since 6.0.10, as it is not used by the framework anymore
as of 6.0.1, in favor of StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer (with the "-parameters" compiler flag)
ConcurrentExecutorAdapter is obsolete and will be removed in Spring Framework 6.1
as of 6.0, in favor of SocketConfig.Builder.setSoTimeout(Timeout) , see above.
in favor of ClientHttpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityKeyNames.CLIENT_NAME ; scheduled for removal in 6.2. This will be available both as a low and high cardinality key value.
as of 6.0, in favor of PartEvent and PartEventHttpMessageReader
as of Spring Framework 6.0 in favor of HttpRequest.getMethod() and HttpMethod.name()
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression.parse(String)
as of 6.0, in favor of ExchangeResult.getStatus()
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.doesNotContain(String, String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.hasLength(String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.hasText(String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.isNull(Object, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.isTrue(boolean, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.noNullElements(Object[], String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Object[], String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Collection, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Map, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notNull(Object, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.state(boolean, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of Spring Framework 6.0.5 in favor of Base64 ; scheduled for removal in 6.2
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
in favor of using ServerWebExchangeContextFilter.getExchange(ContextView) which accepts a ContextView instead of Context , reflecting the fact that the ContextView is needed only for reading.
in favor of ClientHttpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityKeyNames.CLIENT_NAME ; scheduled for removal in 6.2. This will be available both as a low and high cardinality key value.
as of 6.0, in favor of ClientResponse.statusCode()
without a replacement; for internal invocation only, not used as of 6.0
in favor of checking via HandlerResult.getExceptionHandler()
as of 6.0.3, in favor of StandardWebSocketClient
as of 6.0 since ModelAttributeMethodProcessor now raises the MethodArgumentNotValidException subclass instead.
as of 6.0 since ModelAttributeMethodProcessor now raises the MethodArgumentNotValidException subclass instead.
as of 6.0.3, in favor of StandardWebSocketClient
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
as of 5.3.9 in favor of using the checkNotModified methods in WebRequest , or from an annotated controller method, returning a ResponseEntity with an "ETag" and/or "Last-Modified" headers set.
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
in spring-jcl (effectively equivalent to NoOpLog )
since it is only meant to be used in the above-mentioned fallback scenario
This class should only be used by the runtime-hints agent when instrumenting bytecode and is not considered public API.
as of 5.2, along with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
as of 5.2; use org.springframework.context.support.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer instead which is more flexible through taking advantage of the Environment and PropertySource mechanisms.
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementations
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing CachingConfigurer directly
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing JCacheConfigurer directly
since 6.0.10, as it is not used by the framework anymore
as of 6.0.1, in favor of StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer (with the "-parameters" compiler flag)
ConcurrentExecutorAdapter is obsolete and will be removed in Spring Framework 6.1
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement; scheduled for removal in 6.2
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common bean definition formats and/or custom reader implementations
since 6.0, use io.r2dbc.spi.Parameter instead.
as of 6.0 in favor of implementing AsyncConfigurer directly
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression
as of 6.0, in favor of a straight JtaTransactionManager definition
as of 5.3, in favor of the default methods on the TransactionSynchronization interface
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of Spring Framework 6.0.5 in favor of Base64 ; scheduled for removal in 6.2
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
as of 6.0, with no concrete replacement
as of 6.0, in favor of Mono.toFuture()
as of 6.0, in favor of CompletableFuture
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of Spring 5.1 in favor of using HttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String) while building the request.
as of 6.0.3, in favor of StandardWebSocketClient
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 6.0 in favor of using CSS, without direct replacement
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementations
as of 5.3, in favor of Spring's common view resolver variants and/or custom resolver implementations
as of 6.0.3, in favor of StandardWebSocketClient
as of 6.0 in favor of ResponseCookie
as of 5.3.16 since the common executors do not support start timeouts
as of 6.0.3 since it is not in use within core JDBC/ORM support
as of 6.0, in favor of standard ServletException nesting
Use ClassReader.readByte(int) and the other read methods instead. This field will eventually be deleted.
as of Spring 3.0: If you are using mixed autowiring strategies, prefer annotation-based autowiring for clearer demarcation of autowiring needs.
as of Spring 3.0: If you are using mixed autowiring strategies, use annotation-based autowiring for clearer demarcation of autowiring needs.
this customizer might result in unexpected class leak since key object still holds a strong reference to the Object and class. It is recommended to have pre-processing method that would strip Objects and represent Classes as Strings
as of 5.2.6 since the MergedAnnotations model always ignores lang annotations according to the AnnotationFilter.PLAIN filter (for efficiency reasons)
as of 5.2 in favor of MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring a charset=UTF-8 parameter.
as of 5.2 in favor of MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring a charset=UTF-8 parameter.
as of 5.2 in favor of MediaType.APPLICATION_PROBLEM_JSON since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring a charset=UTF-8 parameter.
as of 5.2 in favor of MediaType.APPLICATION_PROBLEM_JSON_VALUE since major browsers like Chrome now comply with the specification and interpret correctly UTF-8 special characters without requiring a charset=UTF-8 parameter.
as of 5.3 since it originates from the W3C Activity Streams specification which has a more specific purpose and has been since replaced with a different mime type. Use MediaType.APPLICATION_NDJSON as a replacement or any other line-delimited JSON format (e.g. JSON Lines, JSON Text Sequences).
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of Spring 5.0, following the deprecation of Class.newInstance() in JDK 9
use EmitUtils.hash_code(CodeEmitter, Type, int, CustomizerRegistry) instead
Only to keep backward compatibility.
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
as of 5.2 since it is superseded by the MergedAnnotations API
since 5.2 in favor of methodParameter.withContainingClass(implementationClass).getParameterType()
as of 6.0, in favor of DataBuffer.ensureWritable(int) , which has different semantics
since 6.0, in favor of DataBuffer.ensureWritable(int)
as of 6.0, in favor of DataBuffer.split(int) , which has different semantics
as of 6.0, in favor of DataBuffer.split(int) , which has different semantics
as of 6.0.5, in favor of DataBuffer.toByteBuffer(ByteBuffer)
since 5.2 in favor of retaining the original MethodParameter and using MethodParameter.nested(Integer) if nesting is required
since 5.2 in favor of MethodParameter.nested(Integer)
as of 6.0, in favor of custom exception messages with selective inclusion of cause messages
as of 5.3.16 since the common executors do not support start timeouts
use assertThat(sourceFile) rather than calling this method directly.
use assertThat(sourceFile) rather than calling this method directly.
as of 6.0, in favor of ClientHttpResponse.getStatusCode() ; scheduled for removal in 6.2
as of 6.0, in favor of SocketConfig.Builder.setSoTimeout(Timeout) , see above.
as of 6.0, in favor of PartEvent and PartEventHttpMessageReader
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
since 5.2.3 as per RFC 6266, Appendix B , to be removed in a future release.
as of Spring Framework 6.0 in favor of HttpRequest.getMethod() and HttpMethod.name()
as of 5.3, in favor of invoking HttpStatus.series() directly
As of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, in favor of ResponseEntity.getStatusCode() ; scheduled for removal in 7.0
originally introduced for Undertow to stop write notifications when no data is available, but deprecated as of 5.0.6 since constant switching on every requested item causes a significant slowdown.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of Spring Framework 5.2.16 with no plans for replacement. This is an internal API and will likely be removed in Spring Framework 6.0.
as of 5.3.29, in favor of SQLWarningException.getSQLWarning()
as of 5.3, in favor of the JDBC 4.0 connection validation
as of 5.2.9, in favor of JdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(DataSource, DatabaseMetaDataCallback) with a lambda expression or method reference and a generically typed result
as of 6.0, in favor of AsyncHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler.toCompletableFuture(Object, MethodParameter)
as of 6.0, in favor of TcpConnection.sendAsync(Message)
as of 6.0, in favor of TcpOperations.shutdownAsync()
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.0.4, in favor of a custom HibernateCallback lambda code block passed to the general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method
as of 5.3.29 since Hibernate 5.x aggressively closes ResultSets on commit, making it impossible to rely on ResultSet holdability. Also, Spring does not provide an equivalent setting on JpaTransactionManager .
