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I have a stored procedure that I am trying to test. I am trying to test it through SQL Management Studio. In order to run this test I enter ...

exec my_stored_procedure 'param1Value', 'param2Value'

The final parameter is an output parameter. However, I do not know how to test a stored procedure with output parameters.

How do I run a stored procedure with an output parameter?

The easy way is to right-click on the procedure in Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS), select 'Execute stored procedure..." and add values for the input parameters as prompted. SSMS will then generate the code to run the procedure in a new query window, and execute it for you. You can study the generated code to see how it is done.

I know all other possible ways to execute stored procedure(like EXEC , calling from C# or PHP) but this is the easiest and a non technical person can do this. so +1 for this and thx for sharing the information. – Dhaval Sep 3, 2013 at 11:13 That seems odd. My context menu on a stored procedure has about a dozen items, including modify, execute, properties, and others – Ray Jun 8, 2015 at 14:56 I think the answer by Jaider below completes this answer since I myself would be interested in the written command and not the mouse solution. – Alwyn Schoeman Dec 6, 2017 at 2:30 Another slightly different way using SSMS: right-click the SP, click "Script Stored Procedure as", then click "EXECUTE To". This will show you the TSQL. – John Gilmer Dec 17, 2019 at 6:15

Check this, where the first two parameters are input parameters and the 3rd is an Output parameter in the Procedure definition.

EXEC USP_Validate_Login 'ID', 'PWD', @PK_Code OUTPUT

From (originally

@parm varchar(10),
**@parm1OUT varchar(30) OUTPUT**,
**@parm2OUT varchar(30) OUTPUT**
  SELECT @parm1OUT='parm 1' + @parm
 SELECT @parm2OUT='parm 2' + @parm
DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)
SET @parmIN=' returned'
SET @SQLString=N'EXEC Myproc @parm,
                         @parm1OUT OUTPUT, @parm2OUT OUTPUT'
SET @ParmDefinition=N'@parm varchar(10),
                  @parm1OUT varchar(30) OUTPUT,
                  @parm2OUT varchar(30) OUTPUT'
EXECUTE sp_executesql
@parm1OUT=@parmRET1 OUTPUT,@parm2OUT=@parmRET2 OUTPUT
SELECT @parmRET1 AS "parameter 1", @parmRET2 AS "parameter 2"

Then, execute the stored procedure, and you can do it without parameter's names, like this:

EXEC my_stored_procedure 'param1Value', @MyOutputParameter OUTPUT

or with parameter's names:

EXEC my_stored_procedure @param1 = 'param1Value', @myoutput = @MyOutputParameter OUTPUT

And finally, you can see the output result by doing a SELECT:

SELECT @MyOutputParameter 

With this query you can execute any stored procedure (with or without an output parameter):

DECLARE @temp varchar(100)  
EXEC my_sp
    @parameter1 = 1, 
    @parameter2 = 2, 
    @parameter3 = @temp output, 
    @parameter4 = 3, 
    @parameter5 = 4
PRINT @temp

Here the datatype of @temp should be the same as @parameter3 within your Stored Procedure.

  • The SPROC below has an output parameter of @ParentProductID

  • We want to select the value of the output of @ParentProductID into @MyParentProductID which is declared below.

  • Here's the Code:

    declare @MyParentProductID int
    exec p_CheckSplitProduct @ProductId = 4077, @ParentProductID =  @MyParentProductID output
    select @MyParentProductID

    Try this; it's working fine for the multiple output parameter:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [endicia].[credentialLookup]
    @accountNumber varchar(20),
    @login varchar(20) output,
    @password varchar(50) output
    SELECT top 1 @login = [carrierLogin],@password = [carrierPassword]
      FROM [carrier_account] where carrierLogin = @accountNumber
      order by clientId, id
    Try for the result: 
    SELECT *FROM [carrier_account] 
    DECLARE @login varchar(20),@password varchar(50)
    exec [endicia].[credentialLookup] '588251',@login OUTPUT,@password OUTPUT
    SELECT 'login'=@login,'password'=@password

    Please check below example to get output variable value by executing a stored procedure.

        DECLARE @return_value int,
        @Ouput1 int,
        @Ouput2 int,
        @Ouput3 int
    EXEC    @return_value = 'Your Sp Name'
            @Param1 = value1,
            @Ouput1 = @Ouput1 OUTPUT,
            @Ouput2 = @Ouput2 OUTPUT,
            @Ouput3 = @Ouput3 OUTPUT
    SELECT  @Ouput1 as N'@Ouput1',
            @Ouput2 as N'@Ouput2',
            @Ouput3 as N'@Ouput3'