It is a tough bet to retell a story which has already been told not once but many number of times. We all know what happens in Cinderella, but it would take Disney to make an already known story to be interesting. The way this version of Cinderella has been told makes all the difference. Disney and Fairy tales are made for each other so much, that no matter how many times they tell the same story, it is still as interesting as watching it for the first time. Throw in some top class CGI to the fairy tale, and voila you have a stunning movie, and yes the movie was stunning, be it the palace, which i believe was CGI, the performances by the artists and above all the screenplay had been extremely well written all over the movie. Thankfully this one is not a musical like its predecessor, from Disney.So full marks to the director Kenneth Branagh, and full scores to
Lily James
for portraying the most loved character of all times. Also a special mention to the characterization of the prince,played by Madden, that rather than being portrayed as the lover boy Prince Charming, who just falls in love over Cinderella, in this version he shows his character by standing up for his love.
灰姑娘的故事老套吗?不!自夏尔·佩罗创作这个故事起它就一直被广为流传,并永远会是孩子们的睡前童话伴其酣睡,迪士尼此次真人版《灰姑娘》,没有搞怪另类,也没有反派正话,就是温故着那个经典的童话故事,让那曾几何时的童梦仿若触手可及。 就《灰姑娘》言,这是一部无需论其剧情的电影,其几近百分百的忠于了那以是人尽皆知的原著,未有何创新,也不曾删改,有所出入的也仅是微乎其微的旁枝末节,一切的发展皆如那往昔的童话,梦幻与华美的交织,一颗善良坚韧的心,令人至始至终皆能感怀灰姑娘那满若朝阳面对生活的态度,这使得即便是反派的继母与姐妹,看那夸张荒诞的表演,也未有觉恶俗,而是令人不禁宛然一笑,好坏善恶在电影中一眼既能辨别而出,某种程度上可以说电影欠缺了份波澜新颖,但一个如此忠于原著的童话故事,简单而纯粹的美好本就是其本态。 作为改编电影,《灰姑娘》也做出了细微处的改动,让"后妈"更有戏,凯特·布兰切特作为昔日的精灵女王和凭借《蓝色茉莉》揽获奥斯卡影后的她,气质与演技的兼顾将这个因痛失两任丈夫的继母贵妇演绎的张力十足,而灰姑娘的主场或因仅只是按部就班,反倒令人难寻太多亮点,令人不禁有以些许宣兵夺主的味道,在背景特效上,已然不是第一次改编真人版童话的迪士尼已然是轻车熟路,宫廷与田园两种风格配以那梦幻的南瓜车童话桥段,其种种皆有以极高的还原度。 孩子看童话看到的是真善美,而大人看童话很多人则夹杂了世俗的功利,所以或许有人会过度解读电影中的灰姑娘实则是现实中的心机绿茶,也有所谓的专家学者认为灰姑娘的故事是以貌取人,给孩子带来了错误的导向,当我们得出这些观点的时候,其实已然失去了一个如孩子般的童心,将自已站于那世俗的顶点俯视着这个童话,所以灰姑娘的故事或许能取悦孩子,但那份天真的“幼稚”可能已然很难打动多少大人的心房,电影工业特效的进步已然能让这个童话逼真到无瑕绝美,而我们所需,仅只是重拾童心,找回儿时那份久违的质朴。 电影中支撑灰姑娘一路走来的是母亲临终前告诫女儿的“坚强和勇敢,仁慈和善良”,温故拾心,面对这样一个不能再老套的美好童话,拾起的不仅是童心,更是那面对生活心若朝阳的初心。
Is Cinderella's story old-fashioned? No Since Charles Pero created this story, it has been widely spread, and will always be the children's bedtime fairy tales with their soundly sleeping, and Disney's real life version of Cinderella, no strange or negative, is the classic fairy tale, which makes the old children's dreams come to hand. . As for Cinderella, this is a film that does not need to talk about its plot. It is nearly 100% loyal to the original book that is known to everyone. There is no innovation, no deletion, and only a little bypass. All developments are like the old words of the past, the interweaving of dreams and beauty, a good good. Good and tenacious heart, from the beginning to the end, can feel the attitude of Cinderella that full of the sun to face life, which makes even the villainous stepmother and sister, the exaggerated and absurd performance, and no vulgar, but a funny smile, good and bad good and evil in the film can be discernable to some extent. The movie is short of new waves, but a fairy tale that is so faithful to the original is simple and pure. As a film adaptation, Cinderella also made subtle changes to make the "stepmother" more dramatic. Kate Blanchett, a former elves queen and her "blue Jasmine", took Oscar after her, the temperament and the performance of the two husband's wife who lost her husband's stepmother the tension, and grey aunt. Niang's home or because it is only in order, but it is difficult to find too many bright spots, it can not help but have a bit of the taste of the army to seize the Lord, in the background special effect, not the first adaptation of the fairy tale of Disney is already a road, court and pastoral two styles with the fantasy pumpkin cart fairy bridge, its seed The species has a high degree of reduction. Children see the fairy tale is true, good and beautiful, and adults see many people in fairy tales are mixed with worldly utilitarianism, so maybe some people will overinterpret Cinderella in the movie is real green tea in reality, and there are experts and scholars who think that Cinderella's story is to judge people by appearance and to bring wrong guidance to the children. When they come to these views, they have lost a child like childlike innocence, standing at the vertex of the world and overlooking the fairy tale, so the story of Cinderella may be able to please children, but that naive "naive" may have been hard to move a lot of adults, and the film industry has progresses. But we can make this fairy tale realistic and flawless and beautiful, and what we need is just to regain childishness and find the long and unsophisticated simplicity of childhood. In the film, the support of Cinderella is the "strength and courage, kindness and kindness" of her daughter before his mother's death.