sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: name
时间: 2024-05-31 13:08:41
浏览: 58
This error message is indic[ati]([http](https://geek.csdn.net/educolumn/68f28ca3131d47699e5902c5d3d74d51?spm=1055.2569.3001.10083)s://geek.csdn.net/educolumn/150d7073277950db5f09620704e791cf?spm=1055.2569.3001.10083)ng that the SQL query is trying to access a column named "name" that does not exist in the table being queried. This could be due to a typo in the column name or because the column was not pro[per](https://geek.csdn.net/educolumn/2c6ed1be7edac16b3c9a0c3228eaff0c?spm=1055.2569.3001.10083)ly created in the table. To resolve the issue, check the table [schema](https://geek.csdn.net/educolumn/0205d4918f263cf14d79133cf4504a2f?spm=1055.2569.3001.10083) and make sure that the column "name" is present and spelled correctly. If it is not, you may need to modify the table [schema](https://geek.csdn.net/educolumn/0205d4918f263cf14d79133cf4504a2f?spm=1055.2569.3001.10083) to add the missing column.
sqlite3.operationalerror: no such column:
b'sqlite3.operationalerror: no such column:' 这个错误通常表示你的数据库表中并没有该列。请检查你的SQL语句,确保你要查询或更新的列名是正确的,并且确保该列在表中已经存在。
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: 张三丰
This error message indicates that there is no column named "张三丰" in the SQLite database table that is being queried. The column name may be misspe