as of 5.3.9, in favor of direct ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor() access
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, in favor on TriggerContext.lastCompletion()
as of Spring Framework 6.0, in favor of methods defined in the SmartContextLoader SPI
as of Spring Framework 6.0, in favor of methods defined in the SmartContextLoader SPI
as of 6.0, in favor of ExchangeResult.getStatus()
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor of WebTestClient.RequestBodySpec.bodyValue(Object)
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.DESTINATION_LOCKED
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.METHOD_FAILURE
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG
matching the deprecation of HttpStatus.USE_PROXY
as of Spring Framework 5.3.10, in favor of ResultActions.andExpectAll(ResultMatcher...)
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.doesNotContain(String, String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.hasLength(String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.hasText(String, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.isNull(Object, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.isTrue(boolean, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.noNullElements(Object[], String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Object[], String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Collection, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notEmpty(Map, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.notNull(Object, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 4.3.7, in favor of Assert.state(boolean, String) ; to be removed in 6.1
as of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checks such as for a Spring AOP proxy
as of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checks or simply a check for containing ClassUtils.CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR
as of 5.2, in favor of custom (possibly narrower) checks or simply a check for containing ClassUtils.CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR
in favor of ConcurrentLruCache.capacity() as of 6.0.
This utility uses Java Object Serialization, which allows arbitrary code to be run and is known for being the source of many Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.

Prefer the use of an external tool (that serializes to JSON, XML, or any other format) which is regularly checked and updated for not allowing RCE.

as of 6.0 in favor of InputStream.nullInputStream()
since 6.0, in favor of String.stripLeading()
since 6.0, in favor of String.stripTrailing()
since 6.0, in favor of String.strip()
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it to false . In 5.3 the default changes to false and use of this property becomes unnecessary.
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.0, in favor of ContentNegotiationManagerFactoryBean.setUseRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean) , which has reverse behavior.
as of 5.3 in favor of UrlPathHelper.PATH_ATTRIBUTE .
in favor of using ServerWebExchangeContextFilter.getExchange(ContextView) which accepts a ContextView instead of Context , reflecting the fact that the ContextView is needed only for reading.
as of 6.0 without a replacement; once removed, the default model will always be ignored on redirect
As of Spring Framework 5.2, in favor of BodyInserters.fromValue(Object)
as of 5.3 in favor of the instance based ClientResponse.mutate() .
as of 6.0, in favor of ClientResponse.statusCode()
as of Spring 5.1 in favor of using HttpHeaders.setBasicAuth(String, String) while building the request.
as of 5.1.13 in favor of WebClient.Builder.codecs(Consumer)
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor of WebClient.RequestBodySpec.bodyValue(Object)
in 5.3.2 to be removed soon after; this method cannot provide context to downstream (nested or subsequent) requests and is of limited value.
since 5.3 due to the possibility to leak memory and/or connections; please, use WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.exchangeToMono(Function) , WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.exchangeToFlux(Function) ; consider also using WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.retrieve() which provides access to the response status and headers via ResponseEntity along with error status handling.
as of 6.0, in favor of ServerRequest.method()
as of 5.3, in favor on ServerRequest.requestPath()
as of Spring Framework 5.2 in favor of ServerResponse.BodyBuilder.bodyValue(Object)
as of 6.0, in favor of ServerResponse.statusCode()
without a replacement; for internal invocation only, not used as of 6.0
in favor of checking via HandlerResult.getExceptionHandler()
as of 5.3 in favor of providing a supplier of WebsocketClientSpec.Builder with a constructor argument
as of 5.3 in favor of providing a supplier of WebsocketClientSpec.Builder with a constructor argument
as of 5.3 in favor of comparing codes directly
as of 5.2.6 in favor of providing a supplier of WebsocketServerSpec.Builder with a constructor argument
as of 5.2.6 in favor of providing a supplier of WebsocketServerSpec.Builder with a constructor argument
as of 5.0, in favor of ContentNegotiationConfigurer.useRegisteredExtensionsOnly(boolean) which has reverse behavior
as of 5.2.4, see deprecation note on PathMatchConfigurer.setUseSuffixPatternMatch(Boolean) .
