可以添加播放区域,添加时会删除上一个播放区域,按住 shift + 鼠标右键可删除播放区域
import React from 'react';
import WaveSurfer from 'waveSurfer.js';
import RegionsPlugin from 'waveSurfer.js/dist/plugin/waveSurfer.regions';
import TimelinePlugin from 'waveSurfer.js/dist/plugin/waveSurfer.timeline';
import MinimapPlugin from 'waveSurfer.js/dist/plugin/waveSurfer.minimap';
import { Slider, Button, Icon } from 'antd';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import styles from './styles.css';
* Use formatTimeCallback to style the notch labels as you wish, such
* as with more detail as the number of pixels per second increases.
* Here we format as M:SS.frac, with M suppressed for times < 1 minute,
* and frac having 0, 1, or 2 digits as the zoom increases.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override timeInterval, primaryLabelInterval and/or
* secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param: seconds
* @param: pxPerSec
function formatTimeCallback(seconds, pxPerSec) {
seconds = Number(seconds);
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds %= 60;
let secondsStr = Math.round(seconds).toString();
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
secondsStr = seconds.toFixed(2);
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 1) {
secondsStr = seconds.toFixed(1);
if (minutes > 0) {
if (seconds < 10) {
secondsStr = `0${secondsStr}`;
return `${minutes}:${secondsStr}`;
return secondsStr;
* Use timeInterval to set the period between notches, in seconds,
* adding notches as the number of pixels per second increases.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param: pxPerSec
function timeInterval(pxPerSec) {
let retval = 1;
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 100) {
retval = 0.01;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 40) {
retval = 0.025;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
retval = 0.1;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 4) {
retval = 0.25;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25) {
retval = 1;
} else if (pxPerSec * 5 >= 25) {
retval = 5;
} else if (pxPerSec * 15 >= 25) {
retval = 15;
} else {
retval = Math.ceil(0.5 / pxPerSec) * 60;
return retval;
* Return the cadence of notches that get labels in the primary color.
* EG, return 2 if every 2nd notch should be labeled,
* return 10 if every 10th notch should be labeled, etc.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param pxPerSec
function primaryLabelInterval(pxPerSec) {
let retval = 1;
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 100) {
retval = 10;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 40) {
retval = 4;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
retval = 10;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 4) {
retval = 4;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25) {
retval = 1;
} else if (pxPerSec * 5 >= 25) {
retval = 5;
} else if (pxPerSec * 15 >= 25) {
retval = 15;
} else {
retval = Math.ceil(0.5 / pxPerSec) * 60;
return retval;
* Return the cadence of notches to get labels in the secondary color.
* EG, return 2 if every 2nd notch should be labeled,
* return 10 if every 10th notch should be labeled, etc.
* Secondary labels are drawn after primary labels, so if
* you want to have labels every 10 seconds and another color labels
* every 60 seconds, the 60 second labels should be the secondaries.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param pxPerSec
function secondaryLabelInterval(pxPerSec) {
return Math.floor(10 / timeInterval(pxPerSec));
export class WaveFormDivider extends React.PureComponent {
static defaultProps = {
startTime: undefined,
endTime: undefined,
src: '',
static initState = {
data: fromJS({
zoom: 0,
playing: false,
state = WaveFormDivider.initState
componentDidMount() {
const { src } = this.props;
src && this.initWaveSurfer();
componentWillUnmount() {
setImmState = (fn, cb) => {
this.setState(({ data }) => ({
data: fn(data),
}), cb);
destroyWaveSurfer = () => {
this.waveSurfer && this.waveSurfer.destroy();
initWaveSurfer = () => {
const { data } = this.state;
const { handleChangeStartEnd, src, startTime, endTime } = this.props;
this.waveSurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
container: this.waveForm,
scrollParent: true,
waveColor: '#A8DBA8',
progressColor: '#3B8686',
plugins: [
dragSelection: {
slop: 5,
container: this.waveTimeline,
primaryColor: 'blue',
secondaryColor: 'red',
primaryFontColor: 'blue',
secondaryFontColor: 'red',
this.waveSurfer.on('ready', () => {
if (data.get('playing')) {
startTime !== undefined && endTime !== undefined && this.addWaveFormRegion(startTime, endTime);
this.waveSurfer.on('region-update-end', (e) => {
const { start, end } = e;
handleChangeStartEnd && handleChangeStartEnd(start, end);
this.waveSurfer.on('region-created', () => {
this.waveSurfer.on('pause', () => {
this.setImmState((dat) => dat.set('playing', false));
this.waveSurfer.on('play', () => {
this.setImmState((dat) => dat.set('playing', true));
this.waveSurfer.on('zoom', (value) => {
.setImmState((dat) => dat.set('zoom', value));
this.waveSurfer.on('region-click', (region, e) => {
if (e.shiftKey) {
handleChangeStartEnd && handleChangeStartEnd(undefined, undefined);
} else {
addWaveFormRegion = (start, end) => {
color: 'hsla(400, 100%, 30%, 0.5)',
handleWaveFormZoom = (value) => {
let tmp = value;
if (value < 0) {
tmp = 0;
if (value > 1000) {
tmp = 1000;
handleWaveFormPlayOrPause = () => {
const { data } = this.state;
const { startTime, endTime } = this.props;
if (data.get('playing')) {
} else {
this.waveSurfer.play(startTime, endTime);
render() {
const { data } = this.state;
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<div ref={(r) => { this.waveForm = r; }} className={styles.waveForm} />
<div ref={(r) => { this.waveTimeline = r; }} />
<div className={styles.control}>
<div className={styles.zoomContainer}>
<Icon type="minus-circle-o" onClick={() => this.handleWaveFormZoom((data.get('zoom') - 100))} />
<Slider tipFormatter={(value) => `${value}%`} max={1000} onChange={(value) => this.handleWaveFormZoom(value)} value={data.get('zoom')} />
<Icon type="plus-circle-o" onClick={() => this.handleWaveFormZoom((data.get('zoom') + 100))} />
<Button className={styles.playBtn} type="primary" onClick={this.handleWaveFormPlayOrPause}>
data.get('playing') ? '暂停' : '播放'
WaveFormDivider.propTypes = {
src: React.PropTypes.string,
handleChangeStartEnd: React.PropTypes.func,
startTime: React.PropTypes.number,
endTime: React.PropTypes.number,
export default WaveFormDivider;
@import "styles/vars.css";
.control {
text-align: center;
.zoomContainer {
position: relative;
padding: 0 30px;
:global {
.anticon {
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
line-height: 1;
font-size: 16px;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
cursor: pointer;
&:hover {
color: var(--color-primary);
.anticon:first-child {
left: 0;
.anticon:last-child {
right: 0;
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