Hello experts,

I need your help with error: "

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified."

I've looked at numerous posts but none helped me. :'(

MySQL database server is running on Windows10 64bit.

Client Excel where the VBA code is running is 64 bit.

64 bit odbc manager is configured with System DSN, and the name is the defined in connection string in Excel ADODB connection string.

64bit & 32 bit ODBC driver has been installed on MySQL server as well.

I really need your help on resolving the error which occurs when ADODB Connection.open function is called.


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Hello experts,

I need your help with error: "

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified."

I've looked at numerous posts but none helped me. :'(

MySQL database server is running on Windows10 64bit.

Client Excel where the VBA code is running is 64 bit.

64 bit odbc manager is configured with System DSN, and the name is the defined in connection string in Excel ADODB connection string.

64bit & 32 bit ODBC driver has been installed on MySQL server as well.

I really need your help on resolving the error which occurs when ADODB Connection.open function is called.


I've granted user permission on both server level as well as MySQL lever

VBA connection string looks like:

Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver};Server=" & serverAddress & ";Database=jkydb1;Uid=agent;pwd=password;Connect Timeout=500;OPTION=16427"

Incoming rules of MySQL server firewall is also added.

First of all, this is an error from the driver manager, so you are not even coming to the ODBC driver, even less your MySQL Server.

I did a quick test on my machine where I deliberately misspelled the name of the ODBC Driver, and I got the same error message as you.

This leads me to think that you have the name of the ODBC driver wrong, or you have not installed the driver. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with the driver name. I saw this, because you have tagged this for SQL Server, which is a different product from MySQL, and my expertise is with SQL Server, not MySQL.

Thank you Sir for your reply.
I've repeatedly checked for the name and it's definitely the same as it's on the VBA.
ODBC driver is installed on the MySQL driver, both 32 bit and 64 bit.

i'm banning my head for running out of ideas since everybody is saying the driver to be installed correctly for the error and that's what I've done.

Just to remind you that the driver name should match "driver name displayed on Drive tab of ODBC Administration screen" in control panel, instead of the one specify in your VBA code.

See this thread for step-by-step guide to find out what is the correct driver name for your ODBC connection.

You should match the name of driver currently installed in your system, instead of some VBA code.

As you can see there is driver version included in driver name, so there's some chance you don't get the same version of ODBC driver installed.

Hi @Ms Ling ,

We add the SQL server general tag when we meet the issues about MS SQL server. You issue is related to MySQL , I suggest you ask the experts in the MySQL forum to get better help.

MySQL Forums

Best regards,
Cathy Ji

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