Hi How Can ı write " FF" hex value in my file until my write byte ? for example " if ı write textbox " 10 " and press button after program write 10 mb ff hex value in my file" like this https: // i.stack.imgur.com/FxA1r.png ı use this code but write 10 mb files only 1 bytes ff value like this https: // i.stack.imgur.com/APCAp.png What I have tried: <pre lang= " vb" > Dim hex As String = " FF" Using fs As New FileStream( " huge_dummy_file" , FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) For Each byteHex As String In hex.Split() fs.Seek(TextBox1.Text * 1024 * 1024 , SeekOrigin.Begin) fs.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(byteHex, 16 )) End Using If you're expecting a 10MB file to be written with that code, it's not. You're seeking out to 10MB of length and then writing a couple of bytes. You're not even writing the bytes 0xFF. You're writing the characters "FF", which is not the same thing.
To write the bytes for 0xFF, you have to write actual bytes, not strings. You also have to write them by the millions, not seek out to a position and do a single write operation.
Dim hex As Byte = &HFF Using fs As New FileStream( " file.dat" , FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write) For x As Integer = 1 To ( 10 * 1024 * 1024 ) fs.WriteByte(hex) End Using
Simple: don't try to write 50Gb files!
No single item in .NET can be larger than 2GB, so you can't create a byte array that big.
If you must create files that size (and even for testing, 50GB of the same value is rather silly) then create a 1GB array, and append it to the output file 50 times, or a 1MB array, and append it 50,000 times.

But the best is not to create it in the first place!
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