Feng Lin
Feng Lin
Room 318, West Building, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Email: linfeng@buaa.edu.cn
官方抖音账号:北航微纳米机器人 抖音号: fenglin_beihang
冯林, 教授、博士生导师
2023年 国家长江学者(青年);
2016年 北京航空航天大学“卓越百人”副教授;
2013年 日本学术振兴会JSPS特别研究员;
2020年 IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Technical Commitee on Micro/Nano robotics and Automation (IEEE国际微纳米机器人技术委员会委员)
2017年~ 受聘北京市医工交叉高精尖中心 特聘研究员;
2018年~北航歌尔潍坊研究院,智能机器人与微纳制造中心 副主任;
2021年~国际学术杂志Science合作刊物“Cyborg and Bionic Systems”期刊编委Associate Editor
2021年~国际学术杂志SCI检索“Bio-Design and Manufacturing(BDM)”期刊编委Associate Editor
2021年~国际学术杂志SCI检索“Frontiers in Robotics and AI ”期刊编委Associate Editor
2021年~国际学术杂志SCI检索“Bioengineering”的Micro/Nano robot special issue Associate Editor
2017年~国际学会ICRA(The International Conference on Robotics and Automation)的Associate Editor
2017年~国际学会IROS(The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)的Associate Editor
冯林,北京航空航天大学“卓百”教授/博士生导师、国家长江学者(青年)、北京市杰出青年、北京市科技新星、JSPS学者、GCOE学者、高被引学者、主要研究方向为微纳操作和微纳米机器人。获得国家重点研发计划,智能机器人专项“靶向药物输送场控微纳米机器人精准化技术与医用基础研究”项目,以及国家重点研发计划“颠覆式技术”,“基于高敏感性光电薄膜的光电镊单细胞无损自动化筛选设备”项目等国家级省部级项目20多项。获得机器人领域顶级会议IEEE ICRA在内的最佳论文奖等10项。带领学生获得全国大学生互联网+大赛金奖全国第二、首都挑战杯特等奖、冯如杯一等奖20多项。发表学术论文130篇,封面文章10篇。出版《微纳米机器人概论》教材一部、英文专著4部。
主要研究内容总结:冯林老师团队主要集中在多物理场控制的微纳米机器人方面研究。主要的研究内容有:(1) 率先提出了基于活细胞的磁控细胞机器人,可以进入血液循环系统并完成实体肿瘤的杀伤,论文发表在Small,AIS,Lab chip等封面文章;(2)光电镊操作控制系统,打破国际垄断,发表在机嚣人顶级杂志IJRR,APL,JAP等;(3)磁控胶囊胃镜机器人系统Lab chip,Biomicrofluidics,IJMS,Advanced Intelligent System.等杂志;
1. 靶向药物输送场控微纳米机器人精准化技术与医用基础研究;
2. 自主式姿态可控胃肠镜用胶囊机器人;
3. 微纳米级高通量高精度大输出力光电镊微操作系统;
4. 人工智能在医学影像自动读片方面的应用;
5. 可变形磁流体机器人;
[109] Zhang, Liwen, Song Zhao, Xinzhao Zhou, Xueshan Jing, Yu Zhou, Yan Wang, Yantong Zhu et al. "A Magnetic-Driven Multi-Motion Robot with Position/Orientation Sensing Capability." Research.
[108] Gao, Chao, De Gong, Xue Deng, Lin Feng, and Wenqiang Zhang. "Vision-based method for precise manipulation of magnetic spiral microrobots." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS), pp. 92-96. IEEE, 2023.
[107] Wang, Luyao, Han Gao, Hongyan Sun, Yiming Ji, Li Song, Lina Jia, Chutian Wang et al. "Reconfigurable Vortex-like Paramagnetic Nanoparticle Swarm with Upstream Motility and High Body-length Ratio Velocity." Research 6 (2023): 0088.
[106] Hou, Yaxin, Yuguo Dai, Wei Zhang, Minghui Wang, Hanxue Zhao, and Lin Feng. "Ultrasound-Based Real-Time Imaging of Hydrogel-Based Millirobots with Volume Change Capability." Micromachines 14, no. 2 (2023): 422.
[105] Gan, Chunyuan, Jiaying Zhang, Jiawei Zhao, Shuzhang Liang, Yiming Ji, and Lin Feng. "Cell Focusing and Rotation by a Planar Optoelectronic Tweezers." In 2022 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2022.
[104] Ji, Yiming, Xue Bai, Hongyan Sun, Luyao Wang, Junjie Xu, Chunyuan Gan, Yuguo Dai, Hui Hui, and Lin Feng. "Biocompatible Ferrofluid Robot With Photothermal Property for Targeted Tumor Therapy." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7, no. 4 (2022): 11517-11522.
