One easy trick that can help with most deadlocks is sorting the operations in a specific order.
You get a deadlock when two transactions are trying to lock two locks at <a href="" target="_blank" class="infotextkey">OPPO</a>site orders, ie:
connection 1: locks key(1), locks key(2);
connection 2: locks key(2), locks key(1);
If both run at the same time, connection 1 will lock key(1), connection 2 will lock key(2) and each connection will wait for the other to release the key -> deadlock.
Now, if you changed your queries such that the connections would lock the keys at the same order, ie:
connection 1: locks key(1), locks key(2);
connection 2: locks key(1), locks key(2);
it will be impossible to get a deadlock.
So this is what I suggest:
Make sure you have no other queries that lock access more than one key at a time except for the delete statement. if you do (and I suspect you do), order their WHERE in (k1,k2, in ascending order.
Fix your delete statement to work in ascending order:
DELETE FROM onlineusers WHERE datetime <= now() - INTERVAL 900 SECOND
DELETE FROM onlineusers WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM onlineusers
WHERE datetime <= now() - INTERVAL 900 SECOND order by id) u;
Another thing to keep in mind is that mysql documentation suggest that in case of a deadlock the client should retry automatically. you can add this logic to your client code. (Say, 3 retries on this particular error before giving up).