Angular 服务器端渲染的一个错误消息 - No provider for InjectionToken REQUEST


NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppServerModule)

WindowRef -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken SERVER_REQUEST_URL -> InjectionToken REQUEST]:

NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken REQUEST!

Angular universal engine 的文档:

服务器端的 HTTP request 调用,通过 Injection token 注入到 SSR Application 里:

import { Request } from 'express';
import { REQUEST } from '@nguniversal/express-engine/tokens';
export class RequestService {
  constructor(@Inject(REQUEST) private request: Request) {}

这个 token 在客户端环境下不可用。


REQUEST and RESPONSE won't exist when you run in the browser context, even when you are running the SSR server
Use @Optional and take care to check whether you've got it, and consider using isServerPlatform to detect when you are running on the server side

在浏览器上下文环境运行时,REQUEST 和 RESPONSE 不可用。使用 @Optional 来避免 NullInjectorError 错误,以及使用 isServerPlatform 检测当前的运行环境。

相关 issue:

The SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN and SERVER_REQUEST_URL should not be provided in CSR by design.

SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN 在文件 ssr-providers.ts 里提供实现: