A = rand([3,3,3,5]);
%# finds the max of A and its position, when A is viewed as a 1D array
[max_val, position] = max(T(:));
%#transform the index in the 1D view to 4 indices, given the size of A
[v,x,y,z] = ind2sub(size(T),position);
求三维矩阵 T 的最大值和最小值及其位置索引
T(:,:,1) = [3 3
4 2];
T(:,:,2) = [6 8
9 5];
T(:,:,3) = [16 18
20 7];
[max_val, position_max] = max(T(:));
[x,y,z] = ind2sub(size(T),position_max);
[min_val, position_min] = min(T(:));
[r,s,t] = ind2sub(size(T),position_min);
max_val = 20
x = 2
y = 1
z = 3
min_val = 2
r = 2
s = 2
t = 1
%# random 4D array with different size in each dimA = rand([3,3,3,5]);%# finds the max of A and its position, when A is viewed as a 1D array[max_val, position] = max(T(:)); %#transform the index in the 1D view to 4 indices, given the size of A[v,x,.
% 求矩阵中的最大值及其位置
[maxVal, maxIndex] = max(matrix(:));
[maxRow, maxCol] = ind2sub(size(matrix), maxIndex);
% 求矩阵中的最小值及其位置
[minVal, minIndex] = min(matrix(:));
[minRow, minCol] = ind2sub(size(matrix), minIndex);
% 打印最大值、最小值及其位置
disp(['矩阵中的最大值为: ', num2str(maxVal)]);
disp(['最大值的位置为: (', num2str(maxRow), ', ', num2str(maxCol), ')']);
disp(['矩阵中的最小值为: ', num2str(minVal)]);
disp(['最小值的位置为: (', num2str(minRow), ', ', num2str(minCol), ')']);