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it to false . In 5.3 the default changes to false and use of this property becomes unnecessary.
as of 5.3, in favor on ServerRequest.requestPath()
as of 6.0, in favor of ServerResponse.statusCode()
as of 6.0, in favor of using AbstractHandlerMapping.setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
as of 5.3 in favor of providing non-pattern mappings via AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.getDirectPaths(Object) instead
as of 5.3.9 along with LastModified .
as of 6.0 in favor of CookieLocaleResolver(String)
as of 5.3.9 along with LastModified .
as of 6.0 without a replacement; once removed, the default model will always be ignored on redirect
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.2.4. See class level note on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.2.4. See class level note on the deprecation of path extension config options. As there is no replacement for this method, in 5.2.x it is necessary to set it to false . In 5.3 the default changes to false and use of this property becomes unnecessary.
as of 6.0 since ModelAttributeMethodProcessor now raises the MethodArgumentNotValidException subclass instead.
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained with ServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest) ; this method always returns UrlPathHelper.defaultInstance .
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained with ServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 6.0 since ModelAttributeMethodProcessor now raises the MethodArgumentNotValidException subclass instead.
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained with ServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained with ServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.3, the path is resolved externally and obtained with ServletRequestPathUtils.getCachedPathValue(ServletRequest)
as of 5.2.4
as of 5.2.4 this method returns null , and if a subclass returns an actual instance, the instance is used only as a source of media type mappings, if it contains any. Please, use ResourceHttpRequestHandler.setMediaTypes(Map) instead, or if you need to change behavior, you can override ResourceHttpRequestHandler.getMediaType(HttpServletRequest, Resource) .
as of 5.2.4 in favor of using ResourceHttpRequestHandler.setMediaTypes(Map) with mappings possibly obtained from ContentNegotiationManager.getMediaTypeMappings() .
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 6.0, with no direct replacement
as of 4.2, since the lastModified flag is effectively ignored, with a must-revalidate header only generated if explicitly configured
as of 4.2, since going forward, the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header will be required, with the HTTP 1.0 headers disappearing
as of 4.2, since going forward, the HTTP 1.1 cache-control header will be required, with the HTTP 1.0 headers disappearing
as of 6.0, in favor of WebSocketClient.execute(WebSocketHandler, String, Object...)
transparent support for trailing slashes is deprecated as of 6.0 in favor of configuring explicit redirects through a proxy, Servlet/web filter, or a controller.
this constructor has been superseded by Handle(int, String, String, String, boolean) .
as of 6.0.11, in favor of an extra RootBeanDefinition.setTargetType(ResolvableType) call
since 5.2 in favor of the factory method AnnotationMetadata.introspect(Class)
since 5.2 in favor of StandardAnnotationMetadata
since 5.2 in favor of obtaining instances via AnnotationMetadata
as of Spring Framework 5.2.23 in favor of invoking OperatorMatches(ConcurrentMap, int, int, SpelNodeImpl...) with a shared pattern cache instead
as of 6.0, in favor on IntervalTask(Runnable, Duration)
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression.parse(String)
as of 5.3, in favor of CronExpression.parse(String)
as of 6.0, in favor on PeriodicTrigger(Duration)
as of 6.0, in favor on PeriodicTrigger(Duration)
as of 6.0
as of 6.0
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
Enum Constant
in favor of ClientHttpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityKeyNames.CLIENT_NAME ; scheduled for removal in 6.2. This will be available both as a low and high cardinality key value.
in favor of HttpStatus.EARLY_HINTS which will be returned from HttpStatus.valueOf(103)
WebDAV Draft Changes WebDAV Draft Changes WebDAV Draft Changes
in favor of HttpStatus.FOUND which will be returned from HttpStatus.valueOf(302)
in favor of HttpStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE which will be returned from HttpStatus.valueOf(413)
in favor of HttpStatus.URI_TOO_LONG which will be returned from HttpStatus.valueOf(414)
due to security concerns regarding in-band configuration of a proxy
in favor of ClientHttpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityKeyNames.CLIENT_NAME ; scheduled for removal in 6.2. This will be available both as a low and high cardinality key value.