd circshift( MatrixXd &_mat, int _num_shift )//将mat阵行右移得到新矩阵num shift // shift columns to right direction 将列右移 assert(_num_shift >= 0);//如果表达式为FALSE (0), 程序将报告错误,并终止执行。如果表达式不为0,则继续执行后面的语句 if( _num_shift == 0 ) { MatrixXd shifted_mat( _mat );//预定义 return shifted_mat; // Early return MatrixXd shifted_mat = MatrixXd::Zero( _mat.rows(), _mat.cols() );//初始化 for ( int col_idx = 0; col_idx < _mat.cols(); col_idx++ ){ int new_location = (col_idx + _num_shift) % _mat.cols();//行右移输入量num shift shifted_mat.col(new_location) = _mat.col(col_idx);//shifted新矩阵赋值 return shifted_mat; } // circshift double SCManager::distDirectSC ( MatrixXd &_sc1, MatrixXd &_sc2 ) int num_eff_cols = 0; // i.e., to exclude all-nonzero sector double sum_sector_similarity = 0; for ( int col_idx = 0; col_idx < _sc1.cols(); col_idx++ ){ VectorXd col_sc1 = _sc1.col(col_idx);//预定义 VectorXd col_sc2 = _sc2.col(col_idx); if( col_sc1.norm() == 0 | col_sc2.norm() == 0 ) continue; // don't count this sector pair. 0,0的时候不计算 double sector_similarity = col_sc1.dot(col_sc2) / (col_sc1.norm() * col_sc2.norm());//点积/叉积 = cos sum_sector_similarity = sum_sector_similarity + sector_similarity;//计算总的 num_eff_cols = num_eff_cols + 1; double sc_sim = sum_sector_similarity / num_eff_cols; return 1.0 - sc_sim; } // distDirectSC int SCManager::fastAlignUsingVkey( MatrixXd & _vkey1, MatrixXd & _vkey2) int argmin_vkey_shift = 0; double min_veky_diff_norm = 10000000; for ( int shift_idx = 0; shift_idx < _vkey1.cols(); shift_idx++ ){ MatrixXd vkey2_shifted = circshift(_vkey2, shift_idx);//行变换 MatrixXd vkey_diff = _vkey1 - vkey2_shifted;//减去shifted double cur_diff_norm = vkey_diff.norm();//欧几里得长度 或 模 if( cur_diff_norm < min_veky_diff_norm ){ argmin_vkey_shift = shift_idx; //第几个 min_veky_diff_norm = cur_diff_norm; //更新最小值 return argmin_vkey_shift;//返回第几个 } // fastAlignUsingVkey std::pair<double, int> SCManager::distanceBtnScanContext( MatrixXd &_sc1, MatrixXd &_sc2 ) // 1. fast align using variant key (not in original IROS18) MatrixXd vkey_sc1 = makeSectorkeyFromScancontext( _sc1 ); MatrixXd vkey_sc2 = makeSectorkeyFromScancontext( _sc2 );//返回一个值 int argmin_vkey_shift = fastAlignUsingVkey( vkey_sc1, vkey_sc2 );//返回第几个 由欧式距离 const int SEARCH_RADIUS = round( 0.5 * SEARCH_RATIO * _sc1.cols() ); // a half of search range //设置搜索半径 std::vector<int> shift_idx_search_space { argmin_vkey_shift }; for ( int ii = 1; ii < SEARCH_RADIUS + 1; ii++ ){ shift_idx_search_space.push_back( (argmin_vkey_shift + ii + _sc1.cols()) % _sc1.cols() ); //把范围内的加进去 shift_idx_search_space.push_back( (argmin_vkey_shift - ii + _sc1.cols()) % _sc1.cols() ); std::sort(shift_idx_search_space.begin(), shift_idx_search_space.end()); //排个序 // 2. fast columnwise diff int argmin_shift = 0; double min_sc_dist = 10000000; for ( int num_shift: shift_idx_search_space ){ MatrixXd sc2_shifted = circshift(_sc2, num_shift); //行变换 double cur_sc_dist = distDirectSC( _sc1, sc2_shifted ); //计算向量之类的 if( cur_sc_dist < min_sc_dist ){ argmin_shift = num_shift; min_sc_dist = cur_sc_dist;//更新 return make_pair(min_sc_dist, argmin_shift); } // distanceBtnScanContext MatrixXd SCManager::makeScancontext( pcl::PointCloud<SCPointType> & _scan_down ) TicToc t_making_desc; int num_pts_scan_down = _scan_down.points.size();//输入点的数量 // main const int NO_POINT = -1000; MatrixXd desc = NO_POINT * MatrixXd::Ones(PC_NUM_RING, PC_NUM_SECTOR);//预定义 SCPointType pt; float azim_angle, azim_range; // wihtin 2d plane int ring_idx, sctor_idx; for (int pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < num_pts_scan_down; pt_idx++) { pt.x = _scan_down.points[pt_idx].x; pt.y = _scan_down.points[pt_idx].y; pt.z = _scan_down.points[pt_idx].z + LIDAR_HEIGHT; // naive adding is ok (all points should be > 0).