
办公室地址 :苏州市 仁爱路 199 号, 苏州大学独墅湖校区北区 703 B614 ,邮编 215123

实验室地址 苏州市仁爱路 199 号,苏州大学独墅湖校区北区 703 3618 室 (戴克胜教授团队)

联系邮箱 :jwan@suda.edu.cn


2009.09 2013.06 ;湖南大学生物学院, 学士

2013.09 2016.06 ;湖南大学生物学院, 硕士 (导师:王柯敏教授、郭秋平教授)

2016.10 2021.06 ;荷兰马斯特里赫特大学, 博士 (导师:Tilman Hackeng、 Mark Roest、 Bas de Laat)


2021.10 2022.10 ;美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校, 博士后 (导师:Nigel Mackman)

2023.01 今; 苏州大学唐仲英血液学研究中心, 副教授,硕士研究生导师

研究方向: 血栓与止血




(2) 新型凝血功能检测法的开发和应用

凝血酶生成 检测法 (Thrombin generation assay, TGA) 是目前最广泛应用的 新型凝血功能检测法 ,它能提供比传统凝血检测法(PT、APTT)更高的灵敏度。 本人已成功开发新型 全血凝血酶生成检测法 (全血TGA) ,可对人和鼠 全血样本 的凝血潜能进行高灵敏度的直接量化检测。 全血TGA 优点 包括: (1) 直接检测全血样本,省去了对样本进行预处理的时间,有潜力开发成为床旁检测法( POCT) (2) 全血 TGA 相比血浆 TGA 的灵敏度更高:能更灵敏的检测出小鼠凝血因子IX, XI, PKa C1-INH 的敲除对凝血系统的影响。 全血TGA 潜在应用领域 : (1) 作为研究红细胞等血细胞对凝血过程的调控机制的新工具, 为临床血栓/出血疾病提供机制解释;(2)高灵敏度地筛选新型抗栓/止血药物 (有效性和特异性) ; (3)优化/指导临床 抗栓/止血药物的剂量; (4)作为指示临床血栓/出血风险的POCT。


/ 2023.01 - 2027.12 ;苏州大学优秀青年学者(副教授)科研启动经费,主持;

/ 2023.07 - 2025.06; 江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目; 主持;

/ 2024.01 - 2027.12;   国家自然科学基金 面上项目;# 82370137 ,主持;


/ 2015年, 研究生国家奖学金 ;

/ 2021年, ISTH 2021 Congress, Early career travel award;

/ 2024年, ISTH 2024 Congress, Reach-the-world travel award;

学术兼职 &社会服务

/ 国际血栓与止血学会(ISTH), 会员 2023-2025

/ 中国病理生理学会,            会员 2023-2025;

/ 中国生理学会,                   会员 2023-2025;

/ Frontiers in Medicine,          Review Editor;

/ 多个同行评议期刊的审稿人,包括Thromb Res, RPTH,  Int J Mol Sci 等;


(共同)第一作者或通讯作者 ( # 共同第一作者, * 通讯作者)

1) Jun Wan , Sophia Dhrolia, Rohan R Kasthuri, Yuriy Prokopenko, Anton Ilich, Prakash Saha, Mark Roest, Alisa S. Wolberg, Nigel S Key, Rafal Pawlinski, Pavan K Bendapudi, Nigel Mackman and Steven P Grover. Plasma kallikrein supports FXII-independent thrombin generation in mouse whole blood. Blood Advances . 2024 ; (IF2023=7.4)

2) Jun Wan , Pansakorn Tanratana, Mark Roest, Andras Gruber, Rafal Pawlinski, Alisa S Wolberg, Nigel Mackman and Steven P Grover. A novel mouse whole blood thrombin generation assay sensitive to FXI- and FIX-mediated amplification of coagulation. Blood Advances . 2023 ; 7(9): 1915-25. May 9 (IF2023=7.4)

3) Jun Wan , Nadira Vadaq, Joke Konings, Martin Jaeger, Vinod Kumar, Bas de Laat, Leo Joosten, Mihai G Netea, Andre J van der Ven, Philip G de Groot, Quirijn de Mast and Mark Roest. Kallikrein augments the anticoagulant function of the protein C system in thrombin generation. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis . 2022 ; 20(1): 48-57. Jan (IF2022=10.4)

4) Jun Wan * , Joke Konings, Bas de Laat, Tilman M Hackeng and Mark Roest. Added Value of Blood Cells in Thrombin Generation Testing. Thrombosis and Haemostasis . 2021 ; 121(12): 1574-87. Dec (IF2021=6.681)

