得到连续日期需要借助一个有连续序号的表,参考 如何得到连续序号

create table #t(id int identity,Dt varchar(10))
declare  @starttime datetime,@endtime datetime
set @starttime = '2010-5-01'
set @endtime ='2010-5-31'

insert #t
select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(day,number,@starttime),120) dt
from master..spt_values
where type='P' and number between 0 and datediff(day,@starttime,@endtime)
select * from #t

id          Dt
----------- ----------
1           2010-05-01
2           2010-05-02
3           2010-05-03
4           2010-05-04
5           2010-05-05
6           2010-05-06
7           2010-05-07
8           2010-05-08
9           2010-05-09
10          2010-05-10
11          2010-05-11
12          2010-05-12
13          2010-05-13
14          2010-05-14
15          2010-05-15
16          2010-05-16
17          2010-05-17
18          2010-05-18
19          2010-05-19
20          2010-05-20
21          2010-05-21
22          2010-05-22
23          2010-05-23
24          2010-05-24
25          2010-05-25
26          2010-05-26
27          2010-05-27
28          2010-05-28
29          2010-05-29
30          2010-05-30
31          2010-05-31

(31 行受影响)




根据开始时间,结束时间 生成连续的时间

if object_id ( ' TZ_Money ' ) is not null drop table TZ_Money go
create table TZ_Money
int identity ( 1 , 1 ) primary key ,
varchar ( 8 ) not null , -- 用户ID
Income numeric( 10 , 2 ) not null , -- 收入
Expenditure numeric( 10 , 2 ) not null , -- 支出
Balance numeric( 10 , 2 ) not null , -- 余额
[ Time ] datetime not null , -- 日期(天为单位)
LastTime datetime null -- 最后时间
set identity_insert TZ_Money on
insert TZ_Money (id,uid,Income,Expenditure,Balance,Time)
select 1 , ' abc1 ' , 1.00 , 5.00 , 96 , ' 2010-06-7 12:12:12 ' union all
select 2 , ' abc1 ' , 3.00 , 4.00 , 95 , ' 2010-06-7 21:12:45 ' union all
select 3 , ' abc1 ' , 4.00 , 50.00 , 49 , ' 2010-08-7 09:45:59 '


if object_id ( ' p_test1 ' ) is not null drop proc p_test1
create proc p_test1 @starttime datetime , @endtime datetime , @type nvarchar ( 4 ) = ' ' , @uid varchar ( 8 )
declare @sql varchar ( 8000 ), @w varchar ( 1000 ), @g varchar ( 1000 )
create table #t(id int identity ,D varchar ( 10 ))

set @sql = ' select isnull(sum(Income),0.00) 收入,isnull(sum(Expenditure),0.00)支出, '

if @type = ' '
insert #t
select convert ( varchar ( 4 ), dateadd ( year , number , @starttime ), 120 )
from master..spt_values
where type = ' P ' and number between 0 and datediff ( year , @starttime , @endtime )

set @sql = @sql + ' isnull((select top 1 Balance from TZ_Money where convert(varchar(4),[Time],120)<=a.d and Balance is not null   order by time desc),0.00) 余额,a.d as [time] '
set @sql = @sql + ' from #t a left join TZ_Money t on a.d=convert(varchar(4),t.[Time],120) '
if @type = ' '
insert #t
select convert ( varchar ( 7 ), dateadd ( month , number , @starttime ), 120 )
from master..spt_values
where type = ' P ' and number between 0 and datediff ( month , @starttime , @endtime )

set @sql = @sql + ' isnull((select top 1 Balance from TZ_Money where convert(varchar(7),[Time],120)<=a.d and Balance is not null   order by time desc),0.00) 余额,a.d as [time] '
set @sql = @sql + ' from #t a left join TZ_Money t on a.d=convert(varchar(7),t.[Time],120) '
if @type = ' '
insert #t
select convert ( varchar ( 10 ), dateadd ( day , number , @starttime ), 120 )
from master..spt_values
where type = ' P ' and number between 0 and datediff ( day , @starttime , @endtime )

set @sql = @sql + ' isnull((select top 1 Balance from TZ_Money where convert(varchar(10),[Time],120)<=a.d and Balance is not null  order by time desc),0.00) 余额,a.d as [time] '
set @sql = @sql + ' from #t a left join TZ_Money t on a.d=convert(varchar(10),t.[Time],120) '

set @w = ''
if @starttime <> '' and @starttime is not null
set @w = ' and datediff(d, ''' + convert ( varchar ( 10 ), @starttime , 120 ) + ''' ,[Time])>=0 '
if @endtime <> '' and @starttime is not null
set @w = @w + ' and datediff(d, ''' + convert ( varchar ( 10 ), @endtime , 120 ) + ''' ,[Time])<=0 '
if @uid <> '' and @uid is not null
set @w = @w + ' Uid= ''' + @uid + ''''

set @g = ' group by a.d '

exec ( @sql + @w + @g )

