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本文为您介绍如何通过Java UDF实现根据Path路径获取JSON字符串并判断指定值是否存在。


UDFGetJsonObject(String jsonString, String pathString)

    解析 jsonString 字符串,获取路径 pathString 指定的值 ,与 JSON字符串获取示例 中的get_json_object类似 。它还可用于判断获取的值中是否包含特定的值。

  • jsonString :JSON字符串。
  • pathString :路径。其中 $ 代表根节点, . 取子节点, [] 取数组下标。 pathString 只支持字母、数字、下划线。

    在MaxCompute公共云运行时,由于沙箱等限制,需要把 org.json 包和UDF Jar包分别作为资源上传至MaxCompute,并且在DataWorks创建函数时同时引用两个资源。您可以在 MVN 手动下载 org.json 包。

    TestJson.jar 是UDF打包后生成的Jar,而 json-20180813.jar org.json 包。
  • select TestJson('{"LogA\":[{"id":"11562,20508"}, {"id":"11563,20509"}]}', "LogA[0]");
    执行结果为 {"id":"11562,20508"}
  • select bi_udf:bi_get_value('{"LogA\":[{"id":"11562,20508"}, {"id":"11563,20509"}]}', "LogA[0].id", "20508");                                    
    执行结果为 true
  • select bi_udf:bi_get_value('{"LogA\":[{"id":"11562,20508"}, {"id":"11563,20509"}]}', "LogA[0].id", "20508", "&");
    执行结果为 true


