

LG - 机器学习 CV - 计算机视觉 CL - 计算与语言 AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人


1、[LG] EquiBind: Geometric Deep Learning for Drug Binding Structure Prediction

H Stärk, O Ganea, L Pattanaik, R Barzilay, T Jaakkola

[Technical University of Munich & MIT]

EquiBind:基于几何深度学习的药物结合结构预测。预测类药物分子如何与特定蛋白质靶点结合,是药物发现的一个核心问题。一种极快的计算结合方法,将使快速虚拟筛选或药物工程等关键应用成为可能。现有方法在计算上是昂贵的,依赖于大量的候选样本,再加上评分、排序和微调等步骤。本文用EquiBind挑战这种模式,一种SE(3)等变几何深度学习模型,对 i)受体结合位置(盲对接) 和 ii)配体结合姿态方向进行direct-shot预测。与传统的和最近的基线相比,EquiBind实现了显著的速度提升和更好的质量。此外,当它与现有的微调技术结合时,显示出额外的改进,但代价是运行时间的增加。提出了一种新的快速微调模型,基于von Mises角距离与给定输入原子点云的全局最小值调整配体可旋转键的扭角,避免了之前昂贵的能量最小化的差分进化策略。

Predicting how a drug-like molecule binds to a specific protein target is a core problem in drug discovery. An extremely fast computational binding method would enable key applications such as fast virtual screening or drug engineering. Existing methods are computationally expensive as they rely on heavy candidate sampling coupled with scoring, ranking, and fine-tuning steps. We challenge this paradigm with EQUIBIND, an SE(3)-equivariant geometric deep learning model performing direct-shot prediction of both i) the receptor binding location (blind docking) and ii) the ligand’s bound pose and orientation. EquiBind achieves significant speed-ups and better quality compared to traditional and recent baselines. Further, we show extra improvements when coupling it with existing fine-tuning techniques at the cost of increased running time. Finally, we propose a novel and fast fine-tuning model that adjusts torsion angles of a ligand’s rotatable bonds based on closed-form global minima of the von Mises angular distance to a given input atomic point cloud, avoiding previous expensive differential evolution strategies for energy minimization.


2、[LG] Riemannian Score-Based Generative Modeling

V D Bortoli, E Mathieu, M Hutchinson, J Thornton, Y W Teh, A Doucet

[University of Oxford]


Score-based generative models (SGMs) are a novel class of generative models demonstrating remarkable empirical performance. One uses a diffusion to add gradually Gaussian noise to the data, while the generative model is a “denoising” process obtained by approximating the time-reversal of this “noising” diffusion. However, current SGMs make the underlying assumption that the data is supported on a Euclidean manifold with flat geometry. This prevents the use of these models for applications in robotics, geoscience or protein modeling which rely on distributions defined on Riemannian manifolds. To overcome this issue, we introduce Riemannian Score-based Generative Models (RSGMs) which extend current SGMs to the setting of compact Riemannian manifolds. We illustrate our approach with earth and climate science data and show how RSGMs can be accelerated by solving a Schrödinger bridge problem on manifolds. Keywords— Diffusion processes, Generative modeling, Riemannian manifold, Score-based generative models, Schrödinger bridge


3、[LG] Deconstructing The Inductive Biases Of Hamiltonian Neural Networks

N Gruver, M Finzi, S Stanton, A G Wilson

[New York University]


Physics-inspired neural networks (NNs), such as Hamiltonian or Lagrangian NNs, dramatically outperform other learned dynamics models by leveraging strong inductive biases. These models, however, are challenging to apply to many real world systems, such as those that don’t conserve energy or contain contacts, a common setting for robotics and reinforcement learning. In this paper, we examine the inductive biases that make physics-inspired models successful in practice. We show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the improved generalization of HNNs is the result of modeling acceleration directly and avoiding artificial complexity from the coordinate system, rather than symplectic structure or energy conservation. We show that by relaxing the inductive biases of these models, we can match or exceed performance on energy-conserving systems while dramatically improving performance on practical, non-conservative systems. We extend this approach to constructing transition models for common Mujoco environments, showing that our model can appropriately balance inductive biases with the flexibility required for model-based control.


