postgres=# create table sys_cbp_test (id int,parent_id int);
postgres=# INSERT INTO sys_cbp_test VALUES (1 , NULL ) ,(2, 1) ,(3 , 2) ,(4 , 3) ,(5 , 1) ,(6 , 5) ,(7 , 2) ,(20 , NULL ) ,(21 , 20) ,(22 , 21);
postgres=# SELECT * FROM sys_cbp_test;
id | parent_id
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 3
5 | 1
6 | 5
7 | 2
21 | 20
22 | 21
(10 rows)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , path , root ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id ,array[id] , id as root
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , x.path || b.id , x.root
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# )
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path, root
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# ORDER BY x.path;
id | parent_id | path | root
1 | | /1 | 1
2 | 1 | /1/2 | 1
3 | 2 | /1/2/3 | 1
4 | 3 | /1/2/3/4 | 1
7 | 2 | /1/2/7 | 1
5 | 1 | /1/5 | 1
6 | 5 | /1/5/6 | 1
20 | | /20 | 20
21 | 20 | /20/21 | 20
22 | 21 | /20/21/22 | 20
(10 rows)
--增加新的语法:SEARCH { BREADTH | DEPTH } FIRST BY column_name [, ...] SET search_seq_col_name ]
--SEARCH { BREADTH | DEPTH } 指定使用哪种SEARCH子句计算一个搜索序列列
--column_name [, ...] 提供的列名列表指定用于跟踪访问行的row key
--search_seq_col_name 搜索序列列,该列可用于按广度优先或深度优先顺序对递归查询的结果排序
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , path , root ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id ,array[id] , id as root
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , x.path || b.id , x.root
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY id SET order_col
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path, root
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# ORDER BY order_col;
id | parent_id | path | root
1 | | /1 | 1
2 | 1 | /1/2 | 1
3 | 2 | /1/2/3 | 1
4 | 3 | /1/2/3/4 | 1
7 | 2 | /1/2/7 | 1
5 | 1 | /1/5 | 1
6 | 5 | /1/5/6 | 1
20 | | /20 | 20
21 | 20 | /20/21 | 20
22 | 21 | /20/21/22 | 20
(10 rows)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , level , path , root ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id , 1 ,array[id] , id as root
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , level +1 , x.path || b.id , x.root
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# )
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id , level ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path, root
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# ORDER BY level,id;
id | parent_id | level | path | root
1 | | 1 | /1 | 1
20 | | 1 | /20 | 20
2 | 1 | 2 | /1/2 | 1
5 | 1 | 2 | /1/5 | 1
21 | 20 | 2 | /20/21 | 20
3 | 2 | 3 | /1/2/3 | 1
6 | 5 | 3 | /1/5/6 | 1
7 | 2 | 3 | /1/2/7 | 1
22 | 21 | 3 | /20/21/22 | 20
4 | 3 | 4 | /1/2/3/4 | 1
(10 rows)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , path , root ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id ,array[id] , id as root
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , x.path || b.id , x.root
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) SEARCH BREADTH FIRST BY id SET order_col
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path, root
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# ORDER BY order_col;
id | parent_id | path | root
1 | | /1 | 1
20 | | /20 | 20
2 | 1 | /1/2 | 1
5 | 1 | /1/5 | 1
21 | 20 | /20/21 | 20
3 | 2 | /1/2/3 | 1
6 | 5 | /1/5/6 | 1
7 | 2 | /1/2/7 | 1
22 | 21 | /20/21/22 | 20
4 | 3 | /1/2/3/4 | 1
(10 rows)
postgres=# SELECT * FROM sys_cbp_test;
id | parent_id
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 3
5 | 1
6 | 5
7 | 2
21 | 20
22 | 21
(10 rows)
postgres=# INSERT INTO sys_cbp_test VALUES(1, 4);
postgres=# SELECT * FROM sys_cbp_test;
id | parent_id
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 3
5 | 1
6 | 5
7 | 2
21 | 20
22 | 21
1 | 4
(11 rows)
--如果不判断循环,那么语句就陷入死循环,直到临时文件占满整个存储空间 ^
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , prior_id , parent_id , level , path , root ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS prior_id , NULL::INT AS parent_id , 1 ,array[id] , id as root