    package com.aliyun.odps.examples.udf; //Package名称,可以根据您的情况定义。
    import com.aliyun.odps.io.Text;
    import com.aliyun.odps.udf.UDF; //阿里云UDF。
    import org.json.JSONArray;
    import org.json.JSONException;
    import org.json.JSONObject;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class UDFGetValue extends UDF {
        private  final  Pattern  patternKey  =  Pattern.compile("^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+).*");  
        private  final  Pattern  patternIndex  =  Pattern.compile("\\[([0-9]+|\\*)\\]");
        private  static  Map<String,  Object>  extractObjectCache  =  new  HashCache<String,  Object>();
        private  static  Map<String,  String[]>  pathExprCache  =  new  HashCache<String,  String[]>();
        private  static  Map<String, ArrayList<String>>  indexListCache  =  new  HashCache<String,  ArrayList<String>>();
        private  static  Map<String,  String>  mKeyGroup1Cache  =  new  HashCache<String,  String>();
        private  static  Map<String,  Boolean>  mKeyMatchesCache  =  new  HashCache<String,  Boolean>();
        private  Text  result  =  new Text();
        private  ArrayList<Object>  jsonList  =  new  ArrayList<Object>();
        private  static  class  HashCache<K,  V>  extends LinkedHashMap<K,  V> {
            private  static  final  int  CACHE_SIZE  =  16;
            private  static  final  int  INIT_SIZE  =  32;
            private  static  final  float  LOAD_FACTOR  =  0.6f;
            private  static  final  long  serialVersionUID  =  1;
            HashCache()  {
                super(INIT_SIZE,  LOAD_FACTOR);
            protected  boolean  removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K,  V>  eldest)  {
                return  size()  >  CACHE_SIZE;
        public UDFGetValue()  {
         *  @param  jsonStr  传入的JSON字符串。
         *  @param  path  Json路径。
         *  @return  返回对应的值。
        public  String  evaluate(String  jsonStr,  String  path)  {
            if  (jsonStr  ==  null  ||  jsonStr  ==  ""  ||  path  ==  null  ||  path  ==  "")  {
                return null;
            String  jResult  =  evaluateJson(jsonStr,  path);
            if  (jResult  ==  null  ||  "".equals(jResult))
                return  null;
            return result.toString();
         * @param jsonStr 传入的JSON字符串。
         * @param path Json路径。
         * @param value。
         * @return 判断JSON字符串中,指定的path中,是否包含有value(完全包含),返回"true" 或者"false"。
        public String evaluate(String jsonStr, String path, String value) {
            if (jsonStr == null || jsonStr == "" || path == null
                    || path == "" || value == null || "".equals(value)) {
                return null;
            String jResult = evaluateJson(jsonStr, path);
            if (jResult == null || "".equals(jResult)) {
                return result.toString();
            String[] sV = value.split(",");
            String[] dV = jResult.split(",");
            int sameCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sV.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < dV.length; j++) {
                    if (sV[i].equals(dV[j])) {
            if (sameCount == sV.length) {
            } else {
            return result.toString();
         * @param jsonStr 传入的JSON字符串。
         * @param path JSON路径。
         * @param value。
         * @param flag 可以取值"|"或者"&","|"表示value中任意一个存在即可,"&"表示value中的值都需要包含。
         * @return 判断获取的JSON字符串中,是否包含有value,返回"true" 或者"false"。
        public String evaluate(String jsonStr, String path, String value, String flag) {
            if ("&".equals(flag))
                return evaluate(jsonStr, path, value);
            if (jsonStr == null || jsonStr.equals("") || path == null || path.equals("")
                    || value == null || "".equals(value) || flag == null
                    || !"|".equals(flag)) {
                return result.toString();
            String jResult = evaluateJson(jsonStr, path);
            if (jResult == null || "".equals(jResult)) {
                return result.toString();
            String[] sV = value.split(",");
            String[] dV = jResult.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < sV.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < dV.length; j++) {
                    if (sV[i].equals(dV[j])) {
                        return result.toString();
            return result.toString();
         * Extract json object from a json string based on json path specified, and
         * return json string of the extracted json object. It will return null if
         * the input json string is invalid.
         * A limited version of JSONPath supported: $ : Root object . : Child
         * operator [] : Subscript operator for array * : Wildcard for []
         * Syntax not supported that's worth noticing: '' : Zero length string as
         * key .. : Recursive descent &amp;#064; : Current object/element () :
         * Script expression ?() : Filter (script) expression. [,] : Union operator
         * [start:end:step] : array slice operator
         * @param jsonString the json string.
         * @param pathString the json path expression.
         * @return json string or null when an error happens.
        private String evaluateJson(String jsonString, String pathString) {
            try {
                pathString = "$." + pathString;
                // Cache pathExpr
                String[] pathExpr = pathExprCache.get(pathString);
                if (pathExpr == null) {
                    pathExpr = pathString.split("\\.", -1);
                    pathExprCache.put(pathString, pathExpr);
                if (!pathExpr[0].equalsIgnoreCase("$")) {
                    return null;
                // Cache extractObject
                Object extractObject = extractObjectCache.get(jsonString);
                if (extractObject == null) {
                    extractObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
                    Object put = extractObjectCache.put(jsonString, extractObject);
                for (int i = 1; i < pathExpr.length; i++) {
                    extractObject = extract(extractObject, pathExpr[i]);
                return extractObject.toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return null;
        private Object extract(Object json, String path) throws JSONException {
            // Cache patternkey.matcher(path).matches()
            Matcher mKey = null;
            Boolean mKeyMatches = mKeyMatchesCache.get(path);
            if (mKeyMatches == null) {
                mKey = patternKey.matcher(path);
                mKeyMatches = mKey.matches() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
                mKeyMatchesCache.put(path, mKeyMatches);
            if (!mKeyMatches.booleanValue()) {
                return null;
            // Cache mkey.group(1)
            String mKeyGroup1 = mKeyGroup1Cache.get(path);
            if (mKeyGroup1 == null) {
                if (mKey == null) {
                    mKey = patternKey.matcher(path);
                mKeyGroup1 = mKey.group(1);
                // 根据path缓存对应的JSON。
                mKeyGroup1Cache.put(path, mKeyGroup1);
            json = extract_json_withkey(json, mKeyGroup1);
            // Cache indexList
            ArrayList<String> indexList = indexListCache.get(path);
            if (indexList == null) {
                Matcher mIndex = patternIndex.matcher(path);
                indexList = new ArrayList<String>();
                while (mIndex.find()) {
                indexListCache.put(path, indexList);
            if (indexList.size() > 0) {
                json = extract_json_withindex(json, indexList);
            return json;
        private Object extract_json_withindex(Object json, ArrayList<String> indexList) throws JSONException {
            Iterator<String> itr = indexList.iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                String index = itr.next();
                ArrayList<Object> tmp_jsonList = new ArrayList<Object>();
                if (index.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (jsonList).size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            JSONArray array = (JSONArray) (jsonList).get(i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < array.length(); j++) {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    jsonList = tmp_jsonList;
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (jsonList).size(); i++) {
                        try {
                            tmp_jsonList.add(((JSONArray) (jsonList).get(i))
                        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                            return null;
                        jsonList = tmp_jsonList;
            return (jsonList.size() > 1) ? new JSONArray(jsonList) : jsonList
        private Object extract_json_withkey(Object json, String path) throws JSONException {
            if (json.getClass() == JSONArray.class) {
                JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < ((JSONArray) json).length(); i++) {
                    Object josn_elem = ((JSONArray) json).get(i);
                    try {
                        Object json_obj = ((JSONObject) josn_elem).get(path);
                        if (json_obj.getClass() == JSONArray.class) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < ((JSONArray) json_obj).length(); j++) {
                                jsonArray.put(((JSONArray) json_obj).get(j));
                        } else {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                return (jsonArray.length() == 0) ? null : jsonArray;
            } else {
                return ((JSONObject) json).get(path);