I m javascript learner and i hv written following code to Show DialogBox on a button click. but it gives error. please help.....
Error :- Error 1 'ASP.default_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'LoadJScript' and no extension method 'LoadJScript' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.default_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
< head runat =" server" > < title > Demo Page for Test < /title > < script language =" javascript" type =" text/javascript" > function LoadJScript() // document.getElementById("label1"). var name = prompt("Enter Your Name Here",MERAZ); < /script > < /head >
< body > < asp:Button ID =" Button1" runat =" server" Text =" Button" OnClick =" LoadJScript()" / > < /body > search where all you are using this method name "LoadJScript"
I believe somewhere in server control you are using this method.
if i am not wrong check if you are calling this method on onclick event of server control and passing one parameter,
to check search (Cntr+f) this method name, and use ClientClick property instead onClick to call javascript method .
Hope this helps you If you want to use onClick have to use return key word. Once your java script return true it will go for server side click event.
<asp:button id= " Button1" runat= " server" text= " Button" onClick= " return LoadJScript();" xmlns:asp= " #unknown" /> <script language= " javascript" type= " text/javascript" > function LoadJScript() var name = prompt( " Enter Your Name Here" , " MERAZ" ); if (name!= null ) // your logic here return true ; // your logic here return false ; </script>
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