[103] Xu, Minghao, Shuzhang Liang, Wenqiang Zhang, Lin Feng, Kehan Chen, Xue Deng, Deyuan Zhang, and Jun Cai. "Biomimetic color‐changing skin based on temperature‐responsive hydrogel microspheres with the photonic crystal structure." Journal of Polymer Science 61, no. 1 (2023): 100-107.
[102] Tang, Tan, Peipei Zhang, Yanran Wei, Hongxing Jia, Lin Feng, and Ye Xu. "High-efficiency 3D cell spheroid formation via the inertial focusing effect in rotating droplets." Bio-Design and Manufacturing 6, no. 1 (2023): 90-97.
[101] Wang, Luyao, Youyuan Shi, Jingzhen Jiang, Chan Li, Hengrui Zhang, Xinhui Zhang, Tao Jiang, Liang Wang, Yinyan Wang, and Lin Feng. "Micro‐Nanocarriers Based Drug Delivery Technology for Blood‐Brain Barrier Crossing and Brain Tumor Targeting Therapy." Small 18, no. 45 (2022): 2203678.
[100] Zhao, Jiawei, Chunyuan Gan, Jiaying Zhang, Shuzhang Liang, Jiapeng Yang, and Lin Feng. "Deep Learning Assisted Automated Separation Platform of Single Cells and Microparticles Using Optoelectronic Tweezers." In 2022 WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation (WRC SARA), pp. 275-279. IEEE, 2022.
[99] Yang, Jiapeng, Junyi Wei, Fengwu Wang, Li Song, Jiawei Zhao, and Lin Feng. "A Localization Method for the Magnetic Levitation Capsule Robot." In 2022 WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation (WRC SARA), pp. 152-159. IEEE, 2022.
[98] Ji, Yiming, Junjie Xu, Luyao Wang, Wei Zhang, and Lin Feng. "Magnetic Manipulation of a Magnetotactic Bacteria-based Biomicrorobot." In 2022 WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation (WRC SARA), pp. 185-188. IEEE, 2022.
[97], Xu, J., Ma, S., Zhang, W., Jia, L., Zheng, H., Bo, P., Bai, X., Sun, H., Qi, L., Zhang, T., Chen, C., Li, F., Arai, F., Tian, J.,
Feng, L.
, In, vitro, magnetosome, remineralization, for, silver-magnetite, hybrid, magnetosome, biosynthesis, and, used, for, healing, of, the, infected, wound, 2022, Journal, of, Nanobiotechnology, 20, 1, 364, 10.1186/s12951-022-01532-4, Article
[96], Ji, Y., Bai, X., Sun, H., Wang, L., Xu, J., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Hui, H.,
Feng, L.
, Biocompatible, Ferrofluid, Robot, With, Photothermal, Property, for, Targeted, Tumor, Therapy, 2022, IEEE, Robotics, and, Automation, Letters, 7, 4, 11517, 11522, 10.1109/LRA.2022.3201696, Article
[95], Xu, J., Ma, S., Zheng, H., Pang, B., Li, S., Li, F.,
Feng, L.
, Tian, J., Biomanufacturing, Biotinylated, Magnetic, Nanomaterial, via, Construction, and, Fermentation, of, Genetically, Engineered, Magnetotactic, Bacteria, 2022, Bioengineering, 9, 8, 356, 10.3390/bioengineering9080356, Article
[94], Dai, Y., Jia, L., Wang, L., Sun, H., Ji, Y., Wang, C., Song, L., Liang, S., Chen, D., Feng, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, D., Arai, F., Chen, H.,
Feng, L.
, Magnetically, Actuated, Cell-Robot, System:, Precise, Control, Manipulation, and, Multimode, Conversion, 2022, Small, 18, 15, 2105414, 2, 10.1002/smll.202105414, Article
[93], Wang, L., Song, L., Sun, H., Ji, Y., Dai, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Multi-Mode, Motion, Control, of, Reconfigurable, Vortex-Shaped, Microrobot, Swarms, for, Targeted, Tumor, Therapy, 2022, IEEE, Robotics, and, Automation, Letters, 7, 2, 3578, 3583, 1, 10.1109/LRA.2022.3146522, Article
[92], Liang, S., Sun, J., Zhang, C., Zhu, Z., Dai, Y., Gan, C., Cai, J., Chen, H.,
Feng, L.
, Parallel, Manipulation, and, Flexible, Assembly, of, Micro-Spiral, via, Optoelectronic, Tweezers, 2022, Frontiers, in, Bioengineering, and, Biotechnology, 10, 868821, 1, 10.3389/fbioe.2022.868821, Article
[91], Zhang, P., Rasheed, M., Liang, J., Wang, C.,
Feng, L.
, Chen, Z., Emerging, Potential, of, Exosomal, Non-coding, RNA, in, Parkinson’s, Disease:, A, Review, 2022, Frontiers, in, Aging, Neuroscience, 14, 819836, 3, 10.3389/fnagi.2022.819836, Review
[90], Zhang, C., Liang, S., Cao, Y., Sun, H.,
Feng, L.
