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这是因为net core2.1默认使用的https,如果使用Kestrel web服务器的话没有安装证书就会报这个错


dotnet dev-certs https --trust


这是因为net core2.1默认使用的https,如果使用Kestrel web服务器的话没有安装证书就会报这个错其实仔细看他的错误提示,其中有一句叫你执行一个命令安装证书的语句:dotnet dev-certs https --trust在cmd里边运行下就会提示你安装证书,安装成功后就可以成功启动了...
Over 31 simple yet incredibly effective recipes for installing and managing System Center 2016 Endpoint Protection About This Book This is the most practical and up-to-date book covering important new features of System Center 2016 Endpoint protection Gain confidence in managing IT and protecting your server against malware and other threats Configure and automate reporting features and also prepare yourself for a simple and pain-free migration process Who This Book Is For If you are a System Administrator or Engineer using System Center 2016 Endpoint Protection, then this book is for you. You should have a good background with Microsoft products in general, although no knowledge of Endpoint Protection is required. What You Will Learn Explore the best practices for Endpoint Protection in System Center Configuration Manager Provision the Endpoint Protection Client in a Disk Image in Configuration Manager Get to know more about the Security Center Configure definition and engine client updates to be optimum for your bandwidth Make your application or server work with Endpoint Protection enabled Find out how to deal with typical issues that may occur with Endpoint Protection Know how to respond to infections that often occur In Detail System Center Configuration Manager is now used by over 70% of all the business in the world today and many have taken advantage engaging the System Center Endpoint Protection within that great product. Through this book, you will gain knowledge about System Center Endpoint Protection, and see how to work with it from System Center Configuration Manager from an objective perspective. We'll show you several tips, tricks, and recipes to not only help you understand and resolve your daily challenges, but hopefully enhance the security level of your business. Different scenarios will be covered, such as planning and setting up Endpoint Protection, daily operations and maintenance tips, configuring Endpoint Protection for different server s and applications, as well as workstation computers. You'll also see how to deal with malware and infected systems that are discovered. You'll find out how perform OS deployment, Bitlocker, and Applocker, and discover what to do if there is an attack or outbreak. You'll find out how to ensure good control and reporting, and great defense against threats and malware software. You'll see the huge benefits when dealing with application deployments, and get to grips with OS deployments, software updates, and disk encryption such as Bitlocker. By the end, you will be fully aware of the benefits of the System Center 2016 Endpoint Protection anti-malware product, ready to ensure your business is watertight against any threat you could face. Style and approach Build robust SCEP and AV policies and discover the new potential of exciting new features of SCEP 2016. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Planning and Getting Started with System Center Endpoint Protection Chapter 2: Configuring Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager Chapter 3: Operations and Maintenance for Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager Chapter 4: Updates Chapter 5: Security and Privacy for Endpoint Protection in Configuration Manager Chapter 6: Configuring and Troubleshooting Performance and Advanced Protection Chapter 7: Troubleshooting and Fixing Issues Chapter 8: Malware Handling
.net core 本地的 https ,突然无法使用。经下面步骤后可以正常使用:Ctrl + R 键入"certlm.msc",这将打开您的证书管理器 转到个人/证书 你会在那里找到一个名为localhost的证书. 将其移至受信任的根证书颁发机构/证书"直接拖放就可以了。
使用 visual studio 2019 创建了一个全新的、干净的 asp.net core mvc web 程序 修改项目 启动 配置文件(launchSettings.json),删除 IIS 的配置,使用 Kestrel 启动 项目 按 F5 启动 项目 接着,visual studio 提示要安装 SSL 证书,按着提示的步骤,安装完成后,并没有出现预期的结果
Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint . No server certificate was specified , and the default developer certificate could not be found or is out of date. To generate a developer certificate run ‘dotnet dev...
1、在Startup.cs页面下, Configure Services方法里增加如下代码: public void Configure Services(IServiceCollection services) ....... services.Add Https Redirection(Init Https RedirectionOptions); ....... Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint . No server certificate was specified , and the default developer certificate could not be found 步骤一:按照错误提示,在cmd中执行如下命令 dotnet dev-certs https --clean dotnet dev-cert..
这个错误表示你的系统缺少 glibc.i686 这个软件包,这个软件包是 GNU C 库的 32 位版本,提供了大多数程序运行时需要的函数库。你可以通过以下方法来修复这个问题: 1. 在终端中使用包管理器安装 glibc.i686,具体方法可以看看你使用的是哪个包管理器。如果你使用的是 yum,可以运行 `yum install glibc.i686`。如果你使用的是 apt,可以运行 `apt-get install libc6:i386`。 2. 如果第一步无法解决问题,你可以尝试手动下载 glibc.i686 软件包并安装。你可以在这里找到 glibc 的下载地址: https ://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glibc/。下载后,解压缩文件,进入目录并运行 `./ configure `,然后运行 `make` 和 `make install` 就可以安装了。 3. 如果这两个方法都无法解决问题,你可以考虑重新安装一个支持 32 位程序的操作系统。 希望这些建议能帮助你解决问题。
Kubernetes之network: failed to set bridge addr: “cni0“ already has an IP address different from xxx问题... 小明是谁鸭: 厉害呀大佬 Linux-两台Linux服务器间设置共享文件夹(NFS服务器) qq_42702331: 服务器的文件夹怎么设置的,我怎么设置失败 【docker】离线环境导入镜像2大坑 iiwgwsw1111: 嗨,您好!请教下,用这个命令时docker load < /root/image.tar 提示错误怎么回事啊 提示错误:所在位置 行:1 字符: 13 + docker load < C:/Users/wyj/Desktop/optimizer_beta.tar + ~ “<”运算符是为将来使用而保留的。 + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RedirectionNotSupported CentOS添加普通用户,提升至root权限并允许ssh登录 qq_29060627: 允许root登录,但是禁止root用密码登录 这句话的意思是必须: ssh公钥免密码登录 ? Kubernetes之network: failed to set bridge addr: “cni0“ already has an IP address different from xxx问题... Docker下安装ElasticSearch和Kibana 基于alpine用dockerfile创建的ssh镜像