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Kirk Schanze
Robert A. Welch
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
ACS Applied Energy Materials
Schanze’s research is focused on the field of light-matter interactions in molecular, polymer and materials systems. His group has developed and studied materials with applications in luminescence, chemo- and bio-sensing, light emitting diodes, solar cells and solar fuels. He has authored or co-authored 300 peer-reviewed articles on basic and applied research topics, with a primary focus on organic and organometallic materials chemistry, and is named in 20 patents or disclosures.
The dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell (DSPEC) represents a novel approach to combining molecular chromophores and catalysts with semiconductors to effect light driven production of solar fuels. The talk will present an overview of work done during the past several years, involving the design, construction and study of molecular and polymer-based assemblies of light absorbing chromophores and catalysts, primarily aimed at water oxidation at the DSPEC anode.