writer.writerow(value) 到这里用 writerow写入内容的时候 会报错,如下 :

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

在stackoverflow上找到了比较经典的解释,原来 python3里面对 str和bytes类型做了严格的区分,不像python2里面某些函数里可以混用。所以用python3来写wirterow时,打开文件不要用wb模式,只需要使用w模式,然后带上newline=‘’。

down vote

In Python 2.X, it was required to open the csvfile with 'b' because the csv module does its own line termination handling.

In Python 3.X, the csv module still does its own line termination handling, but still needs to know an encoding for Unicode strings. The correct way to open a csv file for writing is:


encoding can be whatever you require, but newline='' suppresses text mode newline handling. On Windows, failing to do this will write \r\r\n file line endings instead of the correct \r\n. This is mentioned in the 3.X csv.reader documentation only, but csv.writer requires it as well.

writefile = open('result.csv','w',newline =‘’)
writer = csv.writer(writefile)
rvalue = self.traceprocess(item[0],item[1],item[6])
if rvalue:

In Python 2.X, it was required to open the csvfile with 'b' because the csv module does its own line termination handling.

In Python 3.X, the csv module still does its own line termination handling, but still needs to know an encoding for Unicode strings. The correct way to open a csv file for writing is:


encoding can be whatever you require, but newline='' suppresses text mode newline handling. On Windows, failing to do this will write \r\r\n file line endings instead of the correct \r\n. This is mentioned in the 3.X csv.reader documentation only, but csv.writer requires it as well.


In Python 2.X, it was required to open the csvfile with 'b' because the csv module does its own line termination handling.

In Python 3.X, the csv module still does its own line termination handling, but still needs to know an encoding for Unicode strings. The correct way to open a csv file for writing is:


encoding can be whatever you require, but newline='' suppresses text mode newline handling. On Windows, failing to do this will write \r\r\n file line endings instead of the correct \r\n. This is mentioned in the 3.X csv.reader documentation only, but csv.writer requires it as well.


If newline='' is not specified, newlines embedded inside quoted fields will not be interpreted correctly, and on platforms that use \r\n linendings on write an extra \r will be added. It should always be safe to specify newline='' , since the csv module does its own ( universal ) newline handling.

down vote

In Python 2.X, it was required to open the csvfile with 'b' because the csv module does its own line termination handling.

In Python 3.X, the csv module still does its own line termination handling, but still needs to know an encoding for Unicode strings. The correct way to open a csv file for writing is:


encoding can be whatever you require, but newline='' suppresses text mode newline handling. On Windows, failing to do this will write \r\r\n file line endings instead of the correct \r\n. This is mentioned in the 3.X csv.reader documentation only, but csv.writer requires it as well.

2.使用open打开要操作的 文件 ,以写入模式打开 mode='w' 3.通过 csv . write r(stream) ---> write r对象 4.使用 write r对象向 文件 中写入内容: write row (['','','']), write row s([[],[],[]]) 5.关闭''' import csv # newline="" 去除 csv 空行 with open('../files/cards1. csv ', 'w',newline="") as csv _stream: # 转成 write r def write _ csv (self,path,list_data_ row ): with open(path, ‘w’,newline=’’) as f: csv _ write = csv . write r(f,dialect=‘excel’) csv _ write . write row (list_data_ row ) 现在是刷新,重写 如果是追加写入,将第二行的w改成a 在open()内增加 一个 参数newline=’’ 即可,代码结构如下: with open(path, 'w', newline='')as f: f_ csv = csv . write r(f) for i in tqdm(range(len(entity))): row = [] if i < len(entity): csv file = file(' csv test. csv ', 'wb') write r = csv . write r( csv file) write r. write row (['id', 'url', 'keywords']) data = [ ('1', 'http://www.xiaoheiseo.com/', '小黑'), ('2', 'http:/ print( row Data=, row Data) write r. write row ( row Data) path = rE:\\Python\\py17\\automatictext\\000001. csv write csv (path, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9] 要通过binary模式去打开,即带b的,比如wb,ab+等 而不能通过文本模式,即不带b的方式,w,w+,a+等,否则,会导致使用 write row 写内容到 csv 中时,产生对于的CR,导致多余的 空行 。 with open(self.game_name + '2022. csv ', 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: write r = csv . write r(f, dialect='unix') # 将dialect设置为unix,换行符即为'\n' write r. write row (self.bilibili_columns) 文章目录问题描述方法一: csv 方法二: pandas 在深度学习相关任务的训练时,需要在训练的每个 epoch 记录当前 epoch 的准确率(如下图所示),那么在 python 中要怎么将内容写入 csv 文件 呢,学习发现可以使用 csv 或者 pandas 实现,在这里做个简单记录。 这里示例的代码为以追加模式写,每次写入一行 方法一: csv import csv log_path = 'log/temp. csv ' file = open(log_path, 'a+', encoding unicode csv 是Python 2.7的 csv 模块的直接替代,该模块支持unicode字符串而没有麻烦。 支持的版本是python 2.6、2.7、3.3、3.4、3.5和pypy 2.4.0。 Python 2的 csv 模块无法轻松处理unicode字符串,从而导致可怕的“'ascii'编解码器无法在位置上编码字符...”异常。 您可以通过在调用 write 之前(或在read之后)对所有内容进行编码来解决此问题,但是为什么不对串行器添加支持呢? >>> import unicode csv as csv >>> from io import BytesIO >>> f = BytesIO() >>> w = csv . write r(f, encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) >>> _ = w. write row (( u ' é ' , u ' ñ ' )) 如示例,用 csv write row 写入 文件 ,会发现每写入一行,便多 一个 空行 。而我们可能并不需要这些 空行 。 本文提供2种解决方法:newline=” 和lineterminator=’\n’。 import csv csv Data = [['Person', 'Age'], ['Peter', '22'], ['Jasmine', '21'], ['Sam', '24']]... 根本原因是Python版本问题python2.x中要求用‘wb’, python3 .x中要求用'w'首先声明: CSV 文件 是可以用二进制模式写入的python文档(传送门)关于 CSV 一个 用法示例: 文件 打开的mode是“wb”with open('rent. csv ','wb') as csv _file:且与Pythone3里面字符串和二进制数据是两种类型,所以要将str类型转换成bytes类型出错部分...