4、[CV] FEAT: Face Editing with Attention

X Hou, L Shen, O Patashnik, D Cohen-Or, H Huang

[Shenzhen University & Tel Aviv University]


Employing the latent space of pretrained generators has recently been shown to be an effective means for GANbased face manipulation. The success of this approach heavily relies on the innate disentanglement of the latent space axes of the generator. However, face manipulation often intends to affect local regions only, while common generators do not tend to have the necessary spatial disentanglement. In this paper, we build on the StyleGAN generator, and present a method that explicitly encourages face manipulation to focus on the intended regions by incorporating learned attention maps. During the generation of the edited image, the attention map serves as a mask that guides a blending between the original features and the modified ones. The guidance for the latent space edits is achieved by employing CLIP, which has recently been shown to be effective for text-driven edits. We perform extensive experiments ∗Corresponding author and show that our method can perform disentangled and controllable face manipulations based on text descriptions by attending to the relevant regions only. Both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method for facial region editing over alternative methods.


5、[CV] DiffusionNet: Discretization Agnostic Learning on Surfaces

N Sharp, S Attaiki, K Crane, M Ovsjanikov

[University of Toronto & École Polytechnique & CMU]

DiffusionNet: 表面离散化无关学习。本文提出一种新的在3D表面进行深度学习的通用方法,基于简单扩散层对空间通信非常有效的洞察,用空间梯度特征来注入方向性信息。由此产生的网络对表面分辨率和采样变化具有自动的鲁棒性——这是对实际应用至关重要的基本属性。所提出网络可在各种几何表示上离散化,如三角网格或点云,甚至可以在一种表示上训练,然后应用于另一种表示。将扩散空间支持作为一个连续的网络参数进行优化,范围从纯局部到完全全局,消除了手动选择邻域大小的负担。该方法中唯一的其他成分是在每个点独立应用的多层感知器,以及支持方向性过滤器的空间梯度特征。由此产生的网络是简单、鲁棒和高效的。在这里,主要关注三角网格表面,并展示了各种任务的最先进结果,包括表面分类、分割和非刚性对应。

We introduce a new general-purpose approach to deep learning on 3D surfaces, based on the insight that a simple diffusion layer is highly effective for spatial communication. The resulting networks are automatically robust to changes in resolution and sampling of a surface—a basic property which is crucial for practical applications. Our networks can be discretized on various geometric representations such as triangle meshes or point clouds, and can even be trained on one representation then applied to another. We optimize the spatial support of diffusion as a continuous network parameter ranging from purely local to totally global, removing the burden ofmanually choosing neighborhood sizes. The only other ingredients in the method are a multilayer perceptron applied independently at each point, and spatial gradient features to support directional filters. The resulting networks are simple, robust, and efficient. Here, we focus primarily on triangle mesh surfaces, and demonstrate state-of-the-art results for a variety of tasks including surface classification, segmentation, and non-rigid correspondence.



[SI] Social interactions affect discovery processes


G D Bona, E Ubaldi, I Iacopini, B Monechi, V Latora, V Loreto

[Queen Mary University of London & SONY Computer Science Laboratories & Central European University]


[LG] ChemicalX: A Deep Learning Library for Drug Pair Scoring


B Rozemberczki, C T Hoyt, A Gogleva, P Grabowski, K Karis, A Lamov, A Nikolov, S Nilsson, M Ughetto, Y Wang, T Derr, B M Gyori

[AstraZeneca & Harvard Medical School & Vanderbilt University]


[LG] Accelerated Quality-Diversity for Robotics through Massive Parallelism


B Lim, M Allard, L Grillotti, A Cully

[Imperial College London]


[LG] OMLT: Optimization & Machine Learning Toolkit


F Ceccon, J Jalving, J Haddad, A Thebelt, C Tsay, C D. Laird, R Misener

[ Imperial College London & Sandia National Laboratories & CMU]


发布于 2022-02-14 06:54
