Im having a problem dealing with the java scripts alerts..

I am able to navigate and enter data in the webpage but when selecting different item to update a modal alerts displayed..

How can I click the OK button tru VBA?

Any help please...

Here is the code in the webpage i think firing when i select an item triggering the alert..

This is what i see in the HTML scripts:

function onUpdatedShowAlertTS(varControl) {

if (varControl == "ddlProjectStatus") {

var varconfirm = document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnReleaseStatusConfirmation');

if (varconfirm.value == "true") {

var varControlId = document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_ddlProjectStatus');

var value = varControlId.options[varControlId.selectedIndex].innerText;

alert('Release status is reset to ' + value + ' successfully and validation status is Pending.');

document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnReleaseStatusConfirmation').value = "false";

if (varControl == "ddlReleaseName") {

var varconfirm = document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnReleaseNameConfirmation');

if (varconfirm.value == "true") {

alert('Release status and and validation status is reset successfully.');

var isReadOnlyStatus = '0'

if (!(isReadOnlyStatus == 1)) {

document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnReleaseNameConfirmation').value = "false";

document.getElementById('ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_btnSaveValidate').disabled = false;

This is my code:


ieDoc.getElementById("ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnConfirmationforReleaseChange").setAttribute "value", "true"

ieDoc.getElementById("ctl00_Tabs_pnlCaptureTSMetrics_CaptureTSMetrics_hdnConfirmationforReleaseChange").setAttribute "type", "hidden"

One immediate solution would be to use the SendKeys function.

Application.SendKeys "n" ' Send the latter "n" to the dialog

Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}" ' Send ENTER to the dialog

You can find more information on SendKeys here.

Im having a problem dealing with the java scripts alerts..I am able to navigate and enter data in the webpage but when selecting different item to update a modal alerts displayed..How can I click the ...
最近移动端项目用alert和 confirm 进行信息提示,但发现在iOS系统中,每次提示信息上面都会被添加一行URL地址。 那么如何去掉地址提示呢,经查找和实现发现进行重写alert和 confirm 方法可解决此问题。 代码 如下: 重写alert方法: window.alert = function(name){ var iframe = document.creat