一身肌肉的汤圆  ·  spring ...·  1 年前    · 
刚分手的椰子  ·  Spring ...·  1 年前    · 

Age:Under age 60


Degree:Master's degree or above from a well-known university


Degree Background:FilmProducing, Acting, Directing

有作品和获奖经历优先。Preferred worksand award-winning experience

工作地点 Location

浙江传媒学院桐乡乌镇校区:浙江省桐乡市梧桐街道逾桥西路998号Communication University of ZhejiangTongxiang Campus: No 998 Yuqiao West Road, Wutong Street, Tongxiang, Zhejiang

薪酬待遇Salary and Benefits



General professional teachers: annual salary from RMB 160,000, on a case-by-case basis.

High-level talents: full-time teaching experience in famous universities worldwide; experience in large media or film companies; achievements with high influence in the industry (at least one of them), annual salary from RMB 300,000, on a case-by-case basis.

有意向者请将简历、护照扫描件、学历学位证书及其它相关证明材料发送至邮箱: wsb@cuz.edu.cn

Any person who is interested in the teaching positions, please submit the resumes, scanned passport , graduation certificate, degree certificate and other relevant certificates to wsb@cuz.edu.cn .