When a connection attempt is rejected because of an authentication failure that involves a bad password or user name, a message similar to the following is returned to the client: "Login failed for user '当连接尝试将被拒绝,因为,涉及到一个坏的密码或用户名验证失败,返回给客户端以下类似的消息:“登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'. “。 (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)". (微软SQL Server,错误:18456)“。
Additional information returned to the client includes the following:返回到客户端的其他信息包括以下内容:
"Login failed for user ' “登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'. “。 (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)" (。NET SqlClient数据提供程序)“
------------------------------ ------------------------------
"Server Name: “服务器名称: <COMPUTER_NAME>" “
"Error Number: 18456" “错误号:18456”
"Severity: 14" “严重性:14”
"State: 1" “国家:1”
"Line Number: 65536" “行号:65536”
The following message might also be returned:也可能返回以下消息:
"Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Server “消息18456,级别14,状态1,服务器 <COMPUTER_NAME>, Line 1" ,1号线“
"Login failed for user ' “登录失败,用户' <USER_NAME>'." '“。