
该网站的功能很神奇,可以实现编程语言的转化。感觉在一些场景之下还是有点作用的,比如你原来跟我一样是做Java的,因为工作需要突然转Go。这个时候用你Java的经验 + 这个工具,或许可以起到一定的帮助作用。

工具的使用也很简单,只需要在左侧黏贴你想转换的原始代码,然后点击 CONVERT CODE ,右侧输入框就会转换成目标代码:


const fs = require('fs');
 const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
 const s3 = new AWS.S3({
     accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
     secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
 const fileName = 'contacts.csv';
 const uploadFile = () => {
   fs.readFile(fileName, (err, data) => {
       if (err) throw err;
       const params = {
           Bucket: 'testBucket', // pass your bucket name
           Key: 'contacts.csv', // file will be saved as testBucket/contacts.csv
           Body: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
       s3.upload(params, function(s3Err, data) {
           if (s3Err) throw s3Err


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException;
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3ClientBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutObjectRequest;
public class UploadObject {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String clientRegion = "*** Client region ***";
        String bucketName = "*** Bucket name ***";
        String stringObjKeyName = "*** String object key name ***";
        String fileObjKeyName = "*** File object key name ***";
        String fileName = "*** Path to file to upload ***";
        try {
            AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
                    .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider())
            // Upload a text string as a new object.
            s3Client.putObject(bucketName, stringObjKeyName, "Uploaded String Object");
            // Upload a file as a new object with ContentType and title specified.
            PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, fileObjKeyName, new File(fileName));
            ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
            metadata.addUserMetadata("x-amz-meta-title", "someTitle");
        catch(AmazonServiceException e) {
            // The call was transmitted successfully, but Amazon S3 couldn't process 
            // it, so it returned an error response.
        catch(SdkClientException e) {
            // Amazon S3 couldn't be contacted for a response, or the client
            // couldn't parse the response from Amazon S3.



该网站的功能很神奇,可以实现编程语言的转化。感觉在一些场景之下还是有点作用的,比如你原来跟我一样是做Java的,因为工作需要突然转Go。这个时候用你Java的经验 + 这个工具,或许可以起到一定的帮助作用。根据官方说明,该工具也是通过AI实现的,是不是很神奇呢?这个到底是怎么实现的呢?欢迎关注我的公众号:程序猿DD。工具的使用也很简单,只需要在左侧黏贴你想转换的原始代码,然后点击。可以看到其中还包含了aws的内容,居然也能顺利的转成Java。今天看到个有趣的网站,给大家分享一下。 public class IO { //指定编码格式的路径读取 public static char[] getTheFile(String path,String format) { char[] article = null; 写了一段时间,一开始的思路是:每段每段的读取,把def、class、for等等的有缩进的划分为段落处理,代码写着写着,只能写出来print和赋值语句的转换功能。原因是这两个是单行就可完成的,但是无法得知多行程序里是否包含其他多行,如果硬着头皮写,这会造成反复的判断和代码量几十倍的增加。仔细思考了一番,想出来两种思路: 单行单行判断,遇到有缩进要求的,创建一个池添加进去,以作记录。比较麻烦,但是代码量应该不大。 一段一段判断,但是是从里向外判断,即找到缩进最大的进行义,这就省去了考虑 我相信,读者朋友们可能有跟我经历类似的—— 非科班出身热爱编程,从谭浩强的《C语言基础》到各种技术的入门视频书籍资源辗腾挪,最终发现了Python 这样一个可以快速拥抱编程世界的语言。 搞Python已经3年了,web、数据分析处理(音频/视频/文本/)、GUI(tkinter/wxpython/pyqt/勉强算上webview),回过头看Python对于我这种情况的人,所带来的好处,总结为以下几点: 快速入门:即便是完全没接触过Python,静下心来,也能大致看出入门级的示例 快速实现想法:简单灵 try { // Set up the audio format AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat(800, 8, 1, true, true); // Get a line to the speakers DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format); SourceDataLine speakers = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info); speakers.open(format); speakers.start(); // Get the text to speak String text = "你好,我是CSDN开发的AI语言模型。"; // Create a synthesizer SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = Central.createSynthesizer(null); synthesizer.allocate(); // Set the synthesizer properties synthesizer.getSynthesizerProperties().setVoice("cmn-Hans-CN"); synthesizer.getSynthesizerProperties().setSpeakingRate(150); // Synthesize the text to an audio stream ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); synthesizer.synthesize(text, out); out.close(); // Play the audio stream through the speakers byte[] audio = out.toByteArray(); speakers.write(audio, , audio.length); speakers.drain(); speakers.close(); // Deallocate the synthesizer synthesizer.deallocate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();