, Reducing, the, Guidewire, Friction, for, Endovascular, Interventional, Surgery, by, Radial, Micro-Vibration, 2022, IEEE, Transactions, on, Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and, Frequency, Control, 69, 3, 1020, 1031, 10.1109/TUFFC.2022.3142763, Article
[89], Ji, Y., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Bai, X., Zhu, Z., Song, L., Wang, L., Chen, H., Zhong, J.,
Feng, L.
, Deformable, ferrofluid, microrobot, with, omnidirectional, self-adaptive, mobility, 2022, Journal, of, Applied, Physics, 131, 6, 64701, 2, 10.1063/5.0076653, Article
[88], Wang, L., Shi, Y., Jiang, J., Li, C., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Jiang, T., Wang, L., Wang, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Micro-Nanocarriers, Based, Drug, Delivery, Technology, for, Blood-Brain, Barrier, Crossing, and, Brain, Tumor, Targeting, Therapy, 2022, Small, 10.1002/smll.202203678, Review
[87], Xu, M., Liang, S., Zhang, W.,
Feng, L.
, Chen, K., Deng, X., Zhang, D., Cai, J., Biomimetic, color-changing, skin, based, on, temperature-responsive, hydrogel, microspheres, with, the, photonic, crystal, structure, 2022, Journal, of, Polymer, Science, 10.1002/pol.20220411, Article
[86], Bai, X., Zhang, W., Dai, Y., Wang, Y., Sun, H.,
Feng, L.
, Acoustic, and, magnetic, hybrid, actuated, immune, cell, robot, for, target, and, kill, cancer, cells, 2022, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 7936, 7941, 10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9812071, Conference, Paper
[85], Zhang, W., Song, B., Bai, X., Jia, L., Song, L., Guo, J.,
Feng, L.
, Versatile, acoustic, manipulation, of, micro-objects, using, mode-switchable, oscillating, bubbles:, Transportation, trapping, rotation, and, revolution, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 24, 4760, 4771, 4, 10.1039/d1lc00628b, Article
[84], Liang, S., Gan, C., Dai, Y., Zhang, C., Bai, X., Zhang, S., Wheeler, A.R., Chen, H.,
Feng, L.
, Interaction, between, positive, and, negative, dielectric, microparticles/microorganism, in, optoelectronic, tweezers, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 22, 4379, 4389, 3, 10.1039/d1lc00610j, Article
[83], Zhang, D., Jiang, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Chen, H., Cai, J., Zhang, X., Micro-, and, Nano-Bionic, Surfaces:, Biomimetics, Interface, Energy, Field, Effects, and, Applications, 2021, Micro-, and, Nano-Bionic, Surfaces:, Biomimetics, Interface, Energy, Field, Effects, and, Applications, 1, 350, 10.1016/B978-0-12-824502-6, Book
[82], Jia, L., Zhang, P., Sun, H., Dai, Y., Liang, S., Bai, X.,
Feng, L.
, Optimization, of, nanoparticles, for, smart, drug, delivery:, A, review, 2021, Nanomaterials, 11, 11, 2790, 1, 10.3390/nano11112790, Review
[81], Bai, X., Chen, D., Dai, Y., Liang, S., song, B., Guo, J., Dai, B., Zhang, D.,
Feng, L.
, Bone, formation, recovery, with, gold, nanoparticle-induced, M2, macrophage, polarization, in, mice, 2021, Nanomedicine:, Nanotechnology, Biology, and, Medicine, 38, 102457, 10.1016/j.nano.2021.102457, Article
[80], Dai, Y., Bai, X., Jia, L., Sun, H., Feng, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., Ji, Y., Zhang, D., Chen, H.,
Feng, L.
, Precise, Control, of, Customized, Macrophage, Cell, Robot, for, Targeted, Therapy, of, Solid, Tumors, with, Minimal, Invasion, 2021, Small, 17, 41, 2103986, 13, 10.1002/smll.202103986, Article
[79], Bai, X., Song, B., Chen, Z., Zhang, W., Chen, D., Dai, Y., Liang, S., Zhang, D., Zhao, Z.,
Feng, L.
, Postoperative, evaluation, of, tumours, based, on, label-free, acoustic, separation, of, circulating, tumour, cells, by, microstreaming, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 14, 2721, 2729, 6, 10.1039/d1lc00165e, Article
[78], Zhou, X., Zhang, D., Huang, Z., Song, X., Liu, H.,
Feng, L.
