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学界对语言接触中语音匹配机制的研究一般采用共时结构比较方法,这种方法不能完全解释目前观察到的复杂匹配现象。相较而言,结合历时演变因素的动态匹配机制可以更好地解释一对多、多对一匹配以及匹配变异现象。语言接触引发的长期语音变化也和动态匹配相关。以傣汉接触为例,本文分析了动态匹配引发外来层、中介语中音类合并的一个实例和音类分化的三个实例,并初步讨论了内部演变和语言接触的互动机制。 Abstract Language contact-induced sound change is an important component of language change. Generally,most researches on sound matching mechanisms in language contact focus on the synchronic structures. Suchtheoretical perspective can not fully cover currently observed matching phenomena. This paper argues that thedynamic matching mechanism combined with diachronic factors is crucial to understand the matching phenomenon.The long-term sound changes caused by language contact are often relevant to the dynamic matching mechanism.aking the contact between the Dai language and the Han-Chinese as an example, this paper analyzes four types ofphonological separation and merger caused by dynamic matching.