- by zero:发现被0除错误
- Null object reference:空对象引用
- Array boundary exceeded:数组越界
- Enumerated value is out of range for function:枚举值超出函数范围
- Negative value encountered in function:函数中遇到负数
- Invalid DataWindow row/column specified:数据窗口的列或行非法
- Unresolvable external when linking referencr :链接调用时不能解决外部对象
- Reference of array with null subscript:使用空下标引用数组
- DLL function not found in current application :当前应用中没有找到动态链接库的函数
- Unsupported argument type in DLL function:使用动态链接库函数不支持的参数类型
- Object file is out of data and must bu converted to curent version:对象文件已经过时并且必须使用当前版本
- DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type:数据窗口的列的数据类型与GetItem函数的类型不符合
- Unresolved property reference:属性引用尚未解决
- Error opening DLL library for external function:为外部函数调用二打开动态链接库时发生错误
- Error calling external function name:调用外部函数时发生错误
- Maximu string size exceeded:字符串长度超越了最大限制
- DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does noe exit:数据窗口引用的数据窗口对象不存在
- Function doesn't return value:函数没有返回值(应该有而没有)
- Cannot convert name in Any variable to name:不能转换Any类型的变量到另一个类型
- Database command has not been successfully prepared:数据命令没有成功准备
- Bad runtime function reference:引用了错误的运行时函数
- Unknown object type:不知道的对象类型
- Cannot assign object of type name to variable of type name:不能将对象赋给变量,两种类型不能赋值
- Function call doesn't match its definition :函数调用格式与其定义不一致
- Double or Real expression has overflowed:双精度型或实型表达式溢出
- Field name assignment not supported:不支持这种字段赋值
- cannot take a negative to a noninteger power:不能计算一个负数的非整数次方
- VBX error:name:VBX错误
- Nonarray expected in AN variable:ANY类型变量期待非数组类型
- External object does not support data type name:外部对象不支持这种变量类型
- External object data type name not supported:外部对象的数据类型不支持
- Name not found calling external object function name:调用外部对象函数时函数名称没有找到
- Invalid parameter type caling external object function name:调用外部对象函数时使用了错误的参数类型
- Incorrect number of parameters calling external object function name:调用外部对象函数时使用的参数个数不对
- error calling external object functiomn name:调用外部对象的函数错误
- name not found accessing external object property name:访问外部对象属性时使用了不匹配的类型
- incorrect number of subscripts assessing external object property name:访问外部对象属性时使用了错误的下标
- error accessing external object property name:访问外部对象的属性错误
- Mismatched Any data types in expresion:表达式中ANY数据类型不匹配
- illegal ANY data type in expression:表达式中使用了非法的ANY数据类型
- specified argment type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function name:指定的参数类型与动态链接库中的函数所需要的参数类型不一致
- Parent object doesn't exist:父对象不存在
- function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor:函数与祖先的参数或返回值冲突
- internal table overflow;maximum number of objects exceeded:内部表溢出;对象的最大数目已经超越
- null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type:空对象引用不能赋值或传递给一个这种类型的变量
- Array expected in ANY variable:ANY类型期待数组