5) Lie Li#, Jun Wan# (co-first) , Xiaohong Wen, Qiuping Guo, Huishan Jiang, Jie Wang, Yazhou Ren and Kemin Wang. Identification of a New DNA Aptamer by Tissue-SELEX for Cancer Recognition and Imaging. Analytical Chemistry . 2021 ; 93(19): 7369-77. May 18 (IF2021= 8.008)

6) Jun Wan , Lara N Roberts, Wasiliki Hendrix, Joke Konings, Tsai-Wing Ow, Liane Rabinowich, Omar Barbouti, Bas de Laat, Roopen Arya, Vishal C Patel, Mark Roest, Ton Lisman and William Bernal. Whole blood thrombin generation profiles of patients with cirrhosis explored with a near patient assay. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis . 2020 ; 18(4): 834-43. 2020-04-01 (IF2020= 5.824)

7) Jun Wan , Joke Konings, Qiuting Yan, Hilde Kelchtermans, Romy Kremers, Bas de Laat and Mark Roest. A novel assay for studying the involvement of blood cells in whole blood thrombin generation. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis . 2020 ; 18(6): 1291-301. 2020-06-28 (IF2020= 5.824)

8) Jun Wan , Ling Ye, Xiaohai Yang, Qiuping Guo, Kemin Wang, Zhixiang Huang, Yuyu Tan, Baoyin Yuan and Qin Xie. Cell-SELEX based selection and optimization of DNA aptamers for specific recognition of human cholangiocarcinoma QBC-939 cells. Analyst . 2015 ; 140(17): 5992-7. Sep 7 (IF2015= 4.033)


1) F Meng, S Chen, C Liu, MS Khan, Y Yan, J Wan , Y Xia, C Sun, et al. The role of PKC in X-ray-induced megakaryocyte apoptosis and thrombocytopenia. Blood Cells Mol Dis . 2024 ; 104: 102798.

2) S Sun, E Campello, J Zou, J Konings, D Huskens, J Wan , DI Fernández, C Reutelingsperger , et al. Crucial roles of red blood cells and platelets in whole blood thrombin generation. Blood Adv . 2023 ; 7: 6717-31.

3) SP Grover, T Kawano, J Wan , P Tanratana, Z Polai, YJ Shim, O Snir, S Braekkan , et al. C1 inhibitor deficiency enhances contact pathway-mediated activation of coagulation and venous thrombosis. Blood . 2023 ; 141 : 2390-401.

4) GS Temba, N Vadaq, J Wan , V Kullaya, D Huskens, T Pecht, M Jaeger, CK Boahen , et al. Differences in thrombin and plasmin generation potential between East African and Western European adults: The role of genetic and non-genetic factors. J Thromb Haemost . 2022 ; 20 : 1089-105.

5) L Li, M Roest, Y Sang, JA Remijn, R Fijnheer, K Smit, D Huskens, J Wan , et al. Patients With Multiple Myeloma Have a Disbalanced Whole Blood Thrombin Generation Profile. Front Cardiovasc Med . 2022 ; 9 : 919495.

6) S Huang, W van der Heijden, IJ Reuling, J Wan , Q Yan, RMW de Laat-Kremers, AJ Van der Ven, PG de Groot , et al. Functional changes in hemostasis during asexual and sexual parasitemia in a controlled human malaria infection. PLoS One . 2022 ; 17 : e0271527.

7) WA van der Heijden, J Wan , L Van de Wijer, M Jaeger, MG Netea, AJ van der Ven, PG de Groot, M Roest , et al. Plasmatic Coagulation Capacity Correlates With Inflammation and Abacavir Use During Chronic HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr . 2021 ; 87 : 711-9.

8) ZX Huang, Q Xie, QP Guo, KM Wang, XX Meng, BY Yuan, J Wan and YY Chen. DNA aptamer selected for specific recognition of prostate cancer cells and clinical tissues. Chin Chem Lett . 2017 ; 28 : 1252-7.

9) B Yuan, Y Zhou, Q Guo, K Wang, X Yang, X Meng, J Wan , Y Tan , et al. A signal-on split aptasensor for highly sensitive and specific detection of tumor cells based on FRET. Chem Commun (Camb) . 2016 ; 52 : 1590-3.

10) Q Xie, YY Tan, QP Guo, KM Wang, BY Yuan, J Wan and XY Zhao. A fluorescent aptasensor for sensitive detection of human hepatocellular carcinoma SMMC-7721 cells based on graphene oxide. Analytical Methods . 2014 ; 6 : 6809-14.

11) QP Guo, XY Zhao, Q Xie, KM Wang, J Wan , BY Yuan and YY Tan. Label-free Fluorescence Signal Amplifying Detection of DNA Based on Hairpin Probe and Exo III. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese . 2014 ; 35 : 1646-51.