, Liftoff, of, a, New, Hovering, Oscillating-wing, Micro, Aerial, Vehicle, 2021, Journal, of, Bionic, Engineering, 18, 3, 649, 661, 10.1007/s42235-021-0043-x, Article
[77], Chen, D., Yang, Z., Ji, Y., Dai, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., Deformable, ferrofluid-based, millirobot, with, high, motion, accuracy, and, high, output, force, 2021, Applied, Physics, Letters, 118, 13, 134101, 9, 10.1063/5.0042893, Article
[76], Chen, Y., Pan, Y., Feng, Y., Li, D., Man, J.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Chen, H., Chen, H., Role, of, glucose, in, the, repair, of, cell, membrane, damage, during, squeeze, distortion, of, erythrocytes, in, microfluidic, capillaries, 2021, Lab, on, a, Chip, 21, 5, 896, 903, 10.1039/d0lc00411a, Article
[75], Liang, S., Cao, Y., Dai, Y., Wang, F., Bai, X., Song, B., Zhang, C., Gan, C., Arai, F.,
Feng, L.
, A, versatile, optoelectronic, tweezer, system, for, micro-objects, manipulation:, Transportation, patterning, sorting, rotating, and, storage, 2021, Micromachines, 12, 3, 271, 1, 16, 7, 10.3390/mi12030271, Article
[74], Chen, Y., Li, Z., Bai, X., Feng, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Chen, H., Chen, H., Reduction, of, Erythrocyte, Fluid, Adaptability, Due, to, Cell, Membrane, Hardening, Based, on, Single-Cell, Analysis, 2021, Biochip, Journal, 15, 1, 90, 99, 10.1007/s13206-021-00005-4, Article
Feng, L.
, Bai, X., Jia, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Field-controlled, micro-nano, manipulations, and, micro-nano, robots, 2021, Micro, and, Nano, Systems, for, Biophysical, Studies, of, Cells, and, Small, Organisms, 201, 225, 10.1016/B978-0-12-823990-2.00009-X, Book, Chapter
[72], Zhang, W., Song, B., Bai, X., Guo, J.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., A, portable, acoustofluidic, device, for, multifunctional, cell, manipulation, and, reconstruction, 2021, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 2021-May, 664, 669, 1, 10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560812, Conference, Paper
[71], Wang, L., Dai, Y., Sun, H., Song, L., Jia, L., Jiang, C., Arai, F.,
Feng, L.
, Precise, Control, of, Magnetized, Macrophage, Cell, Robot, for, Targeted, Drug, Delivery, 2021, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 7464, 7469, 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9635945, Conference, Paper
[70], Cao, Y., Liang, S., Chen, H., Gan, C., Song, L., Zhang, C., Arai, F.,
Feng, L.
, A, Portable, Remote, Optoelectronic, Tweezer, System, for, Microobjects, Manipulation, 2021, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 8557, 8562, 1, 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636265, Conference, Paper
[69], Zhang, C., Cao, Y., Liang, S.,
Feng, L.
, Micro, vibrations-based, Friction, Reduction, Evaluation, of, Guide, Wire, for, Endovascular, Interventional, Application, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 147, 152, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612693, Conference, Paper
[68], Wang, W., Zhan, G., Wei, J., Song, L.,
Feng, L.
, WCE, with, real, time, polyp, detection, and, segmentation, using, deep, neural, networks, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 140, 146, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612694, Conference, Paper
[67], Wang, L., Song, L., Jia, L., Sun, H., Ji, Y., Dai, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Precise, Control, of, Magnetic, Nano, Particle, Formed, Microrobot, Cluster, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 13, 17, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612685, Conference, Paper
[66], Ullah, Z., Dixiao, C., Tovmachenko, O.,
Feng, L.
, Electromagnetic, Actuation, Based, Swimming, Robot, with, Semi-Flexible, Fins, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 18, 23, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612684, Conference, Paper
[65], Gan, C., Liang, S., Wang, F., Cao, Y., Ji, Y., Lina, J., Song, L.,
Feng, L.
, Non-contact, Massively, Parallel, Manipulation, of, Micro-objects, by, Optoelectronic, Tweezers, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 7, 12, 1, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612697, Conference, Paper
[64], Ji, Y., Dai, Y., Chen, D., Gan, C., Wang, L.,
Feng, L.
, Precise, control, of, ferrofluid, droplet, robot, in, 3-D, vascular, model, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 122, 127, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612669, Conference, Paper
[63], Wei, J., Song, L., Wang, X., Zhao, J.,
Feng, L.