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , x.id AS prior_id , b.parent_id , level +1 , x.path || b.id , x.root
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# )
postgres-# SELECT id , prior_id , parent_id , level ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path, root, path
postgres-# FROM x;
^CCancel request sent
ERROR: canceling statement due to user request
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , path , is_cycle ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id ,array[id] , false
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , x.path || b.id , b.id = ANY(path)
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id AND NOT is_cycle
postgres(# )
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE is_cycle;
id | parent_id | path
1 | 4 | /1/2/3/4/1
(1 row)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id , path , is_cycle ) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , NULL::INT AS parent_id ,array[id] , false
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id , x.path || b.id , b.id = ANY(path)
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id AND NOT is_cycle
postgres(# )
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id ,'/' || array_to_string( path , '/' ) AS path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE NOT is_cycle;
id | parent_id | path
1 | | /1
20 | | /20
2 | 1 | /1/2
5 | 1 | /1/5
21 | 20 | /20/21
3 | 2 | /1/2/3
6 | 5 | /1/5/6
7 | 2 | /1/2/7
22 | 21 | /20/21/22
4 | 3 | /1/2/3/4
(10 rows)
--CYCLE column_name [, ...] SET cycle_mark_col_name [ TO cycle_mark_value DEFAULT cycle_mark_default ] USING cycle_path_col_name
--column_name [, ...] 提供的列名列表指定用于跟踪访问行的row key
--cycle_mark_col_name 此列将添加到WITH查询的结果列列表中,当检测到循环时,此列将设置为循环标记值cycle_mark_value(默认为布尔值TRUE),否则设置为循环标记默认值cycle_mark_default(默认为FLASE)
--cycle_path_col_name 此列将添加到WITH查询的结果列列表中,在内部用于跟踪访问的行
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , parent_id
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) CYCLE id SET is_cycle USING path
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id , path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE is_cycle;
id | parent_id | path
1 | 4 | {(1),(2),(3),(4),(1)}
(1 row)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , parent_id
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) CYCLE id SET is_cycle USING path
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id , path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE NOT is_cycle;
id | parent_id | path
1 | | {(1)}
20 | | {(20)}
2 | 1 | {(1),(2)}
5 | 1 | {(1),(5)}
21 | 20 | {(20),(21)}
3 | 2 | {(1),(2),(3)}
6 | 5 | {(1),(5),(6)}
7 | 2 | {(1),(2),(7)}
22 | 21 | {(20),(21),(22)}
4 | 3 | {(1),(2),(3),(4)}
(10 rows)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , parent_id
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) CYCLE id SET is_cycle TO 1 DEFAULT 0 USING path
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id , is_cycle , path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE is_cycle = 1;
id | parent_id | is_cycle | path
1 | 4 | 1 | {(1),(2),(3),(4),(1)}
(1 row)
postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE x ( id , parent_id) AS
postgres-# ( SELECT id , parent_id
postgres(# FROM sys_cbp_test
postgres(# WHERE parent_id IS NULL
postgres(# UNION ALL
postgres(# SELECT b.id , b.parent_id
postgres(# FROM x, sys_cbp_test b
postgres(# WHERE x.id = b.parent_id
postgres(# ) CYCLE id SET is_cycle TO 1 DEFAULT 0 USING path
postgres-# SELECT id , parent_id , is_cycle , path
postgres-# FROM x
postgres-# WHERE is_cycle = 0;
id | parent_id | is_cycle | path
1 | | 0 | {(1)}
20 | | 0 | {(20)}
2 | 1 | 0 | {(1),(2)}
5 | 1 | 0 | {(1),(5)}
21 | 20 | 0 | {(20),(21)}
3 | 2 | 0 | {(1),(2),(3)}
6 | 5 | 0 | {(1),(5),(6)}
7 | 2 | 0 | {(1),(2),(7)}
22 | 21 | 0 | {(20),(21),(22)}