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-> I am getting this error as follows. NU1107 Version conflict detected for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common. Install/reference Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.8.0 directly to project Nexgen.Web to resolve this issue.

->I tried adding the dependency, the error is still persisting User's image

->Neither this project nor other project in solution is using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.

Hi @ Pooja Kesarkar ,

In fact, there is also this interdependence between Nuget packages. You are getting this error because you are installing ReportViewerCore.NETCore .

As you can see in the NuGet Package Manager, ReportViewerCore.NETCore needs to depend on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic(>=3.6.0) :

And Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic needs to depend on Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common :

As for why it is recommended that you install version 3.8.0 directly, because this version solves the dependency problem of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic , you do not need to install Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic :

In fact, under your error message, it tells you some dependencies of the NuGet package you use, you may not notice:

The final flow points to you needing to install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common NuGet package. Install Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 3.8.0 first, then ReportViewerCore.NETCore , as per the NuGet package shown in your screenshot, your error should disappear.

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Chen Li