雷达自身高2.0米 // xyz to ring, sector azim_range = sqrt(pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y);//半径 azim_angle = xy2theta(pt.x, pt.y); //方向角 // if range is out of roi, pass if( azim_range > PC_MAX_RADIUS )//设置一个半径的滤波 continue; ring_idx = std::max( std::min( PC_NUM_RING, int(ceil( (azim_range / PC_MAX_RADIUS) * PC_NUM_RING )) ), 1 );//线号 sctor_idx = std::max( std::min( PC_NUM_SECTOR, int(ceil( (azim_angle / 360.0) * PC_NUM_SECTOR )) ), 1 );//角度的扇号 // taking maximum z if ( desc(ring_idx-1, sctor_idx-1) < pt.z ) // -1 means cpp starts from 0 desc(ring_idx-1, sctor_idx-1) = pt.z; // update for taking maximum value at that bin//更新Z最小值 // reset no points to zero (for cosine dist later) for ( int row_idx = 0; row_idx < desc.rows(); row_idx++ ) for ( int col_idx = 0; col_idx < desc.cols(); col_idx++ )//行列 if( desc(row_idx, col_idx) == NO_POINT ) desc(row_idx, col_idx) = 0;//若没有点则置0 t_making_desc.toc("PolarContext making"); return desc; } // SCManager::makeScancontext MatrixXd SCManager::makeRingkeyFromScancontext( Eigen::MatrixXd &_desc ) * summary: rowwise mean vector Eigen::MatrixXd invariant_key(_desc.rows(), 1);//预定义 for ( int row_idx = 0; row_idx < _desc.rows(); row_idx++ ) Eigen::MatrixXd curr_row = _desc.row(row_idx); invariant_key(row_idx, 0) = curr_row.mean();//均值 行 //16线 return invariant_key; } // SCManager::makeRingkeyFromScancontext MatrixXd SCManager::makeSectorkeyFromScancontext( Eigen::MatrixXd &_desc ) //summary: columnwise mean vector Eigen::MatrixXd variant_key(1, _desc.cols()); //预定义 for ( int col_idx = 0; col_idx < _desc.cols(); col_idx++ ) Eigen::MatrixXd curr_col = _desc.col(col_idx);//行 variant_key(0, col_idx) = curr_col.mean(); //求均值 列 //360° return variant_key; } // SCManager::makeSectorkeyFromScancontext void SCManager::makeAndSaveScancontextAndKeys( pcl::PointCloud<SCPointType> & _scan_down ) Eigen::MatrixXd sc = makeScancontext(_scan_down); // v1 行列设置 Eigen::MatrixXd ringkey = makeRingkeyFromScancontext( sc ); //返回第一个值 Eigen::MatrixXd sectorkey = makeSectorkeyFromScancontext( sc ); //返回另一个值 std::vector<float> polarcontext_invkey_vec = eig2stdvec( ringkey );//线号 polarcontexts_.push_back( sc ); polarcontext_invkeys_.push_back( ringkey ); polarcontext_vkeys_.push_back( sectorkey ); polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.push_back( polarcontext_invkey_vec ); // cout <<polarcontext_vkeys_.size() << endl; } // SCManager::makeAndSaveScancontextAndKeys std::pair<int, float> SCManager::detectLoopClosureID ( void ) int loop_id { -1 }; // init with -1, -1 means no loop (== LeGO-LOAM's variable "closestHistoryFrameID") auto curr_key = polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.back(); // current observation (query)线号 auto curr_desc = polarcontexts_.back(); // current observation (query)//行列号 * step 1: candidates from ringkey tree_ if( polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.size() < NUM_EXCLUDE_RECENT + 1)// 线号size <51 从0到50 std::pair<int, float> result {loop_id, 0.0}; //构造result return result; // Early return // tree_ reconstruction (not mandatory to make everytime) if( tree_making_period_conter % TREE_MAKING_PERIOD_ == 0) // to save computation cost // %50 TicToc t_tree_construction; polarcontext_invkeys_to_search_.clear(); // polarcontext_invkeys_to_search_.assign( polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.begin(), polarcontext_invkeys_mat_.end() - NUM_EXCLUDE_RECENT ) ;//用于拷贝、赋值操作 polarcontext_tree_.reset(); //智能指针 kdtree适应 polarcontext_tree_ = std::make_unique<InvKeyTree>(PC_NUM_RING /* dim */, polarcontext_invkeys_to_search_, 10 /* max leaf */ );//赋值 // tree_ptr_->index->buildIndex(); // inernally called in the constructor of InvKeyTree (for detail, refer the nanoflann and KDtreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor) t_tree_construction.toc("Tree construction"); tree_making_period_conter = tree_making_period_conter + 1; double min_dist = 10000000; // init with somthing large int nn_align = 0; int nn_idx = 0; // knn search std::vector<size_t> candidate_indexes( NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE ); std::vector<float> out_dists_sqr( NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE ); TicToc t_tree_search; nanoflann::KNNResultSet<float> knnsearch_result( NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE ); //预定义 knnsearch_result.init( &candidate_indexes[0], &out_dists_sqr[0] );//初始化 polarcontext_tree_->index->findNeighbors( knnsearch_result, &curr_key[0] /* query */, nanoflann::SearchParams(10) ); t_tree_search.toc("Tree search"); * step 2: pairwise distance (find optimal columnwise best-fit using cosine distance) TicToc t_calc_dist; for ( int candidate_iter_idx = 0; candidate_iter_idx < NUM_CANDIDATES_FROM_TREE; candidate_iter_idx++ ) MatrixXd polarcontext_candidate = polarcontexts_[ candidate_indexes[candidate_iter_idx] ];//行列号 std::pair<double, int> sc_dist_result = distanceBtnScanContext( curr_desc, polarcontext_candidate );//最小距离 和 序号 double candidate_dist = sc_dist_result.first; int candidate_align = sc_dist_result.second; if( candidate_dist < min_dist ) min_dist = candidate_dist; nn_align = candidate_align; nn_idx = candidate_indexes[candidate_iter_idx];// 更新 t_calc_dist.toc("Distance calc"); * loop threshold check if( min_dist < SC_DIST_THRES ) loop_id = nn_idx; // std::cout.precision(3); cout << "[Loop found] Nearest distance: " << min_dist << " btn " << polarcontexts_.size()-1 << " and " << nn_idx << "." << endl; cout << "[Loop found] yaw diff: " << nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE << " deg." << endl; std::cout.precision(3); cout << "[Not loop] Nearest distance: " << min_dist << " btn " << polarcontexts_.size()-1 << " and " << nn_idx << "." << endl; cout << "[Not loop] yaw diff: " << nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE << " deg." << endl; // To do: return also nn_align (i.e., yaw diff) float yaw_diff_rad = deg2rad(nn_align * PC_UNIT_SECTORANGLE); std::pair<int, float> result {loop_id, yaw_diff_rad}; return result; } // SCManager::detectLoopClosureID // } // namespace SC2


4037 1442 712 4227 4437 6097 8724 14062在这些地方发生了20以上的跳变或者增减顺序的跳变(-20增加到50 突然变成-20或者变为20),并无任何顺序
