//FPS limit
unsigned int FPS = 120;
//double holding clocktime on last measurement
double clock = 0;
while (cont) {
//double holding difference between clocktimes
double deltaticks;
//double holding the clocktime in this new frame
double newclock;
//do stuff, update stuff, render stuff...
//measure clocktime of this frame
//this function can be replaced by any function returning the time in ms
//for example clock() from <time.h>
newclock = SDL_GetTicks();
//calculate clockticks missing until the next loop should be
//done to achieve an avg framerate of FPS
// 1000 / 120 makes 8.333... ticks per frame
deltaticks = 1000 / FPS - (newclock - clock);
/* if there is an integral number of ticks missing then wait the
remaining time
SDL_Delay takes an integer of ms to delay the program like most delay
functions do and can be replaced by any delay function */
if (floor(deltaticks) > 0)
//the clock measurement is now shifted forward in time by the amount
//SDL_Delay waited and the fractional part that was not considered yet
//aka deltaticks
the fractional part is considered in the next frame
if (deltaticks < -30) {
/*dont try to compensate more than 30ms(a few frames) behind the
//when the limit is higher than the possible avg fps deltaticks
would keep sinking without this 30ms limitation
this ensures the fps even if the real possible fps is
macroscopically inconsitent.*/
clock = newclock - 30;
} else {
clock = newclock + deltaticks;
/* deltaticks can be negative when a frame took longer than it should
have or the measured time the frame took was zero
the next frame then won't be delayed by so long to compensate for the
previous frame taking longer. */
//do some more stuff, swap buffers for example:
SDL_RendererPresent(renderer); //this is SDLs swap buffers function