' 2010-5-01 ' , ' 2010-9-12 ' , ' ' , ''
' 2010-5-01 ' , ' 2010-9-12 ' , ' ' , ''
' 2010-5-01 ' , ' 2010-9-12 ' , ' ' , ''


(所影响的行数为 3 行)

(所影响的行数为 1 行)

收入                                       支出                                       余额           time
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------ ----------
8.00                                     59.00                                    49.00        2010

(所影响的行数为 1 行)

(所影响的行数为 5 行)

收入                                       支出                                       余额           time
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------ ----------
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05
4.00                                     9.00                                     95.00        2010-06
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-07
4.00                                     50.00                                    49.00        2010-08
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09

(所影响的行数为 5 行)

警告: 聚合或其他 SET 操作消除了空值。

(所影响的行数为 135 行)

收入                                       支出                                       余额           time
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------ ----------
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-01
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-02
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-03
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-04

.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-28
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-29
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-30
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-05-31
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-01
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-02
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-03
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-04
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-05
.00                                      .00                                      .00          2010-06-06
4.00                                     9.00                                     95.00        2010-06-07
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-08
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-09
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-10
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-11
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-12
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-13
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-14
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-15
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-16
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-17
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-18
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-19
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-20
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-21
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-22
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-23
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-06-24

.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-01
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-02
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-03
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-04
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-05
.00                                      .00                                      95.00        2010-08-06
4.00                                     50.00                                    49.00        2010-08-07
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-08-08
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-08-09
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-08-10

.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-06
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-07
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-08
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-09
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-10
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-11
.00                                      .00                                      49.00        2010-09-12

(所影响的行数为 135 行)

警告: 聚合或其他 SET 操作消除了空值。


得到连续日期需要借助一个有连续序号的表,参考如何得到连续序号根据开始时间,结束时间 生成连续的时间然后在用这个连续的时间去比较表里的数据例子:ifobject_id('TZ_Money')isnotnulldroptable TZ_Moneygocreatetable TZ_Money(    Id intidentity(1,1) primarykey,       Uid varchar(8) notnull,            --用户ID    Income numeric(10,2) no
create table t (qdate datetime,vcode varchar(50)); insert into t values('2013-06-01','A001'); insert into t values('2013-06-02','A001'); insert into t values('2013-06-02','B001'); insert into t values...
* @throws ParseException public static List<String> getMonths(String date1, String date2) throws ParseException{ SimpleDateFormat s... 特别注意:经验证number不能超过2048,超过部分不可用 --生成 日期 序列,特别注意,经验证number不能超过2048,超过部分不可用 select observedate sdate,DATEADD(hour,23,observedate) edate from ( SELECT DATEADD(DAY,number,CAST(@i as varchar)+'-01-01 00:00:00') observedate master..spt_values 1 代码在 sql server 2005实现,其他数据需要经过修改 2 计算 连续 时间和 连续 数字是同一类问题,所以合起来一起说,计算 连续 时间的时候只不过将时间转换成数字而已 3 此方法相对高效 create table #tmptable(id int identity(1,1),rq smalldatetime) insert #tmptable val... IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL  DROP TABLE #t create table #t(id int identity,Dt varchar(10)) declare  @start 这个 查询 会选择最近一周(从当前 日期 向后推一周)的数据。需要将“your_table_name”替换为要 查询 的表的名称,将“your_date_column”替换为包含 日期 的列的名称。 类似地,如果要 查询 一个月内的数据,可以使用以下 查询 : SELECT * FROM [your_table_name] WHERE [your_date_column] >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE()) 这个 查询 会选择最近一个月(从当前 日期 向后推一个月)的数据。 希望这些 查询 能够帮助你根据 日期 查询 SQL Server 中的数据。