, 5, DOF, Capsule, Endoscopy, with, Wi-Fi, based, Video, Transmission, Module, 2021, 2021, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2021, 134, 139, 10.1109/WRCSARA53879.2021.9612621, Conference, Paper
[62], Bai, X., Bin, S., Yuguo, D., Wei, Z., Yanmin, F., Yuanyuan, C., Deyuan, Z., Fumihito, A., Lin, F., Parallel, trapping, patterning, separating, and, rotating, of, micro-objects, with, various, sizes, and, shapes, using, acoustic, microstreaming, 2020, Sensors, and, Actuators, A:, Physical, 315, 112340, 3, 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112340, Article
[61], Feng, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Dai, Y., Bai, X., Zhang, C., Chen, Y., Arai, F., A, novel, and, controllable, cell-based, microrobot, in, real, vascular, network, for, target, tumor, therapy, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341774, 2828, 2833, 1, 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341774, Conference, Paper
[60], Bai, X., Song, B., Chen, D., Dai, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., Anticipating, tumor, metastasis, by, circulating, tumor, cells, captured, by, acoustic, microstreaming, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341011, 3091, 3096, 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341011, Conference, Paper
[59], Song, B., Zhang, W., Bai, X.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Arai, F., A, novel, portable, cell, sonoporation, device, based, on, open-source, acoustofluidics, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341603, 2786, 2791, 1, 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341603, Conference, Paper
[58], Dai, Y., Feng, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Chen, Y., Bai, X., Liang, S., Song, L., Arai, F., Magnetized, cell-robot, propelled, by, magnetic, field, for, cancer, killing, 2020, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 9341167, 2834, 2839, 2, 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341167, Conference, Paper
[57], Bai, X., Wang, Y., Song, Z., Feng, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, D.,
Feng, L.
, The, basic, properties, of, gold, nanoparticles, and, their, applications, in, tumor, diagnosis, and, treatment, 2020, International, Journal, of, Molecular, Sciences, 21, 7, 2480, 98, 10.3390/ijms21072480, Review
[56], Bai, X., Chen, D., Zhang, W., Ossian, H., Chen, Y., Feng, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., Magnetically, driven, bionic, millirobots, with, a, low-delay, automated, actuation, system, for, bioparticles, manipulation, 2020, Micromachines, 11, 2, 3, 10.3390/mi11020231, Article
[55], Li, Z., Zhang, D., Wang, D., Zhang, L.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, X., A, Bioinspired, Flexible, Film, Fabricated, by, Surface-Tension-Assisted, Replica, Molding, for, Dynamic, Control, of, Unidirectional, Liquid, Spreading, 2019, ACS, Applied, Materials, and, Interfaces, 11, 51, 48505, 48511, 4, 10.1021/acsami.9b15385, Article
[54], Chen, D., Zhang, W., Dai, Y., Feng, Y., Chen, Y., Bai, X.,
Feng, L.
, 4, DOF, High-speed, Cell, Manipulation, Magnetic-tweezers, and, the, Operating, System, Driven, by, Piezo, Ceramics, 2019, MHS, 2019, -, 30th, 2019, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, 9249294, 10.1109/MHS48134.2019.9249294, Conference, Paper
[53], Dai, Y., Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Chen, D., Bai, X.,
Feng, L.
, Magnetized, Cell-robot, Propelled, by, Regular, Tetrahedron, Magnetic, Actuation, System, 2019, MHS, 2019, -, 30th, 2019, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, 9249288, 1, 10.1109/MHS48134.2019.9249288, Conference, Paper
[52], Dai, Y., Chen, D., Liang, S., Song, L., Qi, Q.,
Feng, L.
, A, magnetically, actuated, octopus-like, robot, capable, of, moving, in, 3D, space, 2019, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Biomimetics, ROBIO, 2019, 8961461, 2201, 2206, 5, 10.1109/ROBIO49542.2019.8961461, Conference, Paper
[51], Song, B., Feng, Y., Zhou, Q.,
Feng, L.
, On-Chip, Three-dimension, Cell, Rotation, Using, Whirling, Flows, Generated, by, Oscillating, Asymmetrical, Microstructures, 2019, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 8967620, 678, 683, 10.1109/IROS40897.2019.8967620, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Song, B., Chen, Y., Liang, S., Dai, Y., Zhou, Q., Chen, D., Bai, X., Feng, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai, F., On-chip, rotational, manipulation, of, microbeads, and, oocytes, using, acoustic, microstreaming, generated, by, oscillating, asymmetrical, microstructures, 2019, Biomicrofluidics, 13, 6, 64103, 16, 10.1063/1.5121809, Article
[49], Hu, H., Yang, X., Song, L., Wei, W., Peng, G.,
Feng, L.
, High, Position, Accuracy, and, 5, Degree, Freedom, Magnetic, Driven, Capsule, Robot, 2019, WRC, SARA, 2019, -, World, Robot, Conference, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, 2019, 8931946, 19, 24, 10.1109/WRC-SARA.2019.8931946, Conference, Paper
[48], Tovmachenko, O.,
Feng, L.
, Mousa, A.M., Ullah, Z., Masoud, M.A., A, capsule-type, device, for, soft, tissue, cutting, using, a, threadless, ballscrew, actuator, 2019, Proceedings, of, MARSS, 2019:, 4th, International, Conference, on, Manipulation, Automation, and, Robotics, at, Small, Scales, 8860958, 1, 10.1109/MARSS.2019.8860958, Conference, Paper
[47], Jiang, Y., Shen, D., Liu, M., Ma, Z., Zhao, P.,
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, Zhang, D., Fabrication, of, graphene/polyimide, nanocomposite-based, hair-like, airflow, sensor, via, direct, inkjet, printing, and, electrical, breakdown, 2019, Smart, Materials, and, Structures, 28, 6, 65028, 13, 10.1088/1361-665X/ab18cb, Article
Feng, L.
, Chen, D., Zhou, Q., Song, B., Zhang, W., Cell, injection, microrobot, development, and, evaluation, in, microfluidic, chip, 2019, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 2019-May, 8793799, 4831, 4836, 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793799, Conference, Paper
[45], Yanmin, F., Dixiao, C., Yuguo, D., Yunayuan, C., De, G., Lin, F., The, design, and, control, of, magnetized, cell-based, microrobot, for, targeting, drug, delivery, 2019, Proceedings, of, the, 14th, Annual, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Nano/Micro, Engineered, and, Molecular, Systems, NEMS, 2019, 8915608, 273, 276, 1, 10.1109/NEMS.2019.8915608, Conference, Paper
[44], Gong, D., Cai, J., Celi, N., Liu, C., Zhang, W.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Controlled, propulsion, of, wheel-shape, flaky, microswimmers, under, rotating, magnetic, fields, 2019, Applied, Physics, Letters, 114, 12, 123701, 9, 10.1063/1.5090297, Article
[43], Hu, X., Yan, X., Gong, L., Wang, F., Xu, Y.,
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, Zhang, D., Jiang, Y., Improved, Piezoelectric, Sensing, Performance, of, P(VDF-TrFE), Nanofibers, by, Utilizing, BTO, Nanoparticles, and, Penetrated, Electrodes, 2019, ACS, Applied, Materials, and, Interfaces, 11, 7, 7379, 7386, 51, 10.1021/acsami.8b19824, Article
[42], Wang, X., Cai, J., Sun, L., Zhang, S., Gong, D., Li, X., Yue, S.,
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, Zhang, D., Facile, Fabrication, of, Magnetic, Microrobots, Based, on, Spirulina, Templates, for, Targeted, Delivery, and, Synergistic, Chemo-Photothermal, Therapy, 2019, ACS, Applied, Materials, and, Interfaces, 11, 5, 4745, 4756, 56, 10.1021/acsami.8b15586, Article
[41], Chen, Y., Feng, Y., Deveaux, J.G., Masoud, M.A., Chandra, F.S., Chen, H., Zhang, D.,
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[40], Song, L., Yang, X., Hu, H., Peng, G., Wei, W., Dai, Y.,
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[39], Jiang, Y., Ma, Z., Cao, B., Gong, L.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Development, of, a, Tactile, and, Slip, Sensor, with, a, Biomimetic, Structure-enhanced, Sensing, Mechanism, 2019, Journal, of, Bionic, Engineering, 16, 1, 47, 55, 17, 10.1007/s42235-019-0005-8, Article
[38], Mousa, A.,
Feng, L.
, Dai, Y., Tovmachenko, O., Self-Driving, 3-legged, Crawling, Prototype, Capsule, Robot, with, Orientation, Controlled, by, External, Magnetic, Field, 2018, 2018, WRC, Symposium, on, Advanced, Robotics, and, Automation, WRC, SARA, 2018, -, Proceeding, 8584222, 243, 248, 7, 10.1109/WRC-SARA.2018.8584222, Conference, Paper
[37], Gong, D., Cai, J., Celi, N.,
Feng, L.
, Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Bio-inspired, magnetic, helical, microswimmers, made, of, nickel-plated, Spirulina, with, enhanced, propulsion, velocity, 2018, Journal, of, Magnetism, and, Magnetic, Materials, 468, 148, 154, 29, 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.08.001, Article
[36], Zhou, Q., Song, B., Feng, Y.,
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[35], Dai, Y.,
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, Mousa, A., Newly, established, three, dimensional, magnetically, controlling, system, 2018, MHS, 2018, -, 2018, 29th, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, 8886973, 10.1109/MHS.2018.8886973, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Song, B., Zhang, D., Jiang, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, tunable, cell, rotation, using, acoustically, oscillating, asymmetrical, microstructures, 2018, Micromachines, 9, 11, 596, 18, 10.3390/mi9110596, Article
Feng, L.
, Zhou, Q., Song, B., Feng, Y., Cai, J., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Cell, injection, millirobot, development, and, evaluation, in, microfluidic, chip, 2018, Micromachines, 9, 11, 590, 9, 10.3390/mi9110590, Article
[32], Jiang, Y., Liu, M., Yan, X., Ono, T.,
Feng, L.
, Cai, J., Zhang, D., Electrical, Breakdown-Induced, Tunable, Piezoresistivity, in, Graphene/Polyimide, Nanocomposites, for, Flexible, Force, Sensor, Applications, 2018, Advanced, Materials, Technologies, 3, 8, 1800113, 12, 10.1002/admt.201800113, Article
[31], Yao, G.,
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, Zhang, D., Jiang, X., Morphology, and, Mechanical, Properties, of, Vibratory, Organs, in, the, Leaf-cutting, Ant, (Atta, cephalotes), 2018, Journal, of, Bionic, Engineering, 15, 4, 722, 730, 1, 10.1007/s42235-018-0060-6, Article
[30], Jiang, Y., Wang, R.,
Feng, L.
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[29], Jiang, Y., Gong, L., Hu, X., Zhao, Y., Chen, H.,
Feng, L.
, Zhang, D., Aligned, P(VDF-TrFE), nanofibers, for, enhanced, piezoelectric, directional, strain, sensing, 2018, Polymers, 10, 4, 364, 39, 10.3390/polym10040364, Article
Feng, L.
, Wu, X., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai, F., Manipulating, microrobots, using, balanced, magnetic, and, buoyancy, forces, 2018, Micromachines, 9, 2, 50, 11, 10.3390/mi9020050, Article
[27], Jiang, Y., Wang, R.,
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, Zhang, D., Mechanochromic, response, of, the, barbules, in, peacock, tail, feather, 2018, Optical, Materials, 75, 74, 78, 10, 10.1016/j.optmat.2017.08.024, Article
Feng, L.
, Zhang, S., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai, F., Microrobot, with, passive, diamagnetic, levitation, for, microparticle, manipulations, 2017, Journal, of, Applied, Physics, 122, 24, 243901, 17, 10.1063/1.5005032, Article
Feng, L.
, Liang, S., Zhou, X., Yang, J., Jiang, Y., Zhang, D., Arai, F., On-chip, microfluid, induced, by, oscillation, of, microrobot, for, noncontact, cell, transportation, 2017, Applied, Physics, Letters, 111, 20, 203703, 23, 10.1063/1.5009545, Article
Feng, L.
, Di, P., Arai, F., High-precision, motion, of, magnetic, microrobot, with, ultrasonic, levitation, for, 3-D, rotation, of, single, oocyte, 2016, International, Journal, of, Robotics, Research, 35, 12, 1445, 1458, 62, 10.1177/0278364916631414, Article
[23], Turan, B., Sakuma, S.,
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, Arai, F., Automation, of, an, on-chip, cell, mechanical, characterization, system, for, stiffness, evaluation, 2016, 2015, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, MHS, 2015, 7438327, 10.1109/MHS.2015.7438327, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Turan, B., Ningga, U., Arai, F., Three, dimensional, rotation, of, bovine, oocyte, by, using, magnetically, driven, on-chip, robot, 2014, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 6943225, 4668, 4673, 9, 10.1109/IROS.2014.6943225, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A., Arai, F., On-Chip, enucleation, of, bovine, oocytes, using, microrobot-assisted, flow-speed, control, 2013, Micromachines, 4, 2, 272, 285, 38, 10.3390/mi4020272, Article
Feng, L.
, Sun, Y., Ohsumi, C., Arai, F., Accurate, dispensing, system, for, single, oocytes, using, air, ejection, 2013, Biomicrofluidics, 7, 5, 54113, 22, 10.1063/1.4824394, Article
Feng, L.
, Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A., Sun, Y.L., Arai, F., High-speed, production, and, dispensing, of, enucleated, oocyte, by, microrobot, on, a, chip, 2012, 2012, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, MHS, 2012, 6492464, 111, 115, 10.1109/MHS.2012.6492464, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Ichikawa, A., Arai, F., Hagiwara, M., Continuous, enucleation, of, bovine, oocyte, by, microrobot, with, local, flow, distribution, control, 2012, 2012, International, Conference, on, Manipulation, Manufacturing, and, Measurement, on, the, Nanoscale, 3M-NANO, 2012, -, Conference, Proceedings, 6472969, 59, 64, 4, 10.1109/3M-NANO.2012.6472969, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A., Kawahara, T., Arai, F., Smooth, enucleation, of, bovine, oocyte, by, microrobot, with, local, flow, speed, control, in, microchannel, 2012, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Intelligent, Robots, and, Systems, 6386112, 944, 949, 6, 10.1109/IROS.2012.6386112, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Hagiwara, M., Ichikawa, A., Arai, F., On-Chip, continuous, enucleation, by, hydraulic, force, control, using, magnetically, actuated, microrobot, 2012, Proceedings, of, the, 16th, International, Conference, on, Miniaturized, Systems, for, Chemistry, and, Life, Sciences, MicroTAS, 2012, 1270, 1272, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Kawahara, T., Yamanishi, Y., Hagiwara, M., Kosuge, K., Arai, F., On-demand, and, size-controlled, production, of, droplets, by, magnetically, driven, microtool, 2012, Journal, of, Robotics, and, Mechatronics, 24, 1, 133, 140, 8, 10.20965/jrm.2012.p0133, Article
[14], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T.,
Feng, L.
, Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, enucleation, of, oocyte, by, magnetically, driven, microtools, with, ultrasonic, vibration, 2011, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5979930, 2680, 2685, 1, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5979930, Conference, Paper
[13], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T.,
Feng, L.
, Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., High, performance, magnetically, driven, microtools, with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, biomedical, innovations, 2011, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5980470, 3453, 3454, 6, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980470, Conference, Paper
[12], Uvet, H.,
Feng, L.
, Ohashi, S., Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, single, particle, loading, and, dispensing, 2011, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5980449, 3151, 3156, 9, 10.1109/ICRA.2011.5980449, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Hagiwara, M., Uvet, H., Yamanish, Y., Kawahara, T., Kosuge, K., Arai, F., High-speed, delivery, of, microbeads, in, microchannel, using, magnetically, driven, microtool, 2011, 2011, 16th, International, Solid-State, Sensors, Actuators, and, Microsystems, Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11, 5969431, 1312, 1315, 5, 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969431, Conference, Paper
[10], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T., Yamanishi, Y., Masuda, T.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., On-chip, magnetically, actuated, robot, with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, single, cell, manipulations, 2011, Lab, on, a, Chip, 11, 12, 2049, 2054, 150, 10.1039/c1lc20164f, Article
[9], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T.,
Feng, L.
, Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, dual-arm, microrobot, driven, by, permanent, magnets, for, high, speed, cell, enucleation, 2011, Proceedings, of, the, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Micro, Electro, Mechanical, Systems, (MEMS), 5734393, 189, 192, 9, 10.1109/MEMSYS.2011.5734393, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Huseyin, U., Kawahara, T., Hagiwara, M., Yamanish, Y., Arai, F., On-chip, high-speed, and, on-demand, single, microbeads, loading, 2011, 2011, Int., Symp., on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, Symp., on, "COE, for, Education, and, Research, of, Micro-Nano, Mechatronics", Symposium, on, "Hyper, Bio, Assembler, for, 3D, Cellular, System, Innovation", 6102195, 291, 296, 10.1109/MHS.2011.6102195, Conference, Paper
[7], Kawahara, T., Hirano, T.,
Feng, L.
, Uvet, H., Hagiwara, M., Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., High-speed, single, cell, dispensing, system, 2011, 2011, Int., Symp., on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, Symp., on, "COE, for, Education, and, Research, of, Micro-Nano, Mechatronics", Symposium, on, "Hyper, Bio, Assembler, for, 3D, Cellular, System, Innovation", 6102235, 472, 474, 10.1109/MHS.2011.6102235, Conference, Paper
[6], Hagiwara, M., Kawahara, T.,
Feng, L.
, Yamanish, Y., Arai, F., High, precision, magnetically, driven, microtools, with, ultrasonic, vibration, for, enucleation, of, oocytes, 2010, 2010, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science:, From, Micro, and, Nano, Scale, Systems, to, Robotics, and, Mechatronics, Systems, MHS, 2010, Micro-Nano, GCOE, 2010, Bio-Manipulation, 2010, 5669580, 47, 52, 1, 10.1109/MHS.2010.5669580, Conference, Paper
[5], Yamanishi, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., On-demand, production, of, emulsion, droplets, over, a, wide, range, of, sizes, 2010, Advanced, Robotics, 24, 14, 2005, 2018, 9, 10.1163/016918610X529084, Article
[4], Yamanishi, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., On-demand, and, size-controlled, production, of, emulsion, droplets, by, magnetically, driven, microtool, 2010, Proceedings, -, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Automation, 5509589, 4094, 4099, 6, 10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509589, Conference, Paper
[3], Yamanishi, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Arai, F., On-demand, and, size-controlled, production, of, emulsion, droplet, in, microfludic, devices, 2010, Proceedings, of, the, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Micro, Electro, Mechanical, Systems, (MEMS), 5442399, 1087, 1090, 2, 10.1109/MEMSYS.2010.5442399, Conference, Paper
[2], Yamanishi, Y.,
Feng, L.
, Kihara, Y., Sakuma, S., Arai, F., Formation, of, microdroplets, utilizing, hybrid, magnetically, driven, microtool, on, a, microfluidic, chip, 2009, 2009, IEEE, International, Conference, on, Robotics, and, Biomimetics, ROBIO, 2009, 5420616, 159, 164, 10.1109/ROBIO.2009.5420616, Conference, Paper
Feng, L.
, Yamanishi, Y., Arai, F., On-demand, generation, of, droplet, in, size, over, a, wide, range, by, microfluidic, control, 2009, 20th, Anniversary, MHS, 2009, and, Micro-Nano, Global, COE, -, 2009, International, Symposium, on, Micro-NanoMechatronics, and, Human, Science, 5352074, 139, 144, 10.1109/MHS.2009.5